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Posts posted by CTFF

  1. 1 hour ago, Bnechis said:

    But it does not go out the window when you pull up and your told everyone's out.  Being told everyone is out does not mean a primary search is not needed and without more staff your options for an interior attack is delayed, allowing the fire to grow and making it more hazardous when the rest of the troops arrive 


    I agree with your point but the scenario you've presented is vastly different then the scenario I answered.


    In this case the First Selectman and Fire Chief have informed the citizens of what low staffing could mean for them for a few years now.  The Firefighters are asking for the citizens to let the BET know where they stand.     





    Westfield12 and Bnechis like this

  2. 16 hours ago, SECTMB said:

    How do you conduct a primary search with a two person engine? When the homeowner comes running out of the smoke filled house screaming the children are inside, what do you say?  They'll be another truck along in a few minutes!!


    Where does the money go?  



    First "two in, two out."  goes out the window with a report of people trapped.  Hopefully the adult telling you people are inside should have an idea where the people are, start there.


    None of this should be a surprise to a firefighter working at a understaffed dept. 

    Westfield12 and dwcfireman like this

  3. So after EVERY type of fire you're supposed to wash your turnout gear, take a shower, wash your uniform, and do all that stuff. Some departments are too busy for that and firehouses not set up for that. Can't even go get a cup of coffee after a run without having to perform a big decon operation on yourself first.

    Look we know firefighters get certain cancers more frequently then the general population. There are all sorts of tips to reduce our exposures to known carcinogens that we as firefighters can do to protect ourselves. From the simple wash your face/neck/hands on scene before leaving a fire, maybe a gross decon of your gear.

    I think as firefighters we are owed a second set of gear, including hoods and gloves. We should be given the time to shower after a call, you should have a second uniform at the station to change into after a shower. I can't imagine what one Cancer diagnosis costs my city ( and by the way we've had way too many where is work)in terms of the Healthcare costs, the overtime. I'm willing to bet with some steps that might cost a little but more now ( secodn set of gear, time to get clean) we could reduce cancer for our guys, and save the city money of the long term.

    In the future maybe we should think about proper firehouse design to reduce cross contamination in our living areas but that's an issue that will be taken up I'm sure as new firehouses are built and stations are remodeled.

    BFD1054 and x635 like this

  4. Not a firematic issue but:

    Hillary Clinton is the apparent front runner in the Democratic party. But she is at risk due to all the numerous 'scandals' and the potential for even more to come depending on the current FBI investigation. Bernie is a Socialist and Malloy is as light a weight as can be found. Neither highly electable in the General.

    But everytime I hear pundits talking about last minute candidates to pick up the baton should Hillary falter, they never mention Andy. Here's a current Liberal Democrat Governor of a major Democratic state, he's a former HUD Secretary, he's dating? a beautiful TV celebrity, his children are Kennedy's and he inherited his fathers oratory skills.

    Why does his name not come up? Is he too susceptible to becoming Preet's final fall guy in the 'third man in the room' ?

    It's O'Malley not Malloy.

    Sander is a democratic Socialist. Two days ago the Wall Street journal quoted a Quinnipiac University poll that shows Sanders is More electable then Clinton (and Trump and Cruz)

    I'm not sure how we can have a political discussion when we can't even get basic facts right.

  5. They hired 7 or 8 volunteers in the beginning of the year. Now they took another 16. They have met the grant requirements already. I doubt they will be hiring anymore from this "list."

    The 8 volunteers hired earlier came off of a separate list.

    The 16 offered jobs came from a list the city just certified. Lists are good for two years and the list can be extended for up to a third year.

    Outside of legal intervention more people will get hired off of this list.

  6. http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/local/article/Stamford-government-briefs-6090666.php

    So the city is considering giving residency points to people who couldn't complete the process in the time frame given.

    If you don't hold a cpat card or are passed over for a person given points after the fact what are your options?

    I feel bad for non cpats holder and non residents, the city is screwing you over.

  7. Is everyone else taking the test at Westhill High School ? Judging for google maps it doesn't seem to have a lot of parking. Anyone have any parking recommendations ?

    I would assume not everyone is testing at the same time. Parking won't be an issue, but if it is Turn of River station two is across the street, they are only there during St Leo's Fair so the lot will be empty.

    Ladder44 likes this