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  1. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Dont forget Rescue Squad, Rescue Company, Special Rescue,
    Thanks for reminding me about the other terms, I too love the shake n' bake one from "Backdraft".
    But most of the officers in my area will just stand in the front yard scratching their heads and say "Golly, that thar house is a fiar!! (spit) reckon we need more water and stuff and get me nother can o' skoal too!!"
    Sorry...Im from long island originally and couldnt help the can take the person from the city but you cant take the city from the person...peace out.
  2. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Hear about the guy from Alabama who was pulled over by a Trooper on the NY State Thruway?
    Trooper says "Got any ID?"
    Redneck answers "Bout whut?"
  3. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Dont forget Rescue Squad, Rescue Company, Special Rescue,
    Thanks for reminding me about the other terms, I too love the shake n' bake one from "Backdraft".
    But most of the officers in my area will just stand in the front yard scratching their heads and say "Golly, that thar house is a fiar!! (spit) reckon we need more water and stuff and get me nother can o' skoal too!!"
    Sorry...Im from long island originally and couldnt help the can take the person from the city but you cant take the city from the person...peace out.
  4. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Dont forget Rescue Squad, Rescue Company, Special Rescue,
    Thanks for reminding me about the other terms, I too love the shake n' bake one from "Backdraft".
    But most of the officers in my area will just stand in the front yard scratching their heads and say "Golly, that thar house is a fiar!! (spit) reckon we need more water and stuff and get me nother can o' skoal too!!"
    Sorry...Im from long island originally and couldnt help the can take the person from the city but you cant take the city from the person...peace out.
  5. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Dont forget Rescue Squad, Rescue Company, Special Rescue,
    Thanks for reminding me about the other terms, I too love the shake n' bake one from "Backdraft".
    But most of the officers in my area will just stand in the front yard scratching their heads and say "Golly, that thar house is a fiar!! (spit) reckon we need more water and stuff and get me nother can o' skoal too!!"
    Sorry...Im from long island originally and couldnt help the can take the person from the city but you cant take the city from the person...peace out.
  6. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Heavy Rescue, Light Rescue, Medium rescue, Rescue-Engine, Squad, or Ambulance?
  7. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    Job, Worker, Goin' to work, DO WORK!, J O B, Stretching on a dwelling, OSW, Going Good, All Hands, Confirmed Worker, Burner, Suit Up!, Dumpin' The Monitor, 10-75, and my favorite; Shake and Bake Boys, We Got A Barbecue!
  8. x635 liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    These posts pretty much sum it up for our area as well.
    We are dispatched to a "structure fire" which could be anything, but until an officer makes a size-up we wont know. We are dispatched to chimney fires under this category as well, being the chimney is part of the structure, so when a chief arrives and see's that its in the chimney they will call it out on the radio, but if he/she gets there and smoke and flame are pushing out a window, they call for a "working structure fire" meaning we will be going to work interior to extinguish fire.
    I see that no one mentioned the mis-used term of "fully involved" here. It happens so much in my area I lost count. We get toned out for a "fully involved structure fire" only to arrive on scene and find out it was steam from a shower that the neighbor saw...
    Or a "fully involved car fire" only to get there and see a little smoke coming from the engine compartment...
    We were dispatched 3 weeks ago to a "fully involved barn fire" and it ended up being a small amount of hay in a drain ditch just inside an old dairy barn extinguished with a bucket of water by a passersby from a kiddy pool found in the yard...
    I think the terminology state-wide is vastly different and can be interpreted by each department in a different way, which is why NIMS is supposedly being used, to use "common terminology" in "plain language".
    So far we have; "working fire", "structure fire", "room and contents", "fully involved". Did we miss any?
  9. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by mfc2257 in Difference Between "Working Fire" and "Structure Fire"   
    I think the term "working fire" has been overused as of late.... A structure fire is a generalized even to describe a fire at a structure... it could be oven, room and contents, chimney, OR working.... A working fire is one that is best described as a fire that is progressing beyond the point of ignition to involve other parts of the structure, rooms, etc....
    One room off is not a working fire... a kitchen fire with extention to the floor above is a working fire.... JMHO
  10. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Red Light-Dash or Mini-bar   
    I wanted to ask if anyone had a CHEAP, red light for sale, either a dash light, or mini-bar light or tear drop with magnetic mounts.
    I just got elected assistant chief and my department has no lights to loan out to chief officers, you would have to buy your own and my budget is strapped.
    PM me for further info or post the info for what you have, with a picture if available in this thread.
    Help a poor chief out will ya!
    Thanks in advance.
  11. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Official Run Totals For 2012   
    146 fire calls for my department.
    I went from a dept on Long Island averaging over 1000 runs annualy to 146...I kinda like the pace though, more time with my daughter!
  12. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by sfrd18 in Official Run Totals For 2012   
    New York City, NY FD(FDNY): 494,355
    Total All-Hands Fires or Greater(J O B S): 2,686
    Greenwich, CT: 4,077(No EMS)
  13. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Official Run Totals For 2012   
    146 fire calls for my department.
    I went from a dept on Long Island averaging over 1000 runs annualy to 146...I kinda like the pace though, more time with my daughter!
  14. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by YFD601 in Mt. Vernon 2nd alarm-12-27-12   
    271 S. 7th Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY
  15. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Fire Bike?   
    I have a pic of it too, taken at delivery.

  16. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Fire Bike?   
    My car is 2306 thank you
  17. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  18. x4093k liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in EMTBravo is 10 Years Old! (Take The Quiz-New Questions Added)   
    Congrats to both EMTBravo and Seth on a successful 10 years, I was proud to serve as moderator for the site and help out for the time I was. Thanks for the great site Seth.
  19. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by EMTbravo in EMTBravo is 10 Years Old! (Take The Quiz-New Questions Added)   
    Tonight, at 0001 hrs on 1-1-13, EMTBravo will turn 10 years old! Maybe it's just me that's excited over something so trivial, but to me, it means something
    Seems like it was just yesterday when I sat dow at my computer, enjoying the relatively new, long awaited broadband connection, at my apartment in Woburn,MA on New Year's Eve, when on a whim, I decided to create a website to replace my email list. So, the very simple website went live at 0001 on New Years Day, and, like a snowball down a hill, kept growing each and every week that went by. Photos and information poured in to post on the original site. There had never been a site like this in the Hudson Valley and Southwestern CT, and was launched before anyone had really every heard about Facebook or the term "Social Media". You could tell imediately that this was something that people had wanted since learning the word "Internet". Heck, some people only ventured on the internet for EMTBravo, and that's the only use they had for it.. Seven months later, the EMTBravo Network forums were launched to replace the "News" section of the original site and become an interactive and dynamic way to exchange information and ideas . EMTBravo has expanded tremendously in both size and geographical areas covered from the small, Westchester dedicated site that it originally was. And to this day, 10 years later, the site keeps growing and I stil have the passion for it that I had on Day 1.
    It's still our vision, and it's been proven over the years, that firefighters, police officers, EMS workers, 911 Dispatchers, and everyone else with an interest in emergency services can work together, can become friends, can develop ideas, can learn from one another, and can make anything happen. Of course, it was our first mission to "get the word out" which is still true to this day.
    One of the things that I am proud of, is that members of the site when it was first launched are still active members and staff to this day! The loyalty and support of this site by the all of our members has been awesome, and has made the site what it is.
    Personally, one of the things I'm most grateful for during the entire 10 years of this site was all the great friendships that I have made along the way, that I probaly wouldn't have ever met had it not been for this site.
    And we intend to use this oppurtunity to celebrate! Look for special 10 year anniversary features throughout the year, starting tommorow with an EMTBravo Quiz!

    Seth G. , on behalf of the EMTBravo team!
  20. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 50-65 in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    The firearms used, 2 handguns, were legally purchased, owned and REGISTERED to a LICENSED person. They were stolen after that person was murdered.
    Like most politicians, several people will have knee jerk reactions to this senseless act carried out by a mentally disturbed individual. They will call for all kinds of new laws and regulations when the ones we have still mean nothing the criminal. So China should ban knives. We should make it illegal to own and drive cars because some people choose to drink and drive and kill others.
    What would you have us do, ban all private ownership of firearms? Have the government confiscate them? The ONLY thing that is keeping what is left of our constitution intact is the Second Amendment. Without it, and what it provides, the rest of the amendments and the rest of the Constituton stand no chance of surviving for long.
    Gov Huckabee said it correctly as have many others in the past. We, as a nation, have pushed God from our schools, work, politics, sports, and just about every aspect of our lives. And then we wonder where He is when something like this happens.
    "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,....murders....: All these evil things come from within... ." Mark 7:21,23.
    My condolances to the many who have suffered loss this tragic day. You will be in my prayers.
  21. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    As time goes on and more details emerge, we will read more about small acts of bravery and heroism, from the small children themselves, to the teachers, to the 911 Dispatcher, to the cops and firemen....and it will drive home that in the midst of pure, unthinkable, evil, good still exists.
  22. EmsFirePolice liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    Yes, those first responders must be going through some tough feelings right now, pray for them as well.
    This makes me sick to my stomache and is exactly why I didnt want my daughter to go to public school...most of those schools are nothing but deathtraps waiting to happen with all of the drugs, bullying, not enough teachers, too many kids, things get out of control and this happens...
    My daughter got in trouble the other day for coming to the defense of a little girl getting bullied by two older boys...AND MY GIRL GOT IN TROUBLE?!?!? And they wonder why these things happen??
    Thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families, the teachers and staff, and above all the first responders who are sorting through this mess...god bless.
  23. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by x129K in CAD - Computer Aided Dispatch   
    You can only get OUT of CAD, what you PUT into it.....simple.
    However, if you put volumes of information in, and only have 1 or 2 dispatchers working...dont expect alot back when it is busy...understaffing is a huge problem in 911 Centers, as with most of emergency services.
    Speaking for MY CAD, we have housewatches, alerts, (CIDS information equivilant for the FDNY guys), ie; locations of handicapped, dangerous dogs, unsafe building conditions, Officer Safety info, etc..
    We use New World Systems...and it is's an ever evolving system taylored to our needs.
    Regardless what system you use, reliability is a must. And even then, you have to be knowledgable and proficient enough to be able to work without it if it goes down. THAT'S where us "buffs" really shine.
  24. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Advice, Pointers, Warnings or slaps in the head...Please.   
    Well, I would never take advantage of you guys, I would wine and dine you first at least...
    I do have a large support group here, bigger than in my own department which makes me feel better and I appreciate all of the support and advice from you all.
    Thank you!!
  25. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Advice, Pointers, Warnings or slaps in the head...Please.   
    Well, I would never take advantage of you guys, I would wine and dine you first at least...
    I do have a large support group here, bigger than in my own department which makes me feel better and I appreciate all of the support and advice from you all.
    Thank you!!