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  1. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Scranton firefighters refusing OT   
    Interesting read, both links thanks guys for posting them.
    Whether it be Scranton, Pennsylvania (if you know the Harry Chapin song about something that happened in Scranton, you get the "Honorable Hippie" Award ) or some city in California, seems like the message is always the same. I'll give politicians credit for one thing; they sure can go about vilifying people in public service, and do so effectively.
    I don't know how they managed to create this "pension envy" in this country, but they did one heck of a job. This fight in Scranton, and greater Pennsylvania, all boils down to "unfunded liabilities." Whoever thought up that terminology gets the "Koch Brothers Scumbag of the Decade Award" (giving out lots of awards today).
    It's been stated many times, but I'm going to do it again; the reason cops and firefighters have pensions and sometimes use them is because of the toll the job takes on you physically. Whether it be eight hours in a patrol car; jumping in and out chasing gangsters around a small city in Pennsylvania, tackling bad guys, making arrests...or you want to take your chances on a career fire department, good luck. The stress alone can be enough to kill you.
    This is the reason why cops and firefighters get pensions. Okay? It was part of the deal that was created over decades, as Brother and Sister police officers and firefighters DIED, became disabled, wrecked bodies and paid a pretty heavy price for the benefits the guys and gals may get today. We are NOT "unfunded liabilities." We are part of the social contract that once made America a worldwide leader in economics and humanity. Now, what have we become as a country?
    Mayors like this obnoxious Doherty guy, I've seem more than my fair share of them. A lot of them go down in a ball of flame, corrupted by power and greed. Many of them have worse baggage than ANY career public servant does. I've also known a few GOOD politicians in my time. They are a rare breed of folk, who take responsibility for good relations with public employees seriously, and don't hurl insults and accusations at the guys and gals doing the job, protecting you from certain anarchy that would come from us NOT being there.
    I'm sure, just as in every other city, in Scranton there's a monnied power elite, who have been collectively giving their city and this country the middle finger and the shaft for a very long time. They are the same people who moved out all the good manufacturing jobs over to India, and decimated the working class of the private sector before they set about on their agenda to bring havoc and doom to public employees.
    Scranton firefighters are refusing overtime because it's BLOOD MONEY. You want to lay off guys, and then pay another guy to come in and fill his boots, while your BROTHER sits home now unemployed...that's blood money. I'm happy for Scranton firefighters taking a stance based on principle. Tell the mayor to go jump in the river.
  2. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic in Fire district commissioner elections next Tuesday...   
    I thought Commissioner was short for "ex-chief who still wants to still instill his control and influence over the FD"
  3. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in A Special Day For A Special Boy   
    Nice job guys. Just goes to show that the vast majority of people in this field REALLY are in it for the right reasons! To be there for people when they need it the most, and this looks like something this kid needed, and loved.
    Nice job HFD!
  4. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Will Lowering the Age Increase Recruitment?   
    I don't think so. There are already youth, cadet, explorer, and junior programs for those under 18 so it isn't like they can't get into the services at an earlier age if they so desire.
    I think 18 is about the right age for EMT and wouldn't advocate lowering the age for that. CFR is available at 16 so again, there's a progression for them if they get involved at that age.
    Honestly I don't think the answer is in lowering ages. There are big problems in the emergency services (paid and volunteer) and no simple solutions.
  5. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by x635 in Shop Local This Holiday Season And Help Your Community-Some Ideas   
    When shopping this holiday season, please try to support small, locally owned businesses.
    These are the local jobs and stores that have been destroyed by Wal Mart, Home Depot, etc. The (remaining) local businesses, however, are the real power players and keeps the money and jobs in the community, and real economic growth. Don't send your money to some corporation when you don't have to. Help your community to thrive. This includes locally owned websites.
    If you know of one of these local businesses that would be a good place to shop for gifts, please feel free to post here who they are, where they are, and what they sell.
    P.S.: Please also consider using our advertiser's products and services...mostly all are small local businesses....they help to keep this site financially alive. Tell them you found them through EMTBravo, so they know their ad is succeeding and they continue to advertise with us.
  6. JohnnyOV liked a post in a topic by EMTDelta in Say it ain't snow! 'SnowLeaf' 2.0?   
    What are you doing with a Tranny in your Ranger??
    Here we go!!!
  7. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by sjc317 in Turning The Tappan Zee Bridge Into The Next "High Line"   
    Leave the bridge up so that the jumpers don't tie up traffic
  8. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Why don't some incidents get posted?   

    Not every accident, fire or incident gets posted because the focus is on noteworthy or unusual incidents. Even some of the jobs that do get posted aren't especially noteworthy and that is something the staff continually wrestles with. It's hard to balance when you have members from rural areas where having a call is "notable" to NYC where every day dozens of "noteable" incidients occur.
    Sorry about your friend but it sounds like he was lucky enough not to be involved in a "noteworthy" accident.
  9. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Keeping it Professional   
    With due respect to the staff,
    Before the topic was locked, there was some measure of displeasure with the post from the site's founder regarding one-liners and inflammatory comments, with a poster saying the site has lost it's balls and the members need thicker skin.
    It's not a matter of the site "losing it's balls" or members who need "thicker skin", it's about keeping the site educational, a positive environment, and most of all, PROFESSIONAL. Sometimes we need to remember that "we" (emergency service members) are not the only ones who read the content contained in these forums. I'm sure there are enthusiasts, members of local government, members of the media, and so on who read the content contained in these forums. While it's all good to banter amongst each other as if we were in the firehouse, precinct, quarters, or whatever you would like to call it, we still have to maintain some level of decorum and professionalism just as if we were present in a public place, since this board is easily viewed by members of the general public, and more importantly the media. Case in point;
    The NYPD Rant for those who's haven't read it is full of so much garbage since there is little to no moderation, it's not one bit enjoyable to read from an educational standpoint. If anyone outside the NYPD read the material in that forum, the useless bantering of a few sets a bad precedence and honestly depicts the members of the NYPD in a very negative light. The media reported today on a thread contained in the NYPD Rant website about posters who posted personal attacks against an NYPD member. As a civilian reading that article, what kind of opinion do you think the "average Joe" will have of the Rant and the members of the NYPD?
    So in order to keep this site from becoming another "rant style" website, there needs to be a level of moderation that suits the wishes of the site's founder, since it is ultimately his call on what is and what is not permitted. If any of us don't like it, we are all free to start up our own site where anything goes and all the members can brag over who has the biggest balls. Personally, I'll stick with the site that's an educational portal as well as promotes and exhibits the professionalism of emergency service providers.
  10. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by EMTDelta in Florida city lays off 40% of fire department to plug budget gap   
    Amazing how the people who MAKE these decisions always have a secure job :angry:
  11. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Out and About - Random Shots (Gettysburg, DC, & Philly)   
    The next stop on my quest for patches (since L2 did not have any), at the recommendation of the guys at L2 were to try the guys at Engine 11 (which did not have any patches either, so I was a triple strike-out on this trip and really bummed)...

    IIRC again, this station houses Engine 11, Medic 21?, and they had an OOS reserve engine in the back of the other bay, but with the poor lighting my shots did not come out.
  12. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Out and About - Random Shots (Gettysburg, DC, & Philly)   
    So, the last stop on my trip, on the way home, was Philadelphia. We decided to check out the Historic District, and were very pleased. We got to tour Independence Hall, see the Liberty Bell, and a couple other historic buildings along the way.
    While in the park, I heard a jake brake kick on, and ran to get a picture, but, being as I had a borrowed camera, I had it set on the wrong mode, and missed the best photo opportunity. I did get 2 mediocre shots of Philly FD Rescue 1 passing by:

    At the recommendation of a passing tour guide, we went to the first due station to the Historic District, Engine 8 & Ladder 2.
    I want to thank the very cordial, friendly and informative guys from the PFD!! I still want some patches though if you ever get them back in!!!!!!!!!!
    After talking with one of the firefighters, we found out that Engine 8 was disbanded 5 years ago due to the City cutting companies. They currently run with a Snorkel, but was was out for repairs, and they had a reserve piece in the station (a tiller). Also inside the station was a reserve engine, just being used for storage, not an active piece.
    Normally housed at this fire station is Ladder 2, Medic 44B, and Battalion 4 (IIRC):
    In-service Reserve Ladder 290

    OOS Reserve Engine 302

  13. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Out and About - Random Shots (Gettysburg, DC, & Philly)   
    Thanks for the hints I definitely want to stop at some of these places if we have the time!!
    Today's travels took us into PG Co., but we were on a tight schedule. My father wanted to visit and pay respects to his father's grave, (located in PGCO).
    On the way back we passed DCFD Eng. Co. #19, the guys were hosing some stuff down, so we stopped to shoot the breeze.
    Not the best photo, I know, but it was a quick shot with as little traffic in front as I could get!

    I didn't even get the chance to get any info on this engine, as within 2 minutes of getting there, they got an alarm and had to run.

    The above engine is due for replacement in the next few weeks, here is a Spy Shot of the NEW DCFD E-19!!

  14. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Out and About - Random Shots (Gettysburg, DC, & Philly)   
    I am currently holed up down here in Ashburn, Virginia for a friend's wedding. On the trip down, we made a short side-tour to the Gettysburg Battlegrounds, Museum, and National Cemetery (a must see for anyone who has any interest in the Civil War. VERY tastefully done there).
    While visiting a family friend, we went to Gettysburg College, and came upon the Gettysburg FD. They had their aerial set-up, along with their Fire Police vehicle, Campus Safety, and possibly even the Police (saw someone with a uniform on, not sure who he was with), doing fire safety demonstrations (extinguisher demo/usage instruction), recruiting, and other PR.
    Gettysburg FD runs 2 Engines, 1 Rescue, 1 Truck, 1 Fire Police, 1 Utility, and 2 BLS ambulances.
    Spent a good deal of time talking with the guys there, VERY nice and informative, thanks!!!
    So far this was the only FD I have stopped at/spoken with, I passed by the local volly house, but I had to get somewhere and did not get a chance to stop. Here is a few quick shots of the Gettysburg rig. I have shots from the Gettysburg Battlegrounds and sites, as well as some other stops, but the internet here at the hotel stinks!!!
    Gettysburg FD is part of the Adams County Volunteer Emergency Services Association

    2008 104' Seagrave Pre-Piped Stick

  15. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by 16fire5 in Please Don't do this!   
    Risk vs. Benifit
    Huge risk-no benifit. If it really needs to be put out let Con Ed do it.
  16. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by FFEMTPD72 in Please Don't do this!   
    It will be a shame if this picture is censored. This is how we learn.
  17. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by markmets415 in Millerton: Cattle Truck into a Silo Hopper and Building: Route 22   
    members and some of the apparatus on scene:

  18. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by x129K in NY State Trooper   
    At a recent parade, I sat directly opposite a NYSP Trooper on a traffic post.
    EACH and EVERY time, the stars and stripes passed by, he saluted with the most crisp salute I have ever seen. Many of the bystanders commented on it as well...all were impressed by his actions.
    Well Done Trooper, remain safe.

  19. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Armonk - Plane Crash - DISCUSSION   
    How about PLAN LANGUAGE, like small plane down or Lear jet down or Jet Blue down ? We are smart enough to know about how many soles are on board [or could be] level 1, level 2, alert 7, alert 007, punt ! when your in a rig responding by your self Engine 58,59 chiefs all depts opts 5, radio this,radio that,up yours ! I hate that place let me do my job !OH YEA I forgot about Captain ***** so the county knows we have a terorist on board our rig and they can kill them !,after 40 years of responing to the airport I'm done good night !
  20. EMTDelta liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Westchester County Police New Color Scheme?   
    For FD members with duplicative, redundant and extravagant apparatus, equipment, and stations to be so critical for the painting of some police cars is really disingenuous.
    The PD has as much right to paint their vehicles as the FD's do. What's the difference?
  21. norestriction liked a post in a topic by EMTDelta in Concrete Pumps Adaptable For Fire Service Use?   
    Jeez, you'd think you would check your own website before posting things like this:

  22. norestriction liked a post in a topic by EMTDelta in Concrete Pumps Adaptable For Fire Service Use?   
    Jeez, you'd think you would check your own website before posting things like this: