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Posts posted by sueg

  1. Not sure the playing field is that level anymore.

    Question: Isn't the test just the first part of the whole process for the FDNY? Isn't there a physical agility testing, interview, other "screenings", and then you have to make it in one piece through the whole academy before actually getting the job you are hopefully both qualified for and actually wanted all along without someone targeting and chasing after you for possible employment (to meet the quota that apparently exists)? As the wannabe's and unqualifieds fall by the wayside, doesn't that open it up for the others, if this is the Real World?

  2. Our condolences to the Port Chester Fire Department and Firefighter Fox's family and friends. Great how proactive he was, to the benefit of everyone. Way too young to leave, but may he Rest in Peace.

  3. Many, many condolences to their families and appreciative thanks to those brave men and women who join the armed forces voluntarily and give so much of themselves to try to make the world a better place for us and the people in the places they serve. I wish the news media would not focus on stuff like burning already desecrated Qurans, which did not have to be given to those in custody to be written in and corrupted by them, but were out of the courtesy Americans always go out of their way to show to people. Instead, the media should trumpet and showcase all of the wonderful things our service people do on a daily basis: building schools; helping people with the little things they cannot do themselves; or giving kids and civilians stuff like balls, toys, food and candy, paper and writing utensils, tools, clothing; comforting when they are scared or hurt and protection when being threatened; giving medicine and other care; taking up collections and paying for stuff a family needs but is too proud or unwilling to ask for; helping stray animals who have no one else, and children who only see what they are forced to see, and are amazed to see someone give them a smile or gift just because...; many, many more things. All without doing it for propaganda purposes, without trying to "lure them away from their religion", and opening their eyes and minds to knowing there is more out there than just their town, and more choices than just one view. All because this is what Americans do, because their hearts are huge, their caring is tremendous, their love for each other and freedom drives them; and their distaste for those who use others, abuse others, kill just for body count and fear-mongering, is huge. USA Today publishes the list of who died in service of their country each day on page 7 - God, I wish there was none on that page. They deserve to live, and the cretins who care for only themselves deserve to die in anonymity.

    BFD1054 and firemoose827 like this

  4. I'm wondering how important smoke detectors and customer service are to some deparments.

    If a resident has trouble with a smoke detector, it's beeping and they don't know why, they can't reach it, etc will your department go out to help them? Do you advertise or make it known your department will do this?

    If you go to a home for an EMS call and notice no smoke detectors, do you offer to put one up for free?

    My Department Chief very much wants to initiate a smoke detector/CO detector program. He would like to have a couple of them and spare batteries on the engines, especially since we now have the batteries from the Duracell campaign, and in light of the Stamford fire fatalities, but there is not much voiced enthusiasm from some of the Line Officers yet, which might mean it will not get past the BOD to purchase some to put on the engines and start making it a regular thing to tell the resident their smoke detector or CO detector needs to be replaced (or just the batteries), and actually hand them something so it will be done. Of course, we would probably have to put it up on the wall, too, (or in the detector) because we have had instances on the EMS side where we walk out and the File of Life is exactly where we put it down in the house when we come back the next time (at which point I fill it out for them and hang it on the refrigerator). We do go to houses to check beeping detectors. I need to ask for permission from some Officers before seeing if we can at least put batteries near the Officer's seat in the engine - the "Liability" spectre has unluckily already been raised in my Company, and I already have gotten in trouble for letting people know about classes and drills "without permission" (long, sad story -Damocles sword swinging over head even now :( ).

    I did think it was fantastic when Sherman VFD came out on a mutual aid EMS call to us last year and noticed the smoke detector in the patient's house was beeping, then produced 9-volts to replace the batteries - and that was from the ambulance crew. It could happen, but may take some time.

    Last year there was an article about a southern city that had been doing a free smoke detector program for at least three years, then found out the supplier was selling them counterfeits from China, and they are now trying to replace all of the ones (thousands) they had given out and/or installed with UL legal ones that actually work. That is one thing that scares me - they had a bogus UL rating label on it, so if we buy a large quantity, how do we know they are REAL? Where can a Department with a limited budget get enough CO and smoke detectors to keep the program going and people safe? Our Chief would love to do it, and it would be nice, especially for the older residents with limited budgets themselves.

    x635 likes this

  5. Since I believe this is one of the major issues confronting our nation as the 2012 election approaches and I work in a part of the world that would most likely feel the immediate effect of any preemptory strike, I was just curious as to what the consensus of those at home is to the situation with Iran and it's nuclear weapons program. Here's some questions on the subject.

    Do you think this situation is a threat to us at home?

    Do you think that you as an emergency responder here at home face the possibility of another 9/11 type asasault due to our or our allies actions or lack of them regarding Iran?

    Do you think sanctions and an oil embargo will prevent Iran from aquiring nuclear weapons?

    Do you think we should return to the negotiating table with an openly hostile and traditionally dishonest regime? If so do we trust them to fulfill any agreements reached?

    Do yo think we should strike unilaterally and destroy their facilities and means of production before a weapon is produced?

    Do you think we should encourage and/or support Israel (or other allies) in that type of operation?

    Do you think we should engage in covert operations such as sabotage of Iran's nuclear facilities and sources of funding?

    Do you think we should engage in the assasination of Iran's nuclear scientists?

    Do you think we should encourage our allies to engage in such covert actions on our behalf?

    Do you think we should engage in open hostilities or even declare war should they close the Strait of Hormuz? If not then how about if they do indeed build the bomb?

    Do you think we should just leave it alone and insist our allies do the same to prevent a war?

    Do you believe there is another option or options? If so what are they?


    Yes; yes; no; no, no; very tempting; very tempting; isn't that already happening?; same as previous; same as previous; absolutely yes to reopen strait and remove threat, whole 'nother ball game (they lie so much, do not know where they are in production status); absolutely not; maybe, not sure - you hit most options.

    England and France kept "appeasing" Hitler - oh, you accidentally invaded Czechoslovakia, don't do it again; my, oh my, Poland just got overtaken, bad bad boy, now stop that; oops, you say France was just run over in three days - let's rethink our stance... Plus, we have a major problem that Iranian operatives are being caught or successfully operating with "sticking bombs" against targets in Israel, Bangkok, Thailand, Indonesia. Last year they were stopped before striking here against a Turkish target, and they are aiming at attempting European assassinations even now. Iran has a lovely government shadow-run run by hard-line clergy council with an elected public "secular" President who helped lead the overrun of the American embassy during Carter's administration. Do not let bullies get away with anything, or they keep taking, but have to approach it so the problem is resolved once and for all. Hard to say how if do not have support of other countries, and a waffling leader here saying "I was in favor of it" even when standing way back until the outcome pretty much certain, or not even lending a hand so the people standing up to them have a chance. Thanks for bringing this up, because the assassination groups being sent out do not care about collateral damage, just public results - sound too familiar????

  6. Our sincerest condolences to Matthew Oliveri's family and the people who were able to become his family at FDVA-Montrose and Putnam Lake VFD. Quite a few of our members got to know him through mutual aid calls, the Christmas Parade and other events, and have been talking about how they will miss him. Keep talking and remembering his contributions and personality - and if you have any problem dealing with his sudden passing, let someone know so they can help. Anyone know how long Putnam Lake VFD will be collecting the nonperishable food in Matt's memory? I would like to add to the extremely thoughtful gesture so his memory can continue helping other people.....

    SageVigiles likes this

  7. How does it do on rough water?

    The NFVFD boat based at Squantz Engine Company actually does very well on smooth and rough water, but hang on tight depending on who is driving it. It has cut transport of people hurt at the forest edges of Squantz Pond or drowning victims to the ambulance at the loading dock or boat launch from more than 15 minutes by traditional motor boat to about two. It MOVES. Also, we had a structure fire on Lavelle Avenue (overlooking Squantz Pond) during the October freak snowstorm and could not get more than the brush truck past the downed trees and wires, and used the boat to provide water source from the Pond to the brush truck and the smaller truck that eventually cut its way through to put out the fire, and it worked very well. The first day we had it on the water, we used the pump to put out an outbuilding fire on Pine Island on Candlewood Lake, where we used to have to lug a portable pump, hoselengths, etc. and make extra trips for people. It has more than proven itself, and flies across the Lake without having to worry about seaweed propeller tangles. Good luck to the Department that bought one - it is well worth it.

    The only other one in existance at the time we purchased it was being built to go to Turkey. They have the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, but not sure if it was going to be used in either one. Economy tanked, and no one else bought one until the recent ones posted, so glad to see they are selling. One problem we found was stress fractures in the upward struts, but they modified and fixed that, and it has not recurred since.

    Alpinerunner likes this

  8. Wanted to take this from my e-mail to send to Christopher and any kid/Honorary firefighter who is going through a tough medical time this holiday, but could not figure out to do it, so will just retype it from my original. Sorry for any spelling errors, and hope it brings a smile.

    An Emergency Incident With St. Nicholas

    (with many, many apologies to Clement C. Moore and poets everywhere)

    by Clutz Z. Meter

    'Twas the night before Christmas and through each Company Firehouse

    Not a creature was stirring - Well, maybe spiders and a mouse;

    The plymovents were attached, the air lines intact

    In hopes exhaust fumes would exit and air brakes react;

    The fire trucks were all plugged in all snug in their bay beds

    While visions of "The Big One" danced in their engine heads;

    And the Dispatcher in his new chair with feet on the desk frame

    Had just settled down with a new movie and video game

    When out in the parking lot there arose such a clatter,

    That he sprang from his soft perch to see what was the matter.

    To the double-paned bullet-proof window he flew like a flash,

    Then realized he could see nothing - to the surveillance camera screens he dashed.

    The winter fog rose from the watershed all around,

    Giving eery fluff cover to lights shining at the ground;

    When, what to his NCIC screen-tired eyes should appear

    But a miniature sleigh, and eight - no, nine - tiny reindeer,

    With a little old driver, so lively and quick,

    He knew in a moment must be a perp or St. Nick.

    More rapid than a first-due engine his flying deer they came,

    And he whistled and shouted, and called them by name;

    "Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now Rudolph, Prancer and Vixen!

    On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donder and Blitzen!

    We've got to clear that cell tower! We need some more height!

    Now dash away! Climb away! Stop dragging, you on the right!"

    As dry leaves in the fall 'round the firehouse swirl and fly,

    When they 'gainst the bay and side doors pile up high,

    So up to the cell tower the reindeer they flew,

    With the sleigh full of toys, elves, and St. Nicholas, too.

    And, then, in a twinkling, the Dispatcher saw the crash;

    Reindeer tangled, sleigh sideways; from Rudolph's nose came a flash.

    The Dispatcher drew in a deep breath and reached for the tones;

    Through the camera saw falling presents and embers, heard little elf moans.

    The victims were dressed all in fur from their heads to their feet,

    With clothes tarnished with ashes, faces white as a sheet.

    Bundles of toys were falling from each stuffed sack,

    Tangled in cell tower structure, brush fire starting out back.

    "Fire engines, tankers, EMS, PD to the scene!

    Mass casualty collision, injuries and fire seen!"

    Firefighters and EMTs rolled out of their beds;

    Police raced to the scene, presents rained on their heads;

    The aerial ladder maneuvering; hoselines put into place;

    Extrication procedures; power company notified, just in case.

    The Fire Chief directed fire suppression to also extinguish Rudolph's flaming nose,

    To prevent sleigh, Santa and elves from suffering further burn woes.

    Then everyone pitched in to get all victims disentangled;

    Elves, Santa, reindeer went down the ladder - no one was mangled.

    Fire Police directed the traffic of toys back to the sacks, too;

    Police interviewed driver Santa and elf passengers/crew;

    EMS treated injuries, minor scratches, burns and bumps;

    Firefighters hosed down reindeer, overhauling burned fur clumps.

    The sleigh from the cell tower was successfully extricated;

    Righted; reloaded; drunk on milk and cookies no crime, Police elated.

    The Fire Chief gave the "All Clear", EMS had all refusal forms signed;

    Police gave no tickets, malfunctioning reindeer nose warning kept in mind.

    St. Nick sprang to his sleigh, and 'ere they flew out of sight,

    Called "Happy Christmas Holiday to All, Emergency Personnel are ALL RIGHT!"

  9. How about all of our brothers and sisters in PD, Fire, EMS and armed services who gave the ultimate sacrifice this year who actually actively worked to try to make people's lives better and most of their lives gave constantly of themselves as a group? That is a group "person" I will always honor and admire, and regret they are no longer around for the children and family they left behind's sakes.

  10. Looks like JJB531 was right with his # 1 and # 3 statements, because according to the AP and Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller, "a Deputy Sheriff on patrol after the shootings then noticed a man at the back of a parking lot about 1/2 mile from the shooting. The man was by himself and acting "a little suspicious". The Officer drove around to approach him, lost sight of the man," then found him on the ground with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Senseless Shooter is dead because he felt he had nowhere to run, and alert Officer helped prevent more shootings by recognizing suspicious behavior.

  11. In NF, interior firefighters have Firefighter I and/or II certification (or higher for older members), CPR, Haz Mat Ops, Mask fit testing, Blood-and-Air-borne Pathogen training, and current physical; exterior Firefighters have no firefighter certification, but should have the usual required CPR, Haz mat training of some sort (just started OSHA version training), BBP, current physical - this latter group includes new as well as older members.

  12. CT allows 16 year olds to be certified EMTs, and they can be considered crew, but they cannot take care of a patient by themselves without another 18-or-above EMT with them, and cannot ride in back alone with the patient until they are 18 - try to explain to an under-18 MVA patient why they have to be transported if not adult there to take custody of them, but your EMT is 16 and can take care of you by himself- not happening. Has led to those "gray area" periods where Juniors full responders but not really. The training they receive during this period does make them better EMS people later. Our Junior member policy does not allow Juniors in the building without a "senior" member, they cannot run machinery per OSHA and child labor laws, and are not supposed to do laddering, but supervised can do training with everything to some degree. And the Junior firemen are a tremendous and eager source of help as they learn.

  13. I seem to have forgotten what VAC's have paid daytime coverage, hours, and if applicable, what is their employing agency?


    New Fairfield has paid daytime coverage Monday through Friday 6AM to 6PM, with a medic (on the ambulance those times) available 24/7, all from Danbury Hospital DHCA. Second ambulance call M-F staffed by volunteers; all volunteer crew other times. Daytime calls were getting harder to cover with work, etc., so NFVFD Board proactively researched and got this done before calls were dropped - did not wait and close the gate after horse left.

    Clarification: NFVFD does Fire and EMS, is not a separate VAC

  14. I give the Officer credit for using such great restraint in letting her know she had no right to move the ambulance, then going back up to help the crew with the patient, then having to deal with her when she followed him back up the stairs to the EMS scene. She was pushing the limits on all counts at that point, and he had enough to deal with at that moment without having to provde names to her. She absolutely deserved to be arrested when she showed up at the police station by the time the Officer got back, because she was obviously lying when she said she was late for work when she moved the ambulance - too bad they cannot tack on extra charges for being an arrogant jerk/doofus/fill-in-the-blank.

    helicopper and x129K like this

  15. Chiefbpfd: Do you want a copy of the sheets we use at Company A,or are you researching other types? If you do, let me know. 821

    Seth and efdcapt115: Our Department Chief was talking about possibly using bar coding for the apparatus a while ago, but did not know where to get information on it, so any information you can provide in response to efdcap115 and otherwise would be appreciated. Thanks.

  16. Interesting question, and very informative answers. Our brothers in other countries have had to develop ways to do their job specific to their governments, topography and other factors, and it is always great to see that, no matter how same or different, the main thing is that we all get the job done and are dedicated to that fact. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

  17. Very glad he was caught and the people in the houses he set on fire were able to get out, but very sorry he learned nothing from the time he was in the volunteer service about responsibility and caring for others. Many of the volunteer and paid firefighters I know would never tolerate anyone even thinking about doing something like that so they could "get the glory" of putting out a fire. The majority know what a family goes through when their house is damaged or lost, and although they love putting out fires, to know someone intentionally set them and risked people's lives would make us realy feel like pounding the jerk. That is a sick mind. Unfortunately, it reflects badly on all of us decent volunteers when it hits the papers, and we have to work harder to erase that image from the public mind.