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Posts posted by SRS131EMTFF

  1. Dispatch next due

    Let me rephrase my question: Does the transport of a K-9 over ride the existing duty to act? For example in an shooting, a K-9 gets injured and EMS begins transport of the K-9, if another person get injured on scene, does the EMTs existing duty to act over ride the K-9 on which he has no legal duty?

    The douche bag that hurt the canine OR the law enforcement agency that the canine is part of OR do the right thing and get the dog who would take a bullet for its handler or any other person it is engaged to protect for that matter, to a facility that can help it and forget about the bill.

    The "douche bag" only has a legal obligation to compensate victims of his crime after a court has told him to do so, the bill does not go away in that time. Does the law enforcement agency have a insurance policy or reimburcement plan for the animal? "Doing the right thing" does not pay the bills. I am not advocating against EMS transporting police K-9. What I am arguing is that these things need to be considered and planned for before saying "ok now you can transport K-9s".

    Here is another question: Whose gives consent for the dog? Handler, PD Chief, IC?

  2. Is it really obsolete and useless? I know here in Westchester there are areas that pagers and cell phones don't get any reception. I don't know anything about this area of Delaware, but I imagine if one of the wealthiest counties in the country has areas lacking service, other areas have similar problems.

    Where exactly in the county is there both no cell or pager service?

    Westfield12 and M' Ave like this

  3. "Walk softly and carry a big stick"

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Interesting view, but obviously I disagree. I'm confident history, especially the history of the 20th century, shows that true security comes from military strength not negotiating with tyrants and fanatics . Far more often than not it is the knowledge that your adversaries possess overwhelming military force and the willingness and ability to project it that is the deterrent, not kind words and piles of cash.

    Didn't stop 4 planes from being crashed into PA, the Pentagon and WTC. And hasn't stopped mostly stone aged tech farmers from stopping NATO and Russians for 4 decades in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Do not forget Syria was once one of the largest and best equipped militaries in the Middle East outside of Egypt, Saudis and Israel. Look where the knowledge of their overwhelming military forces is now.

    The 21st Century will show that peace comes from hearts and minds, not from JDAMs and M4s or gun boat diplomacy.

    You sound no better than those who say we need to nuke Iraq, Syria and Afganistan to "fix the problems" over there. You may have seen the war first hand, but your understanding lacks substance.

  4. The problem now is what to do about the reality of today to secure our country now and in the future.

    Be a better global parter. Free the oppressed, feed the hungry, heal the sick and help the needy. All of those will do much more for American safety then any draft will ever do.

    "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

  5. Russian bombers buzzing a U.S. carrier, forcing fighters to be scrambled to defend the ship. China's threats to deny freedom of navigation around the Spratly Islands and the adjacent shipping lanes. North Korea building ICBMs that will reach the U.S. mainland. Iran about to have access to $100 billion thanks to the recent nuclear "deal". Millions of "refugees" flooding Europe and soon to be heading here. A border so porous thousands enter the U.S. illegally every day. ISIS inflaming the Middle East and slaughtering thousands. The Russian military fighting in Syria. Hezbollah stepping up attacks on Israel. The House of Saud in disarray. An American Ranger killed in Iraq during a rescue mission. Troops to remain in Afghanistan indefinitely...and so on and so on.

    So many wrong points here it is almost farsical.

    Russian bombers buzzing a U.S. carrier, forcing fighters to be scrambled to defend the ship.

    Total non-story. Russians were operating in international waters and were intercepted by South Korean Air Force prior to an USS Reagan F/A-18C/Ds. Whipped into controversy by Fox News but totally par for the course.

    China's threats to deny freedom of navigation around the Spratly Islands and the adjacent shipping lanes.

    Considering China is a mostly brown navy on the best of days again, there is no challenge to American power in the South China Sea unless you count unmarked obsticles which have sunk more navy ships in recent memory then any boomer, AShM or diesel-electric submarine since the Falklands.

    Iran about to have access to $100 billion thanks to the recent nuclear "deal".

    You mean the deal to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East and replace the nuclear weapons material with power generating material? Sounds like a lot of peace to me. That $100 billion will do wonders modernizing their infrustructrue and spreading American goodwill in the region.

    North Korea building ICBMs that will reach the U.S. mainland.

    Japan or Guam maybe but only Russia can reach US mainland from their mainland. Good thing both Japan and S. Korea have AEGIS based missle defence supplied by the US military.

    Millions of "refugees" flooding Europe and soon to be heading here.

    See US invasion and destabilization of Iraq and subsequent unrest, destabilization in Syria courtesy of G.W. Bush.

    A border so porous thousands enter the U.S. illegally every day.

    "Inscription on the Statue of Liberty"

    Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

    Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

    -Emma Lazarus

    ISIS inflaming the Middle East and slaughtering thousands.

    See Iraq comments from above.

    The Russian military fighting in Syria.

    Invited by the Syrian Government and while bombing FSA positions, has more to lose from extremism and terrorism given its proximity to Syria and large muslim regions and population.

    Hezbollah stepping up attacks on Israel.

    Hezbollah hasen't attaked Israel since the begining of the January and considering I drove the entire Lebanon/Israel border in May, there is not much to worry about there.

    The House of Saud in disarray.

    Not sure how you are calling them in disarray as they are actively competing with the US in the global oil market making American petro products uneconomical to export. They are also winning in Yemen against the Houthi.

    An American Ranger killed in Iraq during a rescue mission.

    Died on a rescue mission rescuing hostages earning America more good will.

    De oppresso liber.

    Troops to remain in Afghanistan indefinitely

    We are not the only NATO forces present in country and the 9,000 is way less than the 100,000+ we had at the height of surge.

    M' Ave, Danger and Westfield12 like this

  6. Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.

    -Herbert Hoover

    Sounds like you are signing up your son, and the sons of others, to die for an ideology they do not support.

    At least ISIL brainwashes and indocrinates all of their youth before sending them to martyrdom.

    Danger likes this

  7. NYS will pay for your EMT course if you are affiliated with a NYS volunteer EMS agency. It always make sense to have someone else pay for your certification. However before you take the class, ensure this work is for you. I have seen WAY TOO MANY people take the EMT course only to realize that they do not want to do EMS.

    To choose an agency:

    1. Go local, you will last longer if you volunteer in your home town than if you volunteer 3 towns over. I.E. Community Involvement/Ownship

    2. Inquire about the culture. Being the volunteer on a truck of paid medics gets old quick, doubly so if your stuck at the station for 12+ hours while everyone else runs from home. Is their a paid vs. volunteer divide? What about new kids vs. old timers? In-town folks vs. out of town folks? Any overly strong personalities that you wont like/wont like you? All important to consider. You will be place in very difficult and stressful potential life and death situations with these people. You want to be around people you can trust, can trust you and you get along with. These people will turn into your family or worst enemies. I.E. Organization Culture

    3. Call volume and response area. Depending on whether you are home or at the station and your personal preferences will be the judge of this aspect but no one really wants to volunteer to run calls for 12 hours straight if they run from home and no one wants to volunteer to sit at the station for 12 hours just to sit on your hands for the entire time. I.E. How Busy

    4. Room for advancement. It gets boring doing the same thing over and over again. You want to drive I see, how long will it be until you take the EMT course will be important. Will you still be driving 2 years later or will they let you take an EMT class by then? Will they let you alternate positions once you are cross-trained? Drive one call and tech the other? I.E. Cross-training

    AFS1970, BFD1054 and GAW6 like this

  8. certainly is not a sound business process.

    You are implying that this is a sound business in the first place, which it is not at all. Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement is a joke a best. An ambulance could do 30 billable runs a day but if they are all Medicare/Medicaid, no one will know when they will get reimbursement or how much. Could be 30% 2 weeks later, could be 10% 3 months later, literally no one knows, it is all based on Medicare/Medicaid how much reimbursement they are willing to pay for whatever you have done. I know we currently are at 22% of our fee is reimbursed by Medicare/Medicaid. If you are lucky, you have a patient with private insurance, maybe then, after arguing with the insurance company about how much reimbursement they will pay will you actually see reimbursement rate anywhere north of 50%.

    As recently as last week, I was told to wait until 2pm on Friday to deposit the paycheck. I had to wait 2 weeks for them to order new defib pads so that they could ensure that they were going to make payroll.

    However when dealing with companies that would rather pay $1000 for a tow job 50 miles than take the rig out of service for a day to replace a $150, you can see how in the end, it is all really just F'ed.

    Dinosaur and velcroMedic1987 like this

  9. You are missing the point I was making. Many of the same people who take offense to the confederate flag are the same ones that destroy our flag. Plenty of flags are burned or stepped on and they never face consequence even though there are laws in this country against doing so. I cant recall hearing of one arrest for it. I know people take "issue" with it but it never seems to go further than that. There is a law on the books. We need to start enforcing it.

    Nope, sorry, wrong, try again. U.S. vs. Eichman is very clear:

    "While flag desecration -- like virulent ethnic and religious epithets, vulgar repudiations of the draft, and scurrilous caricatures -- is deeply offensive to many, the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."

    -Pp. 313-319.

    Written by SCOTUS Justice Brennan

  10. I have 2,700 posts here and I have been here for over 9 years. That is 300 posts per year, a little under 1 a day, average. In the past two years I have posted here less than 100 times, or a little over once a week. To say this site has died is an understatement, of the top ten posters that are not Seth, only 3 post anymore. 1 is me, 1 is a moderator and 1 is Bnechis. We have lost more quality posters than we have gained by leaps and bounds. The reason why we do not have the posting that used to occur is simply we do not have the same caliber of people posting over and over again. Yes there are a few quality people posting out there but those who post talk past each other, not actually to each other.

    Quite simply it is impossible to engage in conversation if no one is listening. It is even harder/more frustrating when any conversation here occurs past eachother and not too each other; very quickly you loose anything to talk about.

    I am not sure there really needs to be another generation of EMTBravo. What would it accomplish? We have tried using EMTBravo as a training site with no success, we have tried using EMTBravo as a incident alert site with no success, we have tried using EMTBravo as an emergency service community platform with no success. After some point you have to say that the site had a good life but has been eclipsed by other more modern platforms (Think of EMTBravo as MySpace) and you need to let it die. Maybe it is time that efforts get channeled somewhere where they would be more effective like emergency services activism or public education as opposed to a forum with only 1.5 new topics daily?

    SageVigiles likes this

  11. Actually it was designed to work at a snails pace. The founding fathers wanted committee's and debate and time to consider the ramifications.

    At what point does "debate" become "obstruction"?

    I again have to point out that Congress "debated" DHS funding ad nauseum, and yet look at what happened. I bet you would not have the same opinion of "debate" if you were working without a pay check.

    Maybe if congress legislated instead of debated we would not have this conversation.

  12. You mean when our government as it was designed, and the parties elected, don't do what you want, this is what you do? Slippery slope when the Executive Office can force their bidding upon us, remember what works for this president will surely be used by the next. As I recall our Forefathers designed our model to eliminate the possibility of "one man's rules". Pretty sure theirs been some rolling going on in many graves, for many years. Sad part is, this just emboldens elected officials at every level. Our governor who is the political polar opposite of our President is abusing his executive power on a daily basis to ensure his agenda.

    I have no dog in the AR-15 fight, but I can tell you that congress wasn't designed to grind to halt either...but that doesn't stop "one man's rules" (McConnell or Boehner) from making it a "slippery slope" either.

    You should ask the the DHS employees going without pay because congress couldn't agree on funding if they wish the president could authorize their funding...

    At some point it becomes essential to legislate, something that cannot happen when you have one of the most unproductive congresses in the 200+ year history of the country.

    If our founding fathers had truly tried to make this country "eliminate the possibility of "one man's rules" how do explain federalism, republicanism, recess appointments, martial rule, executive actions and pardons etc all enshrined in the constitution or delineated and protected by the supreme court?

    INIT915 likes this

  13. Bakkan Crude is a light sweet crude oil rich in volatiles such as propane and butane making Bakkan Crude explode and burn as opposed to leak into waterways.

    I maybe a bleeding heart liberal but building the Keystone XL pipeline will keep more of these "exploding" rail cars off the railroads given NAFTA allows Canada to ship unlimited amounts of oil through the US to the Gulf via these rail cars.