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Posts posted by fire2141

  1. Have you ever been on a flight deck during flight quarters (US NAVY)...Now that's both fun and dangerous! NOTHING COMPARES!

    Been there done that (USS Forrestal 79-81). As any carrier sailor knows, you do you share of firefighting on board as well, especially on the flight deck. Always on your toes being vigilant of everything and I mean everything that's going on around you. Complacency kills, as it does in firefighting as well.

    Jybehofd likes this

  2. Based on what I know of the incident, I think information that has been given till the investigation has conclued has been adequate, that being said any political issues you percieve to be present had no affect on the outcome of this fire. I know that there are people who would try and use this terrible event for personal and political gain as I see which camp this is coming from. I'll also throw in its damn difficult to fight a fire when your turnout gear is in a burning firehouse. You'll most likely get more information as it's released, not sooner.

    Bottom of Da Hill likes this

  3. James thank you for keeping everyone up to date on what's going on in the Bridge. I'm glad you also made some clarifications to false information like inoperable smoke detectors and an empty tanker. This is truely a bad time in our history but I know in my heart the department will pull through stronger than ever, between the dedication of our members and the outpouring of help in the overall fire community both near and far. Please continue to keep is all up to date brother.

    FF398, x635 and BFD1054 like this

  4. On the slide it says 1965 Mack C/1982 E-One....did Golden's Bridge refurb this truck at some point? photo Glenn Vincent


    Thanks for the info, and it does look like a city rig!

    Thanks for the info and it does look like a city rig at that!

    Yes, the Mack was refurbished by E1 and a new 8V71 Detroit repower in the early eighties. I remember the body being so rusted out that we had to put plywood on the floor of the compartments to keep stuff from falling out.

    iaff5045 and RJB896 like this

  5. I now live in Hopewell Junction and they have had these trucks for years. From what I hear they are rather trouble free, as far as sorting, everyone has two bins, one for normal refuse and the other for recyclables. The recycle bin is single stream recycle and it gets sorted out at its destination. The thought of this being more people will recylce if they don't have to sort. This is all being done by a private carter, Royal carting. I guess if a for profit vendor finds these vehicles profitable there should be no reason government can't.

  6. I am by no means an expert in EMS billing, but it is my understanding that the EMS agency itself sets its own rates. This is typically done via whatever governing body the agency operates under (i.e. Board of Directors, Ambulance Authority, etc.) Typically there is also a charge per loaded mile (when a pt is onboard). Now there may be some places where this is not the case.

    Most insurance carriers along with Medicare/Medicaid have their own reimbursement rates for ambulance services. These rates are what they will actually pay for whatever service has been rendered.

    So an ambulance service could charge $1,000 for a BLS ambulance transport. If the insurance only pays $500 for a BLS transport, then the ambulance service can either accept that as payment or bill the patient for the balance. All ambulance services that I'm familiar with that do "subscription drives" will waive that balance for those who purchase those "subscriptions".

    The provider must accept fee given by insurance company with no additional fees as per NY State law. I know I've been through this.

  7. The linked NY Post Article is regarding a mayor and a fire chief at odds over "Truck Nuts" , rubber testicles for autos, on the back of a fire truck . Interestingly enough they are 'illegal and banned' in Virginia and Florida and carry a hefty fine.

    See this article Florida Ban . More on Florida Ban

    NY Post Article

    My advice to the Freeport mayor, man up and grow a pair of your own. This is simply more political correctness, the likes of which are helping to destroy this great country of ours.


  8. The rig in question is operated by DEP's DERTA (Division of Emergency Response & Technical Assesment)unit. It was purchased through Pierce as an empty shell and then outfitted. One of its main purpouses is as a mobile lab. DERTA responds with NYPD to unknown CBRN incidents througout the 5 burroughs. It was in fact purchsed through a Homeland Security Grant.

  9. E138 was refurbished prior to me getting to GBFD. I spoke to one of our ex-chiefs last night on this subject. It was refurbished out of necessity due to severe wear and tear on the compartments I was told.

    Thank you for the clarification on "CF"!


    Yes we did it out of necessity. As I said the compartments were so rusted out that we put plywood on the floor so the equipment wouldn't fall out. When we had it refurbed it was decided to fashion it in such a way to better serve our needs at the time and that is why it's not dead on original. It originally had an unpainted grill and an ugly light green interior. Rumor was this truck was destined for FDNY, although I can't confirm that. Old Engine 140 was a 1965 Mack with a Cincinati cab. It now resides in Red Hills Alabama.

  10. So lets see, this consolidation would give more control of the fire to the same bureaucrats who are in charge of highway maint., parks and rec. animal control, yada, yada. I'm not convinced that this would do anything but enflame the volunteers and increase response times. I do agree that some of the firehouse are what you might call wretched excess. Go ahead fire away at me.

  11. The DEP most certainly does have a hazmat team, I know, I'm on it. We are comprised of 8 men working out of Westchester, Ulster and Sullivan Counties. We are also trained in WMD and technical rope rescue. Currently we have one large and two small hazmat trucks as well as a large mass/technical decon trailer and a small technical decon trailer. we do mutual aid calls within every county in the watershed. We also will make entry when requested. We have a wide variety of equipment.

  12. Hi,

    My name is Mike and I'm an Ex-Chief from Golden's Bridge and I was an active member from 1976-2004 when I moved to Hopewell Junction. I am also on the New York City Department of Environmental Protection Hazardous Materials Team where I'm employed as a Hazardous Materials/WMD Specialist. My team is also tasked as the confined space rescue team for the entire Bureau of Water Supply. Each team member has over 120 hours of rope rescue training. We perform several confined rescue standbys per month and train frequently.

    I miss being active every time my adoptive town (East Fishkill) has a call and goes by my house. They are a top notch department.