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Posts posted by Bill204

  1. Just wanted to share this website to anyone who may be interested. 



    The site records audio of dispatches for a bunch of departments throughout Westchester and can text or email you the recording as soon as it comes in. You can subscribe to any department, and don’t need to be associated with any particular agency. 


    They offer a free trial and the rates are reasonable. I’ve been using it for a while and it’s been working great. 


    Just wanted to share with everyone. 

    LayTheLine, AFS1970 and Billy like this

  2. I'm Phil... creator of Fire GRS.

    I first want to thank everyone for the support I have gotten for developing this product. You have most likely read the article already, but let me summarize. I developed this product because I have a passion for both the fire service and technology. I wanted a way to bridge the two together in a unique way. I very much feel like this should be a community product and I'm doing as much as I can to keep it going in that direction.

    KS1980, Somebuffy Guy.... Thanks for pointing that out. I am not claiming to be the first guy to develop an app that uses push notifications. I do believe that this is the first (or one of the first) that is using GPS in the way that Fire GRS does for the fire service.... Not just mapping calls, but mapping responders as well. This post isn't meant to bash any other programs or services out there. Departments have the freedom to choose what service they go to, what features they want, and how much they want to pay.

    As RWC130 said, the more tools out there the better. Some other services cost almost $1,000 / year, that being said, they also come with tons of features. Admittedly Fire GRS doesn't have as many features. If departments want them, I have no problem adding them, but for now, because the product is still in it's early stages, it seems like bloat and a distraction from the main purpose of the app. That being said the price tag of $0 / month makes up for the fact that this isn't feature rich, but the app does do the job that it claims. There are costs associated with this product, server costs, etc. Because of my background I'm able to keep these so low and as a result give this product away for free. I played with various pricing models ranging from $10-$25 / month with no contract, but for now I'm happy to make it free.

    Back to the community part... I have a department using this in MO. They get about 50 calls a year. They don't have a dispatch center that can send out text messages, or e-mails and were looking for a way to know who was responding to calls. They also don't have the budget for other systems. The Chief mentioned it would be great if there was a way that they could have calls get sent out as text messages to the members with out iPhones. They wanted this feature which I didn't have yet, so I added it for them. I want this product to be something that everyone in the community can contribute to and share ideas. The product is so new that we can quickly add features, and make enhancements.

    If you have any direct questions or would like to try Fire GRS please email

    x635 likes this

  3. How exactly is it 80 psi PDP? You didn't give me all the info to be able to quantify your numbers. I'm assuming you're saying that's with a 150 GPM discharge which that number would be pretty accurate...but what is the tip size and its actual rating? For a standard 15/16" opening I think its rated GPM is like 185 GPM..that's by memory as I don't have time to punch the numbers right now.


    As far as the your PDP is 50 psi what is the would need to use a pitot gauge at the nozzle to get what the number is..but I would actually say who're not going to get anything remote out of it being the tip needs 50 to work right. One of the reasons why its not discussed the way you put it...what is the GPM with a PDP of 50 is you don't want to work it out that want to deliver the appropriate rated capacity.

    Right, I know you shouldn't pump that way, I was just wondering if there was an equation to figure it out.

    And as for you're last question, no it actually has nothing to do with physically pumping, I was just curious about the pressures themselves and how it all relates. Luckily no one is saying put the needle here and you'll be set.

    Thanks again for all the help

  4. ALS, thanks, yea that helps... But lets say that you have 100' of 1 3/4 line with a smooth bore. By using field math your pump pressure would be 80psi, which gives you 50 psi at the tip... lets say that instead the pump discharge pressure is 50psi how would you figure out gpm?

    Thanks again... This isn't as much for actually being on scene pumping, more for understanding how all te pump parts and pressures relate to each other.

  5. Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to do some pump ops math, and Im wondering if someone can help me out.

    I need to calculate Gallons Per Minute, and Friction Loss. So both of those are easy, and here are the formulas:

    GPM =

    //NP = Nozzle Pressure

    //d = Diameter of tip

    30 * (d^2) * Squareroot(NP);

    Friction Loss =

    //C = coefficient of friction for hose diameter

    // q = gallons per Minute

    // L = Hose Length

    c * ((q/100)^2) * (L/100);

    Now here is the problem....

    I have current pump discharge pressure, Tip Diameter, Hose Length / Diameter, coefficient of friction.

    GPM needs Nozzle Pressure, and you can't get that without Friction Loss, and Friction Loss needs GPM

    The only way I can think of doing it is to just say the friction loss is about 15psi / 50' of 1 3/4 and calculate GPM using that number, but I'm not sure if that is the most accurate.

    If anyone wants to do some reverse pump ops math feel free to help!


    (I'm afraid I'm making a silly mistake, but I'm not quite sure)

  6. Hi,

    I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm looking for some good high quality pump panel pictures of newer apparatus that has the up and down levers to control the valves, as opposed to the kind where you pull the valve straight out, or the electric valves with the button or the wheel. Ideally I would like full res images, (with no shadows or glare). I know a lot of you take great pictures and if someone would let me use their picture of that kind of pump panel that would be great.

    (feel free to PM me if you want more info before you give me your picture)


  7. Hi,

    I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm looking for some good high quality pump panel pictures of newer apparatus that has the up and down levers to control the valves, as opposed to the kind where you pull the valve straight out, or the electric valves with the button or the wheel. Ideally I would like full res images, (with no shadows or glare). I know a lot of you take great pictures and if someone would let me use their picture of that kind of pump panel that would be great.

    (feel free to PM me if you want more info before you give me your picture)


    BigBuff likes this

  8. Just poking around the web at different fire departments in the area. I saw Armonk FD has a new website (and facebook page).

    Good luck with it!

    On a side note, being in the tech industry, I would like some insider insight. What do different departments do to help with recruitment and retention? Especially using technology / social media. And do you think it helps?
