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  1. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Does anyone know of any poker in Southern Westchester?   
    Stop by any Firehouse, we play Poker anytime the alarm sounds or is that Roll the dice ?
  2. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Newburgh police try to talk barricaded subject out of house.   
    Glad to see they got this dirt-bag without any injuries to law enforcement. What did surprise me is that David Sussman, the criminal loving liberal lawyer actually said the police handled it well. Let's see however when the lawsuits start if he changes his tune.
  3. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    The tax cap was political grandstanding at it's worse. NY, for years could not pass a budget on time and they decided to tell local government entities how to do business. The biggest tax burden as always are the school systems where the public votes on the budget.
  4. JM15 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Mutual aid?   
    Barry yes I am aware of the in-service for career departments. I was referring to volunteer departments. I also agree there should be one standard of training for all firefighters like in other states. As I have stated many times before and even wrote to OFPC and FASNY on this is allowing volunteer departments to appoint MTO's.
  5. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    The tax cap was political grandstanding at it's worse. NY, for years could not pass a budget on time and they decided to tell local government entities how to do business. The biggest tax burden as always are the school systems where the public votes on the budget.
  6. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    The tax cap was political grandstanding at it's worse. NY, for years could not pass a budget on time and they decided to tell local government entities how to do business. The biggest tax burden as always are the school systems where the public votes on the budget.
  7. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    The tax cap was political grandstanding at it's worse. NY, for years could not pass a budget on time and they decided to tell local government entities how to do business. The biggest tax burden as always are the school systems where the public votes on the budget.
  8. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    The tax cap was political grandstanding at it's worse. NY, for years could not pass a budget on time and they decided to tell local government entities how to do business. The biggest tax burden as always are the school systems where the public votes on the budget.
  9. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Newburgh police try to talk barricaded subject out of house.   
    Glad to see they got this dirt-bag without any injuries to law enforcement. What did surprise me is that David Sussman, the criminal loving liberal lawyer actually said the police handled it well. Let's see however when the lawsuits start if he changes his tune.
  10. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Newburgh police try to talk barricaded subject out of house.   
    Glad to see they got this dirt-bag without any injuries to law enforcement. What did surprise me is that David Sussman, the criminal loving liberal lawyer actually said the police handled it well. Let's see however when the lawsuits start if he changes his tune.
  11. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Newburgh police try to talk barricaded subject out of house.   
    I am f****** disgusted by what I just saw on the news about this story. I watched brave cops rush an attempted murder suspect with total disregard for their own safety and then I saw them have to deal the the lembhard family who rushed the cops and made the scene more chaotic. - ** For those of you who weren't aware, this clown who got locked up today is the brother of the other clown that NPD was forced to shoot earlier this year.
    This is a scenario that we deal with all the time, family members instead of standing back, come up and get involved, many times physically leading to their arrest also.
    I also saw that f****** ambulance chaser sussman who i believe was wearing a bullet resistant vest, right in the middle of the whole thing.
    These a******* said that they were in the house voluntarily and were not held hostage so if the orange county DA had any stones, he would charge them all with obstruction !!!!!!
    I'm glad the brothers from the NPD, OCSO, NYSP and USMS are all ok and there is now one less lembhard to prey on the citizens of orange county.
  12. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Man who booted ambulance is fired/ticketed   
    Didn't realize it was an ambulance?? There should be provisions in the penal code for being an idiot.
  13. joshlost818 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Man who booted ambulance is fired/ticketed   
    Didn't realize it was an ambulance?? There should be provisions in the penal code for being an idiot.
  14. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in New York cop's act of kindness goes viral   
    Very noble thing to do
  15. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in $2 and a dream - Powerball Jackpot grows to $550 million   
    Move anywhere Myrtle Beach to Florida....worry about what I will do when I get there
  16. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in New York cop's act of kindness goes viral   
    Very noble thing to do
  17. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in $2 and a dream - Powerball Jackpot grows to $550 million   
    Move anywhere Myrtle Beach to Florida....worry about what I will do when I get there
  18. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Advice, Pointers, Warnings or slaps in the head...Please.   
    You already know the players and the problems, it is highly unlikely that there is a big hidden issue that could explode on you, particularly in a small dept.. Even if OSHA (PESH) did come in it is technically the "Employeer" which has to make corrections, the employeer is the Board of Fire Commissioners, Board of Ditrectors or the City or Village admin and not the Fire Chief. Volunteer leaders often leave because they have other interests, family pressures, job issues or they have just had enough (I know career chiefs who have retired for the same reasons). Don't over read it.
  19. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Class act by Sleepy Hollow Fire Dept   
    Sleepy Hollow has donated there used surplus engine full of supplys to the Broad Channel F. D. who lost everything in Sandy. Hats off to them for taken care of fellow New Yorkers and NOT sending that like new engine to South America !
  20. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Christmas Wish   
    God Bless Nathan
  21. IzzyEng4 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Another Coastal Storm for Next Week   
    I remember it well Izzy
  22. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by EMTbravo in I hate that this site.....   
    (This is a general statement, and is NOT directed at anyone in particular. As you can see, it's in my signature)
    This community is what you make of it. You have a choice. Sit back and complain about the site.. Or start fresh, new, interesting topics. Invite people to participate in the forums. Post your photos. Reinvigorate the community. This site is based on member driven content, and you're in the drivers seat.
  23. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by helicopper in I hate that this site.....   
    I'm sick of BS bashing and bitching too but intelligent, rational discussions about critical things like the future of our emergency services need to happen. To say that a department who can't get out the door needs to address it by paying personnel or a career department needs to reduce its budget by augmenting staffing with properly trained and qualified volunteers is "bashing" is very narrow-minded.
    Are there members here with an agenda? Sure, just like in every firehouse or EMS station! Get over it! We're all entitled to different opinions and if we can't exchange them without crying about it, we're never going to see anything improve. We just endured one of the most contentious elections in recent memory - at several levels, not just the presidency - but we're still all working side by side regardless of who we voted for. Why can't we simply agree to disagree, respect someone else for having a different opinion than ourselves and move on?
    Seriously, political correctness and fear of offending anyone and everyone has stifled some very important dialogue. All you have to do is look at the municipal budget crises to see that we are approaching a cliff also and will soon be facing people with torches and pitchforks demanding changes and savings and accountability. If you'd rather just discuss apparatus chevrons, flashing lights, and post, and post and repost nonsense, carry on.
  24. fireboyny liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Wounded Veterans hit by Train   
    My prayers go to all of them
  25. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Sandy Still a Nightmare (and will continue to be)   
    Just to our south and east, one of the biggest challenges to emergency management and disaster recovery is unfolding. Tens of thousands of people have been left homeless by Sandy and their entire communities are devastated. This isn't just a matter of replacing basement carpet and some sheet rock. Entire neighborhoods in NY and NJ have been wiped out. The infrastructure in some of these communities was also destroyed and must be completely rebuilt, from the underground up.
    The first issue is where to put all these people, especially now that the temperatures are dropping and winter is around the corner. They can't continue to live as squatters in the debris field that was once their neighborhood. Without electricity, heat, water, sanitation, this will soon become a public health problem as well.
    How will communities that were barely able to sustain their municipal budgets afford to rebuild EVERYTHING?
    Did we really learn anything from Katrina or will we have to repeat all the mistakes that were made in response to that storm again?
    Who will bear the expense of rebuilding and who will make the decision about whether or not it is appropriate to make an investment like that on a barrier island that could be hit again next hurricane season?
    Just as Katrina was for the gulf coast and NOLA, Sandy will continue to be a crisis for sometime to come.