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Everything posted by COMMANDCHIEF

  1. Staffing would be a good reason to have multipul uses for this rig. If they staff lite during the day or on weekends etc. Then a multi task rig wouild be most prudent.
  2. Does this mean they will stop using the radio like it was a telephone?
  3. Who cares!!!! They asked the same stupid crap a real reporter would have asked.. Lets move on .
  4. I had read in an article some time ago. I believe Fire Engineering or Firehouse. The FDNY got rid of a lot of the donated apparatus because they forsaw the nightmare of stocking spare parts for all the various apparatus. I know they did keep some. I would venture to guess that there may have been some raised cabs among the group.
  5. . Oh yes, you should look at the many children of "illegal immigrants" are now serving in the military? Not enough!!! certainly not enough to justify an open door policy.
  6. I'm glad to see that the Governor has put aside all the "unimportant" issues plaguing this state. And went immediatly to the rescue of people that shouldn't even be here in the first place. It's a shame when the head of state government is trying to aid people who have broken federal law in entering the country, while so many others wait to do it properly. I wonder when the next proposal will come up where we can each pick and choose the laws we agree with, and are willing to adhear to, and those that we choose not to.
  7. I thought the State Police carried .40cal Glocks and have for years. Are they going from the .40 to the .45? And what incidents were they in where under penetration during a gun fight caused a troopers death?
  8. The "Districts can't charge" is a State rule. Not a Federal one. It apparently can be done in FLA. Districts in NY can bill out I believe , for materials used. Absorbent or specialized equipment that was expended.
  9. The bill will not state :"and do away with volunteer departments" it's the collateral damage CAUSED by the BILL.
  10. We roll our eyes, and say "How could somsone be so stupid". But believe me. There are at least half a dozen FD's in this county alone that would do the same thing. As for the teenagers being FF's. I think the question should be :who are the people teaching our teenagers? not should teens be used in the fire service. Teenagers, both male and female have made great contributions to the fire service. I think it would be a disservice to us all to hamper their participation.
  11. I don't know if they still have it. But the wreckers on the bridge use to have a 300 galon water tank with a PTO pump for car fires. That's probably long in the past.
  12. The shot with Ray Kelly is CLASSIC!!!!!
  13. Here is an idea how to save money for the budget: Lets just dispand INS and Customs. Lay them all off. We would save a fourtune. It seems that INS isn't allowed to do anything as it is, so lets just end this wasteful spending. We could put that money into socialized medicine also a system doomed to fail and we could all call it quits. Anyone who has a job could then get rid of their cars, because we would all have to live at work to support all of our" THIRD WORLD GUESTS" who pay NO INCOME TAX ,yet reap the benifits of EVERYTHING here in the USA.
  14. Well Hatzolah dosen't have a helicopter ...
  15. I believe years ago it was 35%. but it's 70% now. Just to give you an idea. The window (sides) coming out of the factory with just the tempered glass on the side is 74%. So add anything to it, and your not going to pass.
  16. The TASER and a STUN GUN are two diffrent things. The TASER shoots darts that require the removal at a hospital. The Stun Gun does not. I don't know what model stun device that SHPD has. But if it is like the new units the NYPD has. They have both of these options in the same gun. I thought the news reported that the kid was shocked with the stun device ad opposed to shot with the quils. They use the term TASER to describe either option, because they either don't know the diffrence, or they just want to use the more catchy phrase. Either way.. the kid got what he deserved!! Much RESPECT.. !!!
  17. The 5 5 5 5 IS from the old telegraph system. But it's a signal to advise the house watch to put the flag at half staff. Not that there was an LODD. It was assumed that's what it was for because the flag woiuld be put at half staff for few other reasons. Now they TX the 5 5 5 5 as a formality. Then TX the information of the DEATH.
  18. Why is this not in the black eye section?
  19. I fail to see the problem here. If the the Chief was that worried. He should have stepped up and offered to ride the second slot for the suspended cop. Having one trooper on is nothing diffrent than many of of the upstate towns, where that same Trooper would be covering two or three towns. Lets move on to important issues.
  20. You will usually see those classes offered at the FTC or one if the sites in the winter months when it's more difficult to run the outside classes.
  21. Do they use water on fire there? It appears their tactic is to wait till it burns to the ground then stomp it out with their feet.
  22. So what is the verdict? is it a go or not?
  23. This department has had problems with finances for years. When I say years. I mean like 30 or so. The problem in this case I don't think was the fact that the Chief was 18 ( a whole nother issue) but the fact that this department went from having virtually no money, and literally no place to quarter their equipment and apparatus to having more money and equipment than a good majority of departments up here.
  24. Could be a transmission problem. Something in the transfer case. There was a fatality in Westchester County a number of years ago. A young FF was pinned between two rigs crushing his legs. You should ALWAYS chock your apparatus especially when pumping. This may help prevent the traveling you described.