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Everything posted by EMSer

  1. wow,just horrific... my thoughts and prayers to the family of the medic and may that medic rest in peace ...a wake up call to EMS systems that do not run with the PD, or EMT/Medics that beat the PD to the scene. Just awful
  2. wow, impressive! we don't have that kind of technology at vac's lol
  3. in pic 6, what's red toggle switch above the light/siren box for?
  4. What's going on at Manhattanville College? I heard there was some commotion going on there...
  5. arrive light and sirens in an ambulance or fly car instead of renting a limo...this could save you some $$$ too!!
  6. would mobile site be easier? ex: www.m.emtbravo.net?
  7. Great letter! Facebook users, join the Harold Estes Fan Page! http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Harold-B-Estes/195253037981?ref=mf
  8. it isn't a false statement, there is enough food and water at the Haitian airports to save and prolong life, but there isn't enough people to distribute it. there is not order. (These aren't my words, a friend of mine works at the American Red Cross and is disgusted that American people and donated millions of their hard earned money to Haiti, yet most of the money paid for food, water and clothing that hasn't reached the people) the Haitian government assembled, yet they don't know what they're doing, and the countries that sent troops are not ordering, they're just there...some still looking for people buried, but the saved aren't getting lifesaving attention
  9. yes, indeed. but the stated "Rosary" (not beads in general) is Catholic
  10. well said, although Christians don't use rosary beads, that's the Catholics
  11. Hi all, My name is Jeff and I am starting a column for The Putnam Examiner weekly newspaper. This column is targeted to help increase awareness for volunteer emergency services – primarily, but not limited to FD's, VAC's and Police Auxiliary. While reading the newspaper a few weeks ago I began to think, I was thinking about a new column idea it. The idea I had was for interviewing local volunteer emergency personnel on a (hopefully) monthly basis - a "volunteer of the month", so to speak. This would give recognition to the volunteer on a personal level, as well as the agency as a whole. In the spirit of promoting volunteerism, I am doing this monthly project voluntarily as well. I myself am also a volunteer in an ambulance corps in Westchester. The reason why I am doing this column in the Putnam edition is simply because the Putnam editor seemed to like it and has agreed to it. The Westchester editions aren't necessarily a dead concept yet, so I hope to extend this to Westchester newspapers as well! What I ask of I EMTBravo Putnam volunteers is to consider a volunteer. One of any age, gender and any rank – there is no discrimination to anyone for this. Please let them know you are considering them, and ask them to please email me with their name, age, volunteer agency name and a brief bio as to what got you to volunteer - why you chose FD/EMS/PD and any other info to help me chose the volunteer for that month, something unique. If someone you know is too humble, email me for them! Know that I cannot chose everyone and that I may not respond to every email if this becomes a hit; but I do promise to read every single email that is sent to me. Also, please know that it is my hopes that this column is printed each month, but it is not a guarantee. I hope to get this printed in February, it's all up to the publisher! Please email me at ExaminerVolunteer@yahoo.com From there we can establish a date and time to meet. We will have a mini photo shoot of that person wearing their uniform or turnout gear and begin the interview! I hope to interview 2-4 people per month, to stay ahead of the newspapers schedule The Putnam Examiner publishes 5,000 copies of this newspaper weekly, as well as 10,500 copes for two different Westchester publications. It is a FREE paper supported by advertising and I urge everyone to pick up a copy each week! Please view the website to see where the closed drop-off location is! www.theexaminernews.com Thank in advance for everyone and anyone who in interested in this! This posting was allowed and approved by Seth G on 1/14/10. Thanks again Seth!
  12. Thanks to all who responded so far!
  13. Just wondering what's going on in what seemed to be southern Greenburgh? Was driving home on Route 22 in North White Plains around midnight when I saw the county pd chopper circling in that area...
  14. How about WCPD get themselves a Toyota Camry or a Prius and NOT tell the media...
  15. wow! that is a very impressive video! just one comment, at 1:35 the person had their thumb on the scope while taking a BP Great Job Eastchester!
  16. the same reason why vollie FD members get away with mini and full size lightbars, no one really cares about that law. i have never met a cop that has bothered a member about their "excessive" blue/green light use
  17. If you are one of the 2,000 people that have Verizon and have signed up for LoHud Text Alerts, you may or may not have realized that you haven't received any in awhile. Verizon and 4INFO (the company that powers LoHuds Alerts) are having legal concerns and therefore have halted all LoHud Text Alerts for Verizon Customers for the time being. LoHud intends to get some more details from the closed door meetings to give their customers updated info.
  18. I’d just like to thank the Valhalla Fire Department, Independent Company for having the spirit to place a Traditional Christmas “Manger Scene” on the lawn of your H.Q. In a world of Secularism and Political Correctness, you have still choose to set up a very tasteful manger scene. Although we all know that December 25th was not the day Jesus was born, it is simply a day chosen to honor His birthday since His actual birthday is still unknown (some scientists and theologists say either the early Fall or mid-Spring arguing celestial, lunar and star configurations and locations mentioned in historical books), STILL, of course, I congratulate all the members and company officers for not allowing the secular world to dictate how Christians celebrate the birth of our Lord. My camera is not working properly, was wondering if any VFD Independent Co. members could take a pic and post it here. Otherwise, I will take it with my cell (decent quality) and post it. I vaguely recall a lit tree on the property in the past, but assume it has been removed. Just wanted to say to them that I hope others will appreciate this new scene as much as I do and hope to see it in future years!
  19. i searched through other forums and i didn't see a clear section on whether emtbravo members would get the vaccine themselves or not. i have the opportunity to get the shot this week and was considering it, but still unsure. what do you think? would you get it?
  20. It's not EXACTLY the same, but close. The H1N1 Shot has rare small chance that the individual may get Guillian Barre Syndrome - where the CNS attacks itself. The Seasonal Shot has a ZERO chance of that happening...you tell me why the government says they're made EXACTLY the same...not true. Exact is not the same as similar. Also an interesting fact - those of you who lived through the H1N1 Era circa 1950-1960's may have already come into contact with the weaker H1N1 then, thus your body already has built its defense for this version.
  21. Date: 11/4/09 Time: Approx 1800 hours Location: Jefferson Ave Frequency: MPPD, 46.26, Batt 11 EMS and FD Apparatus: VFD TL49, R9, E82, E84, 82B1, 82B2 (Standing by on Scene), 37M1, 87A1, HFD L56, MPPD P.O and Det, Mt. Pleasant Water Dept, ConEd Gas and Electric, Batt 11 TFD TL1 and 2473 Standing by at VFD Independant Co., HFD E155 and 2192 Standing by at VFD Eng Co. Writer:EMSer Driver drove van into home. Severed the gas line as well as water main. MPPD evacuated the neighborhood Driver to ALS WMC with M1 and B1 ConEd shut gas off. Homeowners unharmed -Feel free to PM me with other details and accurate times, if known.
  22. ditto it's a good TELEVISION SHOW that's all it is...a TELEVISION SHOW lol nothing more, nothing less just watched the first episode a few nights ago, the opening scene was great, really action packed.
  23. Exactly. Also, does anyone recall - Innocent Until Proven Guilty...?