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Everything posted by AndyC3J

  1. Just curious, if Smeal does win the bid, which chassis will be used, HME or Spartan?
  2. I was told a while back that this was "supposed" to be the dealer exclusive for Westchester this year. Guess that got changed. Oh well. At least I finally get a break. First month this year that hasn't produced something I want.
  3. The 2001 ALF Eagle which originally went to 34 and later 257 was NOT a post-9/11 donation. It was originally a demo assigned to the city for evaluation by several companies. They bought it after 9/11 due to the emergency shortage of apparatus. It either was not holding up well, or was too big for some houses (depending on sources believed) and ended up in it's present location.
  4. 5 PM? What happened to 2? Hmmmm.....might be able to make it after all, if I feel up to the trip.
  5. Congrats, and best of luck.
  6. Somerville got a new Seagrave tiller within the past year or so, but I haven't seen it (or any pics of it) yet.
  7. From what I understand (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) the flag graphics in the grille is an option from Pierce. And, Squad 61 and Ten Truck's murals were done by the folks at Seagrave, since both pieces were donated by said company (or at least one of them was).
  8. Speaking of which, Ladder47, anything going on in your neck of the woods?
  9. I'm kind of partial to Mike Myers' assessment of it in "Wayne's World"......"Marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries!" :D
  10. Man, I gotta win the lottery soon. Too many sweet lookin' rigs are being replaced. I want some of 'em! I assume the '83 Mack is what Mt. Kisco is replacing? And/or the older Pierce?
  11. As much as I don't want to see anything serious around here, I think Florida and the Gulf Coast could use a break after all they've endured in the past couple of years. Keep 'em all out to sea.....just send us enough rain to keep the drought conditions away!
  12. Garfield Truck 4 is an early 90's (either 1990 or 1992, depending on source believed) Simon-Duplex/LTI tiller.
  13. Sharp lookin' rig! Ditto on the wetdown info.....anyone know? That, with the Hahn reflected in the puddle below, would look great on an ASI shirt! (provided, of course, they were gracious enough to permit non-FF's to enter the premises to purchase one. Rockland dept's are notorious for not doing that).
  14. Thanks for the info. I saw both of them listed in the thread about the parade. Guess they never RSVP'ed?
  15. I just hope the New Deliveries page will yield some decent size pics, like other sites have, and not link to PDF of the blueprints when you click the thumbnails like the old site did.
  16. Anybody know the story as to the lack of Tarrytown, Thornwood, and Port Chester? Was terribly disappointed that none of them showed, after I drove like hell to get there in time.
  17. Any plans for a wetdown/dedication type of thing yet?
  18. Cool, thanks!
  19. For those not familiar with the area, could someone please post the parade route, or at least an intersection with names that Mapquest will recognize, which is close to the start point. Thanks.
  20. I see where the new engine has also arrived. Looks very nice. Has any kind of dedication or anything been set yet? Or, is there going to be one? If not, what parade(s) might these vehicles be involved in this summer?
  21. I don't know what was more amazing.....that, or the fact that they crammed it all into 40-odd minutes of television, and still managed to tell the story as well as they did. Great job by all involved. I'm beginning to regret not taping it.
  22. Syracuse, NY is also quite fond of their Sutphen towers, and also has a long history with them.
  23. What an awesome show! Congratulations to the Arena family, and best of luck with your new home.
  24. I don't watch trains on a regular basis, but when the Chesapeake and Ohio 614 steam locomotive was around in the late 90's, I was running around the area quite a bit on those weekends looking for good photo/video ops. Good thing it didn't conflict with any parades or wetdowns.....LOL!
  25. That makes it sound like the law pertains only to vehicles where the radio is built in, like a fire chief's vehicle. Does the same thing apply to carrying a hand-held scanner in the car as well? My hand-held doesn't pick up squat anymore. When it's on the plug, I can either get the units talking to the county, or the county talking to the units. Rarely both. When on battery, I get neither, unless I'm right on top of them. Saw a guy at a wetdown whose hand-held was picking up both conversations......from a unit on the other side of the county! I want one of those, whatever it was. Just about anything would be an improvement over my current unit, however.