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Posts posted by okcomputer

  1. Lets be honest here. No one under the age of 18 should be in a burning structure or on the highway assisting an mva, mva w entrapment etc.

    18 is the legal age, lets keep it that way.

    Fire 1 and all it's components should be the basic for to be an interior ff in NYS.

    Bailout training and bailout gear is also a required and necessary requirement.

    Many feel having a CFR with the rise in EMS calls should also be added.

    If a department chooses to not adhere to any of the above they are solely responsible, especially if a ff is injured or dies and is also a minor.

    NY OFPC should be installing a standard, I don't need cuomo or some politician saying what needs to be required etc.

    These discussions are always the same, someone brings up fdny or something similar and it goes off course.

    Keep it simple. It's a very simple discussion topic.

  2. This has been a topic of discussion before the bombing. Don't plan on any politicians footing the bill though (ask Hilary or Barack about procuring vests for troops during OIF). I'm all for it. Your safety before anyone else's and certain vests are great against knives and other weapons.

    Now it doesn't mean you have to wear it to every call. But if they are kept at the ems hq and taken on the ambulances as needed they could be helpful.

    firemoose827 likes this

  3. Guess what GTA and COD are sold under the mature ratings title of the ESRB. So a 13 or 14 year old isn't allowed to buy it, yes like everything else it happens but for the most part parents must buy their kids the game.

    You can also get weapons training by reading books and going on YouTube. Heck, moby dick is basically a whaling manual.

    Back on topic.

    In Austria in the 1930's they elected a man named Adolf who besides socializing healthcare and jobs required that all gun owners register their weapons and were known by the public and police.

    I think we all know what started to happen next...

    1911 and fireboyny like this

  4. I normally shy away from posting anything regarding topics such as these but it seems to me that there has been a lot of fingerpointing going on within this topic.

    Here's my proposal:

    Get rid of the illegal guns being sold in America and being brought in illegally.

    Punish those with substantial jail times and fines (both purchaser and seller. - Ship them off to max security with either solitary confinement or mingling with the other criminals in max security prisons.

    Get all the guns out of the inner cities.

    Get rid off all gangs, and all illegal training camps in the USA.

    Now regarding the first person shooter video games that people say create violent criminals. I find that funny because last time I checked a weapon doesn't come with a keyboard and mouse and if it were true then I should be in the NFL by now with the amount of Madden football I've played in my day. Same goes for the NHL, I was awesome at NHL '94 on genesis. Best hockey game ever created.

    Do I think owning an AK should be prohibited, yeah, but those thst I know who have one or other rifles I trust and ill be going to their homes as we make our trek to Texas when the proverbial hits the fan.

    I also find the term "assault weapon" extremely funny. Because it is a made up liberal term to provoke fear, and it doesn't mean anything. You can use anything as a weapon so why are kitchen utensils not included or chairs or cars. - Get my drift?

    In a few months this will go away from being the hot topic just as those still reeling from Sandy has. The media will focus on something else, and around Memorial Day you will here some news reports about the jersey shore and Long Beach regarding how business will be for the summer.

    Right now felons cannot obtain weapons legally. That's gun control at work. No need to do what westchester did and post every gun owner on a map as if they were as dangerous as pedophiles. I think that move was pathetic and it was another way for democrats to strum up fear and nonsense.

    Shootings happen everyday, but unless they make the news no one cares.

    * The above is my personal opinion.

  5. Are you hypothesizing this or did you actually peer into the vehicle and see what his Facebook status was? If so, that's kind of creepy. Did you set your location on your smart phone on Facebook next to a chiefs car at a fire scene?

    In all honesty who cares? It was Facebook, it's not like he created a program while en route with all the pictures of the fire fighters who might be responding and sent out the link to thousands of residents asking them to vote on the picure of the ff's they thought were hot, and then wrote the algorithm on the passenger window behind the drvers seat.

    As people have said, it is perception rather than anything else. Is their a job related reason the chief was on facebook, on duty in his/her car? Very doubtful. When working in a vehicle provided by your municipality stay off of anything that is not a municipal or service related site. No reason to update your status that you are 3rd due to some fire in another municipality.

  6. Aren't most chief cars tinted? Maybe the windows were open?

    I'm not arguing or disagreeing with you, but you're questioning that said chief had his or someone else's Facebook page up?

    Though I will say that checking fellow ff's pages are a good way to curb pics and vids from fire scenes that are unauthorized, especially if the incident isn't over/completed/permission hasn't been granted to post.

    If anything having computers in chiefs cars add another way for reference info, whether it's cameo, chemtrac, directions for mutual aid, incident reports etc.

    Let's just hope they are Panasonic tough books or a similar type or those keys will be quite sticky if coffee or soda is spilled.

    Now what would be very cool is if The computer is connected to a retractable arm type component which can extend outside the driver window for on scene access while standing up.

    NOT to start any rant or anything,,

    But I went to a fire down in Lower Westchester and a bunch of chief cars were parked all the way out of the scene.

    So i was walking by, and the computer was up, and it had facebook pulled up on it. Is that ok? I thought it was to send info in and maybe the toughbook.. Not socializing.

    Please dont argue or say I dont make sense,etc etc, its a simple question.

  7. Who knew that you could survive in a burning structure without SCBA while standing up.

    The female actresses look promising in a sexual promiscuous way. Even the female chief, I'd let her sexually harass me.

    Maybe NBC shouldn't have dumbed down Third Watch. They try to recreate it in some way every few years.

  8. It is sad when the depression of ones addiction takes over and results in this, and the amount of press received is because of her last name. I do agree though that the news media (liberal media some could say) doesn't give enough press in general to our service men and women. But as we all know most Americans would rather watch snooki instead of a space shuttle launch or what is going on overseas.

  9. I don't care what Ossining did on Saturday because they aren't involved in the County Airport Emergency response plan. I am happy they enjoyed their anniversary, it holds no bearing on the drill. What I care about is agencies that are heavily involved in this plan deciding to not participate at all in the drill to instead attend a parade. You can honestly tell me that you believe that is a good sense of priorities?

    How about this, instead of griping and pointing fingers here, email the chiefs of the departments you are speaking about. You'll get your answer.

    peterose313 likes this

  10. I'm going to respectfully disagree with the UN or Western powers comment. I think it's a generic term that is thrown around and accepted way too much and I think it's incorrect on several levels.

    Iran's infrastructure cannot handle going to war, Though it would be awesome to see the effects of the crater-creator put to use.

  11. "spending money to protect a people we essentially put there" Hmmmm not sure what this means, bc last I checked the US really doesn't kick people out.

    Israel is still I believe one of our biggest exporters of military equipment. An argument can be made that they have the, if not some of the best fighter trained pilots both helo and aircraft. Not to mention their infantry and SOG capabilities.

    Plus the Saddam, Hamas, Hezbollah, Radical Islamic groups, and the crazies in Iran want Israel wiped off the face of the earth. All because Jews live there. Saddam before his demise would have loved to be known as the next killer of the Jews.

    But you have to respect the IDF, they don't mess around, they will even tell you that if you shoot another rocket at them that there will be consequences, and yet when they do retaliate CNN jumps all over them.

    If anything Israel is really our one real ally in the region. The Saudi's yeah they use our equipment, but would they come to our aid if we asked for it. I wouldn't hold your breath.

    I took a national security class my senior year in college in 2003 and the topic was the Chinese procurement of an aircraft carrier which if anyone has read in the last few months is starting to reach operational level. If they get another one and build there navy up a bit, then you a war over Taiwan, and possibly China invading Vietnam.

    EdAngiolillo likes this

  12. Would it also be wrong to put FAIL on the lower right hand corner of each of the photo's?

    This would serve as a "Can you spot what is wrong with this picture" scenario for FF1 Classes. Besides pointing out the obvious, the instructor can then say, "what else is wrong", i.e. lack of PPE, SCBA, standing on top of the apparatus, distance the apparatus is to the burning wires, etc etc etc.

    On a side note, at least they remembered to wear their helmets and protective vests.