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Posts posted by 38ff

  1. The districts legal notice detailing the day & time & term of the elections and the last day you can submit your name to be put on the ballot is put in the local newspaper by law. The names of the canidates that are running are on the ballots. There is no legal requirement to post the list of canidates in the paper. I dont have the exact law # in front of me, but will post it later.

  2. http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/90341/comptroller-lists-fire-districts-with-non-filers-syndrome/

    This could mean some districts might have problems if they didnt do the math right and the amount of the mistake is witheld to off set the following year's tax levy. This was all discussed at the Association of Fire District's Fall meeting, by a rep of the Comptrollers office. (same session where one guy had a medical emergency) The form is pretty simple to fill out and efile.

    Bottom line, all the new rules needs to be kept up on, or else it will become a problem later on.

  3. There are lots of infrastructure improvements to be done, but little cash to do them with.

    Fiber optic is cheaper in the long run than copper, and can carry tons of information (voice & data) that will see us into the next 10-20 years. Splicing fiber optic is pretty easy now and much faster than splicing coaxial cable. Seems only the telephone and Cable co's are doing infrastructure improvements across the board.

  4. Part of the problem is that hydrants are part of the water system controled by the water dept and its special tax district. I dont see how getting water taxpayers to pay for all the infrastructure improvements (adding miles of new mains/hydrants) is going to go over well especailly with the 2% tax cap (and its work arounds) and the bad economy.

    Since all of the houses NOT in a water district are already served by a well, I dont see many homeowners deciding to ditch the well and pay for a tap and the accociated water lines from the main to their house.

    In my opinion, the long term total cost of a few tankers (purchase, upkeep, fuel and insurance) is much cheaper even over the life time of the vehicle than paying for the new mains/hydrants.

  5. I have seen several depts begging for info/help finding their "old" apparatus that was sold off many years ago at musters and on the SPAAMFAA website. If your dept has any interest in getting this one back, now is the time. Funds may not be availible to resto it now, but atleast of you get possession of it, you can resto it when you decide to, even if it is years from now. Hoping to find it and buy it when the funds are availible may lead you on a fruitless search, and a whole bunch of "we should of bought it back then"

    PCFD ENG58 likes this

  6. NWFDMedic hit it right on the head. All you need is some well meaning probie to take a picture of an extrication call that shows the patients, he posts it on his facebook and then a lawyer finds out, and here you go Mr Commissioner, your HIPAA lawsuit. All because a probie that hasnt been in your dept more than 6 months wanted to be the cool guy showing off to his firends that he was at the scene of the "big one" and is now costing you thousands in legal fees.

    A smart policy is in order. The internet is a great tool to be used in information sharing, but some people dont know what is OK to share and whats not. Educate them, enact smart policies and keep them up to date.

    Stifling is not good, but "post whatever you want" is not good either. Find a happy meduim, make a policy, and make sure people understand it.

    I dont think any of us want this in our depts, nor would we want to be the parents. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/10/19/earlyshow/main6971385.shtml

    antiquefirelt likes this

  7. One person is not "in charge" of the board. Even if one "bad apple" gets elected by the voters of the district, he still only has 20% of the vote.(assuming there are 5 commissioners on the board) He would need to get 2 others to agree with whatever motion he/she makes before it can pass.

    The fire dept does not "control" who gets elected. The voters of the district do.

    If someone wants to check on the laws of Fire Districts, I'd suggest they buy the following book.


    It is updated yearly with all the newly added/changed laws. The book takes all the laws and breaks them down into easily understood language, includes dates that legal notices need to be in by, other important dates, ect. In my opinion, every commissioner should have one, as well as anyone who really wants to know what the laws are in an understandable format.

    The NYS Association of Fire Districts is a wealth of knowledge also, and the fall meeting is coming up at the end of this month in Ellenville. Should be an informative time as it has been in the past. Last meeting's Key Note speaker was Chief Billy Goldfeder. I also belive that all commissioners (or atleast one representative from each District) should attend these meetings. New laws and changes are discussed, topics relating to legal, budget, audits, GML, and other such matters as well as an attorneys panel where you can ask any question you have. If your district is not a member of the association, or your district is and their rep isnt going, I'd ask why.

    efdcapt115 likes this

  8. If the NYPD wants to say they have the capabilty, then they should put on a demo showing that they A) have the tools and skills and B) can deploy the same to put rounds on target. Words are semi decent deterents, but when you show off the capability, that speaks volumes.

    You dont have to give away all the details on your tactics, techniques and proceedures, but if you put on a demo, invite news reporters MINUS cameras. Then they can say "We were at a demo of the NYPD shooting down a drone aircraft today, and while I cant show you video or go into detail about how it happened, rest assured it did happen and works as advertised" Thats a much better deterent that still does not give away the details as to the specifics, but shows you can do what you say you can do, and doesnt come from someone inside the agency.