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Posts posted by FFEMT150

  1. Can you imagine what would happen if the State Comptroller Mandated an annual FD report as part of your required budget. Make it available on the Comptrollers, your depts. (if applicable) and your town (city, village) web sites.

    Required info:

    Budget breakdown

    Number of career ff's and training received during the year (if any)

    Number of volunteer ff's and training received during the year (if any)

    Minimum career on duty staffing: per shift & per apparatus (if any)

    Minimum response of career personnel to reported fire (if any)

    Minimum response of volunteer personnel to reported fire (if any)

    Average response of volunteer personnel to reported fire (if any)

    Maximum response of volunteer personnel to reported fire (if any)

    If above 3 vary more than 10%, list time of day/day of week

    Number/type of apparatus.

    Condition of apparatus, equipment, stations, etc.

    Other services provided.

    Mutual aid given & received

    Injury summary

    ISO rating

    Even if the community does not react, maybe....just maybe if departments measure their performance, they might try to improve it. Or maybe the politicians will just be embarrassed enough to fund us to the level needed to fix it.

    Very good point. I think we should all take a long look in the mirror every now and then. There is always room for improvement in the fire service and those who say they are perfect are usually the worst offender.

    To answer seths question, I really don't think they know what they expect. There have been plenty of times I have gone on an ems run and the patient and family didn't even know their taxes pay for the medic. Do they deserve more? No. All the people we serve should be getting the same top notch professional service no matter who serves them, where they are or how much they pay.

    I am a firm believer that if you show the public what their money pays for they complain less about spending it. For arguement sake, lets say your local department just spent $5000.00 on a new saw blade. Seems to be a bit much? Now lets say this blade is a long life, self sharpening blade that can get through the metal of a car in a 1/4 of the time shortening the amount of time needed for an extrication. Seems like it was worth it right?

    Maybe a poor example but I think you guys can see where I am going here.

  2. I run with a 1044 issued by my dept, and have a personal 1010. Both are good, I just like the finished look of the 1010 better. Not a fan of the defender eye shields, don't fit over my specs. If you are looking for light weight, both are fine, but as ugly as they are the old 660 is the lightest.

  3. Thank you all for opinions. While I did not mean to be abrasive, I wanted to make a point here.

    If the average expected life span of an American is 78.3. Then anytime a member under that age dies from (MVA, Drowning, Household accident, Cancer, Heart, Food poisoning, ETC) then they are entitled to a LODD funeral with full honors and multiple FDs like Mahopac VFD gave.  I would image that budgets and the precious time that volunteers give would soon be strained to the point of breaking. Volunteers complain about the amount of time training takes now, add another 5-6 hours a month for funeral detail. After all they are many more volunteers then paid. (As pointed out in another post)

    During my time I have seen many nice, wonderful, great guys die before their time and did not get a LODD funeral. The FD if involved line up at the wake to pay tribute. Maybe sent an engine for flowers and lined up in front of station as the Hearst and family past. There are many FFs from paid FDs(including FDNY) that are members of Mahopac VFD that I am sure could have advised on them on protocol.

    As for doing this for every member, time will tell. 25 or 60 year members we'll see, I believe time is on my side. As I don't live in the Mahopac fire district and as pointed out the public's opinion doesn't matter in this event.  The taxpayers may want to vote, with their opinions, in the future at the voting booth. Oh that is if the public ever can vote at the secret public fire district elections that take place during the month of December instead of during regular November elections. (but this is another matter)

    Since this was not a LODD, I would hope that no taxpayer money was used for this funeral. If that is the case that full reimbursement from the Company for all District expenses is instituted.

    Secret public fire dist elections? As another member pointed out already, they are announced with a legal notice in the news paper as required by law. I'm sorry if you feel you are getting screwed by your dist. but I fail to see where this has any relevance to the topic.

    Now for the topic at hand, This was the way that Mahopac FD and I'm sure the family wanted to honor a respected member who was murdered. If you would have done so differently than so be it.

    Instead of tearing them apart, why don't we practice some of this "brotherhood" that so many of you claim to beleive in and show our support to the Mahopac FD as they mourn the loss of a beloved member. Or did we all forget that during this battle of egos?

    To the Mahopac FD members, My deepest condolences. If anything is needed feel free to PM me.

    JetPhoto and INIT915 like this

  4. Recently I was provided with information from NYS PESH (Public Employee Safety & Health) regarding the required annual training requirements for New York State Firefighters.

    The following is a portion of an e-mail I received from a PESH representative. With his permission I am forwarding the full e-mail with only his position, name, and location deleted.

    If anyone has any questions beyond what is in the above, PM me and I will provide contact information.

    Looks like most of this is covered by OSHA training no? Good info though. If you wouldn;t mind can you PM me a link where I can find this info?

  5. Thanks for the input guys. I want to try and reach out to members that are LEO's here and get their input. I will stress the point that this thread is in no way ment to criticize or offend in any way how law enforcement operates or their practices. This is just an honest thought i have been mulling over for quite some time.

    JetPhoto likes this

  6. Are troopers even issued traffic vests? I know they don't carry certain ems equipment like aeds becuase the state doesn't want to spend the money outfitting every car with them.

    Thats more or less what I am asking here. Do they have them and why dont they use them??? Not only Troopers, but local LEO's as well.

  7. After speaking briefly with one of the moderators I have decided to go ahead and start this thread. This was a thought I have been contemplating for quite some time. I travel the TSP everyday to work and often ask myself as I pass a trooper on a traffic stop, "Why don't these guys wear the safety vests?"

    DOT requires that emergency personnel operating on roadways wear an ANSI approved traffic safety vest. My thought is, If we wear them with FD and EMS, than why dont LEO's wear them? I understand the tactical aspect of the job may be inhibited by the vest but as far as a traffic stop or detail, why not have it on?

    Thanks for the input folks and as always, Stay Safe out there!

    OoO, x129K and JetPhoto like this

  8. An AFA is alerting us to a potential FIRE, and should be treated as such. A MINIMUM of 2 engines and a truck should be sent, so I don't think an engine/truck/rescue response is overkill. Keep the Rescue back, send another engine instead.

    Yeah... Origional post was supposed to show a 2-1-1 assaginment... Brain fart, sorry.

  9. From those I've spoken to they put a lot of planning in this and nice to see another take hold in the area. Only thing I wish I would see more of is forearm immersion chairs. Misters are ok...but studies are showing they may not be all that effective and may actually create vaso constriction on the skin surface causing an increase in body core temperature.

    We have the immersion chairs on our rehab rig so for now if PCVAC need them they are only a phone call away. Good job on the set up guys. Lets hope we don't need it!

  10. I'm sorry for saying this, but was that english?

    You should try and understand him in person... Almost impossible! Fortunately, I speak Tominese. What he was suggesting is setting the tri-village departments up to operate on alarm assaginments as though each department were simply a station rather than an independant agency. For example: activated alarm at 123 fake street in montrose, montrose would roll an engine, verplanck a truck and buchanan a rescue. Alittle overkill for an AFA i know, just trying to explain the confusion that was a tommy thought.

    FF398 and Remember585 like this

  11. Thank you for pitching in and providing us with some facts about your district. It is much appreciated when someone with firsthand knowledge adds to a topic.

    (This is partially in general)

    Here's another perspective that I have. When and what is "too much", and when does it start hindering the fire service? There are districts, departments, and communities similar to B-V-M in size, yet they don't have nearly as much equipment? Why? Because, in most places, it isn't neccesary. How much could your district save in insurance, preventitve maintainence, fuel, and other costs of redundant apparatus alone? Couldn't that save more money? Could a Central Station save money, unify the departments, and still maintain an acceptable response time?

    Why do departments buy apparatus for "mutual aid" purposes? Montrose has a heavy rescue. Verplank has an awesome ladder that can be set up where other aerial's cant. Buchanan has the Cascade truck. Add an Engine company from each district, a rescue pumper, a utility, a spare Engine, and 1 Department Chief Vehicle, and 1 for each 3 Deputy Chiefs, and wouldn't that work?

    Combined with the savings, and if some surplus apparatus is sold off, the three districts could probaly build a sweet training center.

    And, since the departments already have automatic aid for different types of incidents, the departments are already one in a sense.

    I think it comes down to what's most important? Generally, what I'm trying to ponder is when or what is too much? I'm not picking on these departments, I just think that they provide a good example for this discussion. It has nothing to do with any specific underlying issues or political motives. Personally, I feel it should be providing your citizens with the highest quality service at the lowest cost. I don't feel that excessive redundancy helps anyone, and actually hinders service.

    I see where you are going Seth and think that you chose a great topic to spark some discussion, even though it may have ruffeled some feathers.

    I agree with your thoughts and have also thought for a long time that the tri-village would benefit from some type of merger.

    On a side note, Verplancks Bronto sky lift (not a fan by the way...just saying) was donated by Entergy, but is maintained on the tax payers dime.

  12. it is not required that our members go to the fire house to catch the rig to respond to a call...the only peice of appuratus that gets requested is the casade unit. coming from buchanan...u have to understand what the first alarm assignments are before making statements...it is not requied for an engine from the department to respond in right away. hence having them stand by in their own HQ.

    Like I said... Lets not have an arguement. Instead lets understand the points others are making and try to agree or make reasonable debates. I feel that BBBMF made a good point here and it is something worth talking about.

  13. Im not trying to be a hater guys but when there's a run for a structural fire you always hear the one host department get sent and the other two on standby. Upon confirmation if it's major, the department whose first due always call for at least one piece of equipment from the other two...Why not all be on the same page by sending an apparatus which everyone knows will be vital.

    If you consolidate and everyone's on the same page and frequency, everyone knows whats getting out the door first; engine or truck, then you know which apparatus to respond with next and everyone knows that someone will show up with something and some manpower...Why wait???

    Example: a few years ago "XYZ dept" was toned out for i believe smoke in a house. One engine got on the road with a chauffer only. The chauffer, once on scene knew someething was going on inside (could hear it in his voice :/) and had the alarm re-transmitted not once but twice before asking for help from somewhere else. When a second member finally showed up and helped him forced the door they gave a 10-75 and luckily more manpower arrived and stretched a line before the fire got well past the incipient stage.

    Now if this occurrs in one of these three villages why not all be on the same page and be sending something...And if you're going to go that route then what would be the problem with consolidation?

    So what if you're not first due to your own fire...It went out, damage was minimized and everyone did their job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You make a good point here. I could see this working with proper SOG's in place. As was said, yes there is a pride issue in each department but I have felt for many years that a merger would best benefit all tax payers in the dist.

    I do see that some people are getting alittle upset by the conversation and would just like to quickly remind them that the origional poster stated he was just looking to start a conversation, so lets have one of those instead of trying to argue.

  14. I've been thinking about joining my local fire dept as a vollie but have been up in the air about it. I'd like to do it but I'd like to join as exterior. From what I've been told I have 2 choices, do Scene Ops or FF1 but not go through any of the interior? Does that make sense?

    I've been told Scene Ops is only offered like every 2 years or something along those lines. If I do the 2 month course of FF1, does that include every saturday or just 1 per month? This is where my dilemma comes in because I work on Saturday's and my boss wouldn't be very happy with me giving up 2 months worth of Saturdays.

    If I choose to wait for Scene Ops, does this mean I won't be able to go on any calls until I go through the training?

    Thanks in advance, your advice is greatly appreciated!

    The best thing to do would be to ask the chief of the department what you would be allowed to do.

    firedude likes this