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Everything posted by Viper

  1. I heard that there won't be a WCVFA Convention parade this year. Apparently no department wants to host it. Is there any truth to this?
  2. And your post is constructive how? I don't think you understand the definition of "inflammatory post", because you just made one. Maybe you need to keep your commentary to yourself as you obviously have no interest in contributing to this topic, except for the fact of trying to discourage other members from posting in it..
  3. Excellent article about a rookie firefighter in FDNY.
  6. You forgot to mention that he is a NAVY veteran. Who rescued someone on Memorial Day. Coincidence? I think not. Also recently received the Chesapeake VA Outstanding Citizen of the Year award.
  7. Trust me, I am in NO way defending the ethics of the editors of the Journal News. But if it wasn't true,, why did the Chief writing a letter admitting he used the terms which contradicts the article posted above? And did that article come from the Journal News, or what source?
  8. We got relocated there a while back. Couldn't figure out how to open the doors.....we were later informed they were broken. So we had to leave the truck running to keep the pump from freezing-and in that area someone with it. We managed to get into the firehouse after a DPW guy showed up to go to the bathroom, but he didn't know anything about the doors and said the building maintenance guy was on vacation. We were also surprised to see most guys sleep in makeshift areas on the first floor...must like to sleep with the rats and other vermin we saw running across the floor. When one of the engines got back, they opened the door manually. We felt pretty stupid, but they say that's pretty much the routine.
  9. The way Fairview FD has handled this shows the competency of the district. They didn't even suspend the guy while they figured out what to done. And at the same time, trying to figure out a way to fund a new "Executive Deputy Chief" position so he could "groom" his replacement. As mentioned above, where's the Greenburgh union been? Do they support their leader saying this? Or are they too afraid of their leaders to say anything? Surprising in such a multi-racial district.
  10. Just as a reminder, Tarrytown lost their most recent PESH appeal a couple of months ago. pesh apeal.pdf They think they're above the law, and really don't care.
  11. No need to use that many exclamation points, I can still read what you are saying. Even though I was wrong, where do I go exactly to get my facts straight before I post? There's a lot of information flying around. I didn't mean it like it sounded, it was Vikki Simmons, the District Chairpersons son, who is acaptain and a candidate for the position.
  12. It's kind of ironic that Fairview has a LARGE Jewish Community Temple right down the street from Station 2, and the separate Hebrew Hospital Home campus on the other side of the district, which donated their former Rescue 3. Wonder what they think? I also find it lame that the Chief had to read a letter to apologize while in a face-to-face apology with the Town Supervisor? Really, he couldn't have come up with something more genuine? Let's also not forget the age-discrimination lawsuit brought against them last week. Man Sues Fairview Over Age Discrmintation Or the fact they want to create a new "Executive Assistant Chief" position for $135,000 a year in order to "groom" the Chiefs replacement, one of which is the son of the District's longtime secretary and companion to the late Chief Mauro. Fairview fire commissioner sounds alarm on proposed $135G executive position
  13. There are so many stories out there I don't know which one to believe. Very controversial topic.
  14. Read more:
  15. Here's an article that does a good job explaining the need from the people who think that they need a new firehouse and more firefighters to cut response times and increase manpower. And the reasons why the town's others oppose it:
  16. I can't imagine, I'm glad it turned out for the best.
  17. Will Seagrave build on a Spartan Metrostar chasis? Or another manufacturer build on a Seagrave chasis....I've seen a few Rescue 1 products on Seagrave chasis.
  18. Raised Roof=Subliminal Message But the, why does FDNY have raised roof nowadays?
  19. Great shots!