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  1. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  2. JCESU liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Excellent Example of Gun Control   
    Despite being wounded himself, the homeowner maintained his composure and control of his weapon wounding all three of the suspects, one fatally.
    I don't know why they targeted this house full of kids at the time but I'm glad the homeowner was able to defend them.
  3. helicopper liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Fire Bike?   
    Sorry I got my info from the Journal News !
  4. helicopper liked a post in a topic by x129K in Fire Bike?   
    I have a pic of it too, taken at delivery.

  5. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  6. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  7. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  8. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  9. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Fire Bike?   
    Looks like bnechis's first two wheeler!
  10. helicopper liked a post in a topic by Oswegowind in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    Although I appreciate the fact that I am thought of now and again, I have to pass on commenting about this. I still show up to work and do my job as well as I ever did and don't plan to change that, I have stayed away from EMTBravo for a long time and don't feel like entertaining a political debate. I ask that those involved fight their own battle and remember that the dispatchers are people with families, lives, and homes too.
    Kris Mason
    Public Safety Dispatcher, Yonkers NY
  11. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    While members frequently suggest that contributions should be limited to those with the proverbial horse in the race, there is no such requirement to do so and EMTBravo encourages all members to contribute positively to the discussion. Note the emphasis on contribute and positively. It's OK to disagree but mudslinging and bashing should be relegated to other venues.
    There are plenty of knowledgeable people with a wealth of information that cross jurisdictional and disciplinary "boundaries".
    Don't be dissuaded by emotional tirades or venting by other members.
    Carry on!
  12. AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Legally Recognize Westboro Church As A Hate Group   
    There's a difference between protesting outside the White House and threatening the President. Nobody is protected by the Constitution when they make threats against a person (or the President).
    It is ironic and their venom is disturbing to say the least but we have to endure that just like we have to endure the neo-nazis, skinheads, and other extremist groups who enjoy the same freedoms that we do.
    As for abuses of the IRS code by claiming religious exemptions, they're not the only ones who do it. There're lots of other stories about the same thing in other groups but a dim view is taken on investigating and prosecuting "religious" groups, even the offensive ones.
    Gotta take the bad with the good. That's part of what makes this country so interesting!
  13. helicopper liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Legally Recognize Westboro Church As A Hate Group   
    These Church's are free to spew their hate, whether it be celebrating at soldiers' funerals or protesting the funeral of murdered first-graders or whatever they come up with next. Just as those who oppose them are free to criticize them. The First Amendment works both ways.
    I've never seen these petitions, but I doubt anyone in their right mind thinks that they are going anywhere. Feel free not to sign them, that's your right. Or, if you agree with them, feel free to sign them, that's your right as well.
  14. helicopper liked a post in a topic by x129K in Commercial Vehicles On Westchester County Parkways   
    Yeah, I figured...I was gonna post that too, but I dont know spanish so well.
  15. helicopper liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Commercial Vehicles On Westchester County Parkways   
    Lawer representing U.S.Airways:
    "judge, we acknowledge the laws regarding navigatable waters, but we believe the the laws of gravity and of physics take precedent in this case"
  16. x129K liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Commercial Vehicles On Westchester County Parkways   
    Ambulances are not in the restricted vehicle category. They also have ambulance plates, not commercial, and the fly-cars now have regular passenger plates so no foul there either. The "commercial" ambulance designation is more of an industry term than a DMV term. There's no distinction between commercial ambulance, volunteer ambulance, etc. as far as the vehicle goes.
    From the NYS CRR Section 182.31
  17. helicopper liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Commercial Vehicles On Westchester County Parkways   
    The USCG does not restrict commercial activity on a navigatable water way
    Unless, maybe splitting hairs between a commercial vehicle and commercial vessel.
  18. x129K liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Commercial Vehicles On Westchester County Parkways   
    Ambulances are not in the restricted vehicle category. They also have ambulance plates, not commercial, and the fly-cars now have regular passenger plates so no foul there either. The "commercial" ambulance designation is more of an industry term than a DMV term. There's no distinction between commercial ambulance, volunteer ambulance, etc. as far as the vehicle goes.
    From the NYS CRR Section 182.31
  19. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by helicopper in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    The FD Commissioner is appointed by the mayor and can't be an outspoken critic, at least not for very long.
    The FD administration may be working behind the scenes at City Hall to remedy this with the Mayor's Office but they won't publicize much of that.
    The union on the other hand has no such restrictions and is able to lobby the media and the court of public opinion to help move the issue.
    This is not unique to Yonkers; this happens in many agencies with politically appointed agency heads and unions.
  20. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    While members frequently suggest that contributions should be limited to those with the proverbial horse in the race, there is no such requirement to do so and EMTBravo encourages all members to contribute positively to the discussion. Note the emphasis on contribute and positively. It's OK to disagree but mudslinging and bashing should be relegated to other venues.
    There are plenty of knowledgeable people with a wealth of information that cross jurisdictional and disciplinary "boundaries".
    Don't be dissuaded by emotional tirades or venting by other members.
    Carry on!
  21. x635 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Commercial Vehicles On Westchester County Parkways   
    Tractor trailers are definitely not authorized.
    DOT has issued a lot of permits to bus companies (school and Liberty Lines) so they're on the parkways more than ever.
    Small trucks (pick-ups/vans/etc.) with commercial plates are still prohibited but as they cut police patrols on the roads they take advantage and roll the dice that they'll get away with it.
  22. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    While members frequently suggest that contributions should be limited to those with the proverbial horse in the race, there is no such requirement to do so and EMTBravo encourages all members to contribute positively to the discussion. Note the emphasis on contribute and positively. It's OK to disagree but mudslinging and bashing should be relegated to other venues.
    There are plenty of knowledgeable people with a wealth of information that cross jurisdictional and disciplinary "boundaries".
    Don't be dissuaded by emotional tirades or venting by other members.
    Carry on!
  23. helicopper liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    Well, luckily we have some pretty knowledgable fire folks on this forum who have a lot of insight, and I hope they don't feel dissuaded from joining the conversation solely because they might not live there. I for one, encourage their contributions (past and future) and hope they continue!