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Posts posted by JScott128

  1. Scott, Thanks for posing these!!!!! I have seen similar shots but the first one really gives you a good idea of what the technology is behind the "Towers of Light" Did you happen to see/get a picture of the large generators that power the lights? They supposedly run on recycled cooking oil..... Did you smell Chinese food when you were there? :D

    The photo is blurry, but you can see the white generators on the right. It had "GE Energy Rentals" on the side of it. I don't remember it smelling like cooking oil, but it was 8 years ago, either I have forgotten or they weren't as "eco-friendly" then.



  2. I agree with Seth, I think the car looks good. And for the guys that are complaining about the extra cost, how much more does it cost? Or are you just assuming that it costs a lot of money? I tried to find a price for the NY State Contract for Fords 2 tone special paint option SP212 but couldn't find a price. I did find a price on the web for Florida's contract, and it is only $450. If the NY cost is similar, that is not that much money to improve the vehicle's visibility and improve officer safety.


    PFDRes47cue likes this

  3. The 15th Police Unity Tour arrived at the Memorial in DC last week with well over 1000 officers and we raised a record 1.5 million dollars for the Memorial. Maryland State Police helicopter Trooper 6 took some great video of the ride here:


  4. In addition to law enforcement officers, survivors of fallen officers are allowed to ride in the Police Unity Tour. Sgt Daniel Sakai and 3 of his fellow officers were murdered on 3/21/09. Last year I rode alongside Sgt. Sakai's older sister, who was honoring her brother.




    We Ride for Those Who Died!


    helicopper and BFD1054 like this

  5. This will be my 6th year riding in the Police Unity Tour and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my law enforcement career. I had never been to the Memorial or Police Week before, and riding a bike 300 miles to get there with my brother and sister officers was amazing. I would highly recommend the Police Unity Tour to anyone in law enforcement. Please consider making a donation to Chris' buddy Jack, the money goes to the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial Fund. The Tour has raised over $8.4 million dollars since it was started with 18 riders in 1997. The Tour gave $5 million to the new LE museum that is under construction across from the Memorial. Last year over $1.3 million was raised to restore the officer's names that are engraved on the memorial walls.

    Raising money for the Memorial is the secondary purpose of the Tour. The primary purpose is to honor our fallen brother and sister officers. Our motto is "We Ride For Those Who Died". This year I will be riding for an officer who was killed in a crash. He worked in the town next to me and had backed me up on numerous calls.


    PS. If anyone is interested in sponsoring me, send me a PM and I will send you my fundraising web page.

    BFD1054 and helicopper like this

  6. Great grab by our brothers in blue. When no one else would answer the call, these guys got the job done!

    Question for anyone who is in the know, besides NYPD and the USCG do any other choppers have hoist capabilities in our area?

    Approximately 2007, NJSP added a hoist to one of their S-76's. I remember listening to a pursuit and bailout in the Meadowlands near Giant stadium where the suspect and the cops had to get hoisted out, but NJSP didn't have the capability and NYPD was called. Wasn't long after that when NJSP got a hoist. Since they've had the hoist, you will see news releases every once in a while about NJSP using it to rescue lost hikers. NJSP is replacing their helicopters, hopefully the new ones have the capability.


  7. Date:1/26/11


    Location: Hudson River, 1 mile south of GWB

    Frequency: Multiple, NYPD SOD, FDNY

    Units Operating: NYPD Harbor & ESU, FDNY Marine, Fort Lee FD, Edgewater FD, NJ EMS Mass Care 1

    Weather Conditions: Snow

    Description Of Incident: Fire confined to the engine compartment of the Ferry Boat Myra Smith (SP?). Ferry boat George Washington on scene assisting. Boat was reported to be 1 mile south of the George Washington Bridge on the NJ side in Edgewater. NYPD Harbor requested FDNY Marine units to respond to assist. NYPD ESU mobilization point 125th Street on the Hudson River. Fort Lee FD attempting to put boat in the water. North Hudson FD Marine unit requested. NYPD reporting all passengers were removed to the Edgewater Marina. NJ EMS Mass Care 1 and numerous additional EMS units dispatched to Edgewater

    Writer: JScott128

  8. You've got to take the oxygen tank out anyway, why not take the AED too?

    Why do you have to take the O2 out? We had a Sgt that told us we had to because the cold O2 is bad for the patient, but it is the same temp that the first responders are breathing, and a ER doc told us that it wasn't bad for a patient. Is it because there is less pressure? We do do not take the O2 out of our patrol cars.

  9. Thanks for the reply. But I would think the AED's are "rugged" enough to deal with condensation issues and that the manufacturers would have addressed this. Do you know if the operating manual addresses condensation issues? Also, if you are concerned with the condensation caused by bringing the AED from the car into a warm environment at a call, aren't you adding to the problem by taking it out of the car every night?

  10. My Police Dept has told all officers that the AED's can not be left in the patrol cars at the end of the shift because the cold weather will kill the batteries. I saw the other thread about camera batteries and cold weather so I thought I would ask about AED's. Does any other police/fire/ems departments remove the AED's from vehicles that are not being used because of cold weather? I called the manufacturer of our AED, they stated that the storage temp is -22F to I think it was 149F. When I asked our local medics if they remove them, they said they do not, and you shouldn't have to, they are built to military specs. When I brought this up to my administration, they changed the policy to allow us to leave the AED's in the car. Does anyone else remove them?


  11. 11 deaths so far this year is a horrible start, but the really horrible part is that this is a pretty average number. Last time this year we lost 14 brother and sister officers. I really hope we have a better year, but I am not optimistic. I attended the Lakewood (NJ) PD funeral the other day and they estimated 10,000 officers were there. But its sad that we have to put SWAT on the perimeter and on the rooftops for security during a funeral for our fallen brother. And even sadder that the first news I hear after leaving is of the 2 Miami-Dade officers who were murdered.

    Look out for your brother and sister officers and stay safe!
