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Posts posted by spike2231

  1. Greenville Fire District, as we know it, would by state law cease to exist. The commissioners would no longer be in charge, the village would now be in charge. Unless Greenville, Fairview, and Hartsdale became one, then the village could be part of that district simular to what happened in Pelham whe. The 2 villages became 1. The district folded

    x635 likes this

  2. I have to admit when i first got my blue light it gave me a false sense of power or authority but as i got older i realized that its nothing more than courtisity today i hardly ever use it going to a fire call , its used to get though a fire line or police line to let them know who you are not so you can run red lights all that does is get you and others hurt. If the fire is that big it will be there when you get there look at warwick 7 alarms later and a day later its still there . I do find myself using the blue light to let others who maybe responding to calls behind me that i am one of you so please donot pass me if you really think you can get there before I will let you pass but you will have to wait for me anyway either I am driving or filling out the crew . what did you gain by passing by me and I see guys with all these lights in the grill on the sunvisor even a light bar sometimes responding from 2 towns away why ??? again if its that big it will be there when you get there !!!!!!!!!.

    dwcfireman, JTF429 and Officer Ed like this

  3. here i have another one back in the (1975) when i first joined the fire dept and i heard the whistle from the other side of town i counted out the box it was 512 i think i toke off in my car blue light on and had to pass the firehouse on my way to the scene which i did as i went by the fd there was a couple pof guys sitting on the bumper of the engine on the apron i wondered why they were there and not responding so i turned around and wenT in the back door of the firehouse only to find out the whistle i heard was larchmonts who had a brush fire at flint park not our district boy did i feel stupid i was the joke for a few years i miss that whistle

    dwcfireman likes this

  4. heres a good one when i was new at the TMFD back before the fire house was remodled and 2 bays added on we would hang out down in the club room when an alarm would come in you would run for the sairs which were right next to the kitchen on the left side of the door well in 1995 the fire house renovations were finished and to the members old habits were hard to break well when the alarm would sound everyone would run for the stairs and for a long time months probably we would forget they were moved to the back side of the room no longer next to the kitchen that was now a wall well you can guess the rest "bang"

    dwcfireman likes this

  5. i only want to ask does anyone remember what happened on dec 7th 1941 of course we remember but also life goes on and those who died so we could live would want us to go on and enjoy life enough saddness already they want to be remembered for the good not the bad things

    Westfield12 and GAW6 like this

  6. Date:10/15/2014
    Location:122 glenieda ave
    District: carmel
    Units: Cfd 12/2/1 12/8/1

    Description: mahopac ladder requested to scene CARMEL PD reports smoke showing

    CVAC responding for smoke inhalation


    0905 18/5/1 mahopac released

    JosephDep likes this