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Everything posted by Porsha911gt3

  1. First of all let me start off by saying, DO NOT post comments about how it should not be called a wetdown if there is no water, Thank You Anyway This Saturday the East Fishkill Fire District will be hosting a Wetdown (no water) they will be dedicating 7 trucks, which include, 3-3000 Gallon Tankers (US Tanker) 2 Ford Ambulances (Life Line) 2 Ford Fire Police Vehicles http://www.freewebs.com/effd2/Wet%20Down%20Web.jpg If there are any questions please PM me and I will try to get them answered Saturday, September 23rd, 2006 From: 12:00 - 4:00 East Fishkill Fire District HQ 2502 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, New York 12533 MAP For Information: (845) 226-1652 Weekdays 9-3
  2. Date: 07-29-06 Time: 1957 Location: Route 52 and Nicholson Rd Frequency: 453.900 (Dispatch Ch.1), 453.925 (Response Ch.2), 453.800 (Command Ch.3), 453.625 (F/G 9&10), 465.450 (Field Ops Channel 16 (Helicopter LZ) Units Operating: East Fishkill 39-1, East Fishkill 39-4, East Fishkill 39-17, East Fishkill 39-52, East Fishkill 39-71, East Fishkill 39-98, MLSS, East Fishkill Police, Stat Flight Air 2 Description Of Incident: Serious Motorcycle Accident with Medevac. Reported victim flew 30-60 feet Writer: Porsha911gt3
  3. When i was there about a month ago someone told me that they were going to be building new barracks for about 800 troops, they are going to build a new armory on top of the hill right where you come in and like the guys said above me they are going to level the entire fire training area and build a mock Iraqi village and as the guy that was telling me said, that move shows how long we are going to be over there in Iraq. On a side note, my class actually got to destroy some of the stuff that had been sitting there for years because of the fact that it was closing so that was at least fun..
  4. Yea East Fishkill hasn't had a significant amount of bad accidents lately so a lot less helicopters have been called
  5. The sad thing is, with fuel prices now its cheaper for me to fly from rochester to jfk then it is for me to drive now
  6. $4.25 a gallon? hell with the way things are going we won't need a natural disaster to see those prices
  7. Not to toot my own horn, but up here at school I am actually in the process of developing a new technology that will hopefully be applied to Scott pack air bottles. I really do not want to say what it is, because I am working on a patent for it and if the idea got out, then that would not be too good for me. I came up with this idea a few months back, and researched it and did not find any mention of the idea, but if all things go well, you may be wearing it in a few years
  8. Your problem is that your trucks don't get enough sun. Leave Your trucks out in the sun for a while maybe they will ripen and at least turn yellow, but you gotta leave them out in the sun for a real long time for them to turn red.
  9. Visit this site, this has all of the Lifenet helicopter locations http://www.airmethods.com/prog_locs/index....oc_serv=lifenet They also Staff Life Guard 17, also out of Stewart There is also Albany Med Flight http://members.aol.com/gryniuk/medflight.html
  10. Okay not that this is a bad thing, but most of the episodes will probly hold up to the preview, because the show has turned into a comedy more than a fire show now.
  11. If I didn't hear everything about it from everyone on here, I honestly could not believe it. It's amazing that they can mangage to tear down and rebuild a house in a week
  12. I wish I knew you guys did this, I work at Branton Woods, which is right near the Beekman Country Club, and far nicer, I could have tried to get you guys a good deal, If you guys need people to help out and I am still around (i may be at school on the 25th i dont know), I would be more than happy to help out, I also worked at BCC for a few months before moving on to Branton Woods, I would be more than willing to help out let me know
  13. A little off topic, but how does motorola manage to f---up everything they make, im not going to go as far as to say "if it aint broke don't fix it" cause you can always improve things, but many of their products were much better than they are today, pagers, cell phones, and radios to name a few, you would think that they would take all of the pluses of the old products and put them in the new ones, but i can see if they messed up one generation ok, but when people still say the minitor II is still the best 3 generations later, thats a problem, motorola should have used that as a wake up call. Sorry for the rant but Motorola's gotta change its ways
  14. details??? do u want an antenna for a car, home, do u want it to be a mountable one or just a desk top one, what kind of scanner is it........
  15. It's always the simplest things that ya never think of
  16. Firehose?
  17. And to think the other day, I passed a dedicated HUMMER dealer up here in Rochester and was like holy sh!t I gotta visit there
  18. Hey everyone, I was just wondering if any departments in the tri-state area have any damaged composite SCBA bottles. I am looking for bottles that are beyond repair, Since there is no longer a use for the damaged bottles, I was wondering if you would be willing to donate them to me, I am starting a large research project on them and I need some to cut apart and analyze. Once again I am looking for the Newer COMPOSITE 4.5 style Bottles, the size or brand does not matter. If anyone knows of any bottles or has any bottles, let me know by posting, PMing or emailing me (bmt387@gmail.com) Thanks Brian
  19. You probably need to shoot at around 1/1000th or possibly more, it's all about timing just like everything else with photography. If the vehicles are moving then you must also account for that.
  20. Along the same lines, although we try to get the word out there, If you ask half the people in our town they think we're paid, We have 100% Volunteer plastered on everything, but all of the new people that are moving into our area from westchester and NYC don't care.
  21. First of all, that is REALLY ANOYING, and I am not saying that because it is bad news it should not be published, I am saying that the Poughkeepsie Journal very rarely publishes the good news that comes out of the public safety community. If its bad news fine they can publish it fine, but where is the good news when it happens, O yea thats right good news doesn't sell. Once again this is not just steming from this article it has happend over the years.
  22. You are right in saying that, but the article does not just imply that his mask was improperly donned, it also implies that the SCBA may have malfunctioned, but once again you are right and the investigation will determine the truth.
  23. I really don't know anything about this, but I can say that over the years or reading the Poughkeepsie Journal I have noticed that they don't really publish any good that comes out of the public safety community. Good old Poughkeepsie Journal, unless its bad news they don't publish it, or unless the get the right picture to make firefighters look bad (City of Poughkeepsie Fire a few months back), they don't publish it either, but hey no news is good news right. They always seem to leave out the major incidents around the county and how well departments handled them, but when they can bite there teeth into something juicy they will. This is really just from personal experince that I have noticed this, not so much within the fire service mostly because I have been in it for less than 2 years so I can not and will not comment on it from that aspect.