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Posts posted by x4093k

  1. I would like to add my flickr page link to my signature, and when I try and do that, it says : Oops! Something Went Wrong!" and says " You are only allowed up to 3 lines"

    Well, that'd be my third line, and a lot of others have about 5 different lines, etc. Is this just me or is something wrong here?

    Also, when I try and add the link, all it says is " URL" and "Protocall" where is the option to add text as the link?

  2. By the rear license plate area, are those lights? Does Texas require a license plate in the rear? Will it fit with those lights there?

    Anyways, Very nice looking vehicle. Good luck to you folks with it.

  3. Why don't they donate the ones thats in the worst condition to one of the local FD's so they can train off of it. For example: Like Kyle said above, one thats listed as "do not start, etc" take the good parts out, and let FD light it on fire (or anything else) and train off of it. One like that with just seats/body on it will probably just be junked, why not use it to train?

    Not to start any debate anything, just my thoughts..

    BigBuff likes this

  4. Multiple departments in CT and some in NY also have this.

    White Plains has 3 I think, and New Fairfield has 2 from what I know. I live near a popular lettering/tint shop so I see all of them getting delievered/lettered, etc.

    They're very nice cars, hope they serve PD well.

    BigBuff and sfrd18 like this

  5. I heard over the scanner this morning, an ambulance got dispatched to a patient fallen unable to get up, with injuries. As the ambulance was responding, dispatch updated PD on scene, lift assist only. The ambulance asked "Any pending calls?" Dispatch replied "Negative" ambulance said "Ok, we will proceed in to help PD lift the patient" and then cleared less then 10 minutes later(including response time in the 10 minutes)

    Thats what I would do, and if there happened to be a pending call, PD could have lifted the person by him/herself, or called for a 2nd ambulance to go(if needed)

    efdcapt115 and wraftery like this

  6. Sorry but I have to comment. In a VOLUNTEER district when a call comes in for a lift assist it should be first answered by police. They take the call and do the dispatch. There are many more police officers on duty in cars than there are vehicles for ems. When the call comes in IF the caller indicates that there is an injury or medical need then of course dispatch the ambulance. If the call is just to help the party back into a chair or bed then the call can and should be handled by police. Once again...should the called indicate a need for medical treatment fine then send the ambulance but DON'T send them and tie up the only EMS crew in the district for a LIFT unless the first responder requests one.

    Just what I was about to post...Very well put.

    CIG II likes this

  7. If I'm around, I'll try to make it. and then will swing by and photograph the rig and hopefully the ceremony afterwards.

    Edit: Unfortunately I have to work until 4 and won't be able to make it. Good luck with it though!

    You stole my idea. :P I am pretty sure I can make it. i'll post some pictures on the site if I get there. Time will tell...

    peterose313 likes this

  8. I really think Westchester county needs a water rescue team for the sound shore, calling on Yorktown or somers is ridiculous. I can think of at least 6 water related deaths in the past 6 years just in mamaroneck alone.

    Good idea, but it will never happen.

    There are enough scuba teams in the area, the county really doesn't need one. Yes, the response time may be a little on the down side, but thats another story. Somers responded to Mamaroneck with a full scuba team last summer( they dont have too many scuba members at all) and got to the scene within 20 minutes, and thats response time also. And by then, many departments SCUBA were already there.

    Do we really need to get into discussion about the county? By the time they have assembled and responded, what, it'd save 5-6 minutes? Really not worth it, on my opinion.

    2231* likes this

  9. yes it would be in addition to the countys special operations units.

    I feel if Volunteer Companies Ran some of the special operations units that they would be called on more.

    What makes you think this? They aren't "better trained" then anyone else, besides, the career members who have a ton of training would probably know a little more than the volunteers who know little, especially in that position...Dont ya think?