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Posts posted by CTFF

  1. Does anybody know how many they are looking to hire? Also does anyone recommend any good study material? Thanks

    I'm not sure we're down more then a position or two right now. We've also been with out a contract for a bit and it doesn't seem like we'll see one anytime soon, many speculate we'll see a mass exodus when we do have a deal in place.

    Of course there is a rumor floating around the city plans to hire 16 in Feb, to complete the TOR safer grant. The rumor goes like this, the city will create a list of people who already have CPAT cards and hire from that list for Feb. Then they plan to merge lists as people who are taking the spring CPAT pass. I'm sure the city spelled this out in the application package... I have complete faith this hiring will be run smoothly and you'll be kept informed as to how the city is planning on doing this or you'll be completely left in the dark.

  2. A few months? wow, must be an extra big check

    Yep, just like one of those you see lotto winners picture with, must be 4x8, they'll need a pickup to take it to the bank.

    The bid that was out is based off a KME 103' rearmount but stranger things have happened!! Hall County Georgia is emergency purchasing a Pierce Rearmount tower to replace the Sutphen that failed and injured their firefighters. It should be delivered in a few months.

    emergency purchasing a novel concept...

  3. Even before this event and the recent charter change, the EOC had one seat for the 5 volunteer fire department's and one seat for the city fire department. The EOC under several directors has never taken the other districts seriously and it has lead to some interesting storm responses. Now to be fair, when asked to send someone into the EOC, the VFD's didn't always take it seriously either, it is rare that I see an actual chief officer there with the rest.

    The fact remains that this being the first major drill under the new spirit of cooperation, it is questionable why some departments were left out.

    The charter change created one fire department in Stamford, maybe it's time the vol's come up with three names without checkered backgrounds.

  4. When the charter changed ( 2012) a new position was created, something along the lines of "assistant chief of volunteer fire services". This salaried position will be filled when the volunteers submit 3 names for the chief to choose from, 3 names were submitted and there were issues with two of them. The Chief is still waiting on names...

    I'm sure this position would have been there for the volunteers but they can't even fill that job.

    SmokeyJoe likes this

  5. The article also said Turn of River had so much say because the 24 new guys are going to work in their firehouse. I'm guessing this is a mix up since no one would put 24 probies in the same firehouse at the same time. Wouldn't you spread them out?

    The 8 backdoor "promotion" positions are assigned to the tor district unless they ask for a transfer, tor doesn't care where the legit tested firefighters go.

  6. Help a brother out here. Did they "hire" volunteers or "hire" paid/career firefighters?

    The city didn't hire, they "promoted" volunteers to paid/career positions. To be promoted you had to be a volunteer within Stamford and in good standing, just apply and an interview. No written test, NO CPAT prior to hiring and you moved ahead of everyone sitting on the active civil service list.

    Bottom of Da Hill likes this

  7. Make a complaint to that cities Human Resources Department. If he is a CFR or EMT, make a complaint as well to the State Dept of Health. Affirmative Action may have gotten him his job, it does not give him the right to act like a boob.

    If this individual is a CFR or EMT he has a duty to act, he doesn't have the option of not acting. He puts many people and entities in a potential legal situation every call he does this at.

  8. It seems we've found a new way to beat this dead horse, the recently awarded safer grant.

    I would hope at this point reasonable people realize Senator Lieberman simply misspoke when the word volunteer was used in the press release. I'm sure he used the word to either be politically correct so to not offend anyone or he is unaware of what the grant was awarded for, I'm sure he has more important things to worry about then strife in the Stamford fire service.

    Now lets wash the sand out of our shorts and get back to the heart of this topic, arguing.

    efdcapt115 and JM15 like this

  9. Malloy held a gun to the heads of the volunteer departments, and wanted them to become party to an agreement with a LOT of important details left out, to be "worked out" after the agreement was in place. NOBODY does business this way. It was a power grab using the excuse of $500k in overtime as the catalyst.

    After thousand of posts, on a few boards it seems we are back to the same spot.

    I can see your point of view in regards to Malloy. I'd argue the SVFD signed plan also has many important details left out and to ME that is proof the volunteers are fine with doing business in this manner. Of course the "SFRD Plan" has not had the opportunity to be openly discussed either.

    The ability to resolve the issue is going to come to a public vote via charter change.

    A novel concept would be coming up with a plan all could live with and asking the public to support that with a vote in regards to charter change.

    sqd47bfd and FFPCogs like this