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Posts posted by nycmedic

  1. That is how it is in nyc. One or two stations may allow a unit to hang out at the station if their csl is with in three blocks of the station but that is not the norm.

    Seriously? Personally I find that ridiculous. I'm sure you guys have a hefty medical call volume per unit. But to not get to relax in a station on down time is pretty BS to me. Especially if you're working 24 hour shifts. Houston FD houses ambulance and squads in their stations. They stay pretty busy too, but they aren't treated like that. Granted, HFD's EMS is fully incorporated into the fire dept and isn't exactly a separate division as most of the guys rotate shifts on the box.

  2. Very few ambulances cover the area around their station. The ones that do cover the area around their stationnare not allowed to wait in their station for a call. A ambulance at my station has a csl 1 block away from the station and as per the divsion they can not be in the station waiting for a call

  3. I amazed at this question because it always comes up and the majority of people who ask it think that Travon should not have acted differently.. Nothing is wrong with ask who you do not reconize who are you and what are you doing here. Heck I do it all the time. All Travon had to do was ask Zimmerman why he was following him.If he truly felt threatened he could have called 911 or continue running. Instead he decided to come back and attack Zimmerman.

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