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Posts posted by nycmedic

  1. Although the station looks nice and is new the city screwed up. They designed this station when they did not use extended cab Ambulances. However, construction began when they started to use the longer Amnulances and did not update the design. So instead of fitting 2 Ambulances in each bay only one fits. They are also running more Ambulances then the station was designed for.

    x635 likes this

  2. We tried going through the benevolent they denied it with the excuse of " not every member will or can use the gym. In order for the benevolent to buy a gym it has to benefit EVERY member and every member has to be able to use the gym. This is the problem that you run knto when you have people in charge that have been in the fd for a decade or more ans have been in a fore or have not been in a rig besides for a parade in years

  3. If you are looking to make ems career go with fdny ems. You can retire with half pay after 25 years. You can also join a tda to enhance your pensiom. The health dental and vision benefits for free. There is plenty of overtime. Its a uniom job so the benfits are great. Another plus is job security. You do not have to worry if the hospital gets rid of its ems dept or worry if the private company goes out of business. Remember benefits and job security is worth a lot more then a couple of extra dollars a hour.

    87D124 likes this

  4. The effects of opiates can be counteracted by using a bvm. You can do alot of harm to the patient and yourself if you give too much narcan. As I said earlier if you give too much narvan you can put them you can put them into withdrawals which will prolong there stay in the hospital. If you give the junky too much narcan and wake him up. Now you just took away his or her high and they usually become violent. Too many people will simply see a person unc with pin point pupils and give the pt narcan even though they have no cyanosis and are breathingat a acceptable rate.