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Posts posted by Mac8146

  1. This incident did happen, Marine 4 was on Queens side of east river and without going into great detail an incident happened causing serious injury to a members arm, the boat was piloted across river to the 90 street dock near FDR drive. Member was transported via FDR to Bellevue Hospital were he remains. His arm has been reattached and with prayer hopefully all continues well and he regains function.

  2. Really sad about the kids,however since the word lawsuit has now been mentioned due to response delays maybe its time for the responsible parties to be charged for not having working smoke detectors. Easy to sue the city and blame EMS for there issues but what about those that dont follow law in regards to smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. City will hand out money to settle this and those kids will never be back, a shame that the parents will "profit" from this loss.

    x635, 99subi, 16fire5 and 3 others like this

  3. As of now the use of 2" in hose bed is on hold, some issues developed with hose during stretching, when i get more specifics will post, if you look at picture the lead length was green then 5 lengths of white and then 4 more green, reason being FDNY uses 6 lengths of 1 3/4 followed by 2 1/2 so in order not confuse members when estimating hose stretches they put the 1 and 5 to show 6 lengths off and when you get to 2 1/2 you have 10 total out. Many stretches in tenement areas require more than 10 lengths to reach fire.

    The 2" hose is still being used off standpipes as the lead length this has not changed.

  4. Right now FDNY has 2" hose being used as lead length in standpipe operations, it is lightweight with 2 1/2 butts, also new lightweight

    2 1/2 hose being used all are single jacket. So standpipe is stretched using 2 1/2 hose with the last length being the 2" with smooth bore 1" MST which is a little longer than normal MST in length.

    A pilot program is underway with 2" being used in lieu of 1 3/4 in selected Engines just kicked off not involved in the test but did hear some issues already and was temporarily pulled from use until remedy is found. It was to be 10 lengths of 2" filled out with standard 2 1/2 hose to be used from main hose bed. Different from the 6 lengths 1 3/4 then fillout with 2 1/2. More when program restarts

    M' Ave, sfrd18 and x635 like this

  5. I think the point here is that any standpipe equipped building whether 6 or 40 stories cannot be handled properly with current staffing. Yonkers has 4 per rig, 1 remains in street to supply system which in itself is difficult task for 1 member, the Officer and 2 firefighters are left to handle hose lay and one member must remain at standpipe valve to supply line. So in essence 2 are manning the line in a high rise fire, with the possibilty of long hallways and wind driven fires, plus not enough line carried into building by the 3 members. So yes Yonkers firefighters are at a big disadvantage in high rise operations. How long would it take for the 2nd engine to pair up and assist with line placement, this would add more members to facilitate stretch, but in some sections it may be a while for this to occur due to long responses. Union has some real issues here but is there an answer that allows high rise operations in Yonkers to be conducted safely.

    tglass59, 791075, Bnechis and 1 other like this

  6. Hopefully this gets done ASAP but really how much more can this area take. New Orleans got money real fast after Katrina and the midwest gets money for the twisters and storms they deal with. Maybe time for all to remember these Senators and Reps when they have hand out for campaign money and looking for reelection. Obama must have forgot that Christie most likely got him reelected when he spoke praise on Obama during Sandy. How quickly they all disappear ...........

  7. L39 and 143 do not have new tillers, the shops rebuilt the tiller enclosures and added some diamond plate to prepare these rigs for future spare use. L-34 is the oldest front line tiller in service and will be receiving first new tiller which is on the way from seagrave, picture shown in forum was taken at seagrave.After L-34 is delivered the rest of the order will start arrivng as well as the rest of the tower ladders on order from seagrave.

  8. Upon retirement all gear is returned to quartermaster, it is used at proby school and burn simulator for training purposes. Also the quartermaster is a separate contract with city to provide supplies, all members get a uniform allowance albeit less than what we got prior to quartermaster. That is used for maintainence of equipment and so on. All members have an issued helmet from the quartermaster, I do not believe that anyone has a helmet they paid for prior to quartermaster issueing the approved helmets in the early 90's. If there are some i am sure they can keep what they paid for because there is no records of helmet being issued to them by quartermaster.

    grumpyff likes this

  9. Problem with allowing members to keep helmet is they will still use it, the quartermaster tags the helmet and you are required to have notarized document stating that you will not use helmet again if you purchase it. Leather is out of FDNY as it is no longer listed in official publication as authourized gear. Only the morning pride ben II and the updated benII are helmets allowed. For the record last leather helmets issued by quartermaster was in 1995. Those that opted to purchase one on their own will now have to retire it and return the issued helmet most likely in pristine shape for a new helmet.

    16fire5 likes this

  10. FDNY approved in advance a mutual aid request if necessary to Yonkers. A task force of 3 Engines and a Satelite Unit would respond to Yonkers in the affected area and supply water most likely from the NYC hydrants near Yonkers depending on location of fire. Was notified that this would happen from E-81 FDNY quarters as the meeting spot for units assigned. As of now it has not been needed or requested.

    SageVigiles and M' Ave like this