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Posts posted by PC_420

  1. I'm trying to understand... $8,000 for personal protective equipment? I was gear officer for the previous 3 years... It never was more than $3,000... Is their gear made of gold?

    And when did gear start going out of service at 7 years (even if it's not used lol)? I believe the NFPA guideline was 10? And that can be put aside if they test the gear once a year.

    A large amount of inaccuracies I'm seeing in this article

  2. Although a bit off topic, troubling nonetheless.


    I have no problem with the police (or in this case COs) doing their job, but a badge is not a license to practice Gestapo tactics...EVER!!!

    I thouroughly enjoyed the journalist's laugh when the 'lieutenant' told him he couldn't record at a historical site. Freedom of the Press is as much an essential right as Freedom of Speech and Religion.

    FFPCogs likes this

  3. How about put your f****** phone away and go to work if you even have a Job. Most of these people are skells and usually have a criminal record themselves. They just be after the Po Po!

    It's these kind of remarks that make me realize some people don't care how our system of government is suppose to work... Thank you for showing your intelligent side

    TimesUp likes this

  4. I stare at your initial post and I wonder.... 'Is this Vladamir Putin typing this post?'.. I am seriously heated about this. Arrest people for recording the actions of the State... Hmmm what's next? Not allow people who disagree with the State to testify at trials? Maybe restrict peaceful protests? Maybe re-education camps so no one disagrees with the actions of the police?

    All kidding aside, (and I wasn't kidding)... The people, the citizens, have a responsibility to make sure the officers of the State act accordingly to the rule of law and that they are not above the law... All too often we assume the police are always or almost always right. And now you want to remove a new tool in the fight against abuse of power, a tool against the ever teetering balance of security and liberty, a tool against bad officers of the State... But your choice would be to make it illegal to record the police? Well hell why don't you just drive down to D.C., enter the National Archives and rip up the Bill of Rghts?! This may be the most uneducated post I have ever seen. Am I being a bit harsh? Maybe. But I like my rights as an American. And I appreciate my duties as a citizen. And one of my duties is to make sure the police don't violate my fellow citizens rights.

    Finally, the only officers who need to worry about being recorded are 'dirty' officers. If you do your job right, then don't worry about being on video. Actually embrace it. And if the police are going to place video cameras every where to see me and watch my actions , then fair is fair, I'll pull out my camera and make sure the State is following the rule of law when it makes arrests.

    I'm sure there will be some, if not many, who disagree with me, especially in the law enforcement field. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it.

    Rant over and I'll try to avoid this post

  5. I can tell you that for every shooting, stabbing and assault call I respond to I ask if PD in en route. I also advise that we will stage away until clear to enter the scene.

    Why wouldn't a dispatcher send PD to these kind of calls, that makes you think you have to inform the dispatcher on how he or she should do his job? Perhaps, next time you advise that you have fire blowing from the 2nd floor window, should we ask "well are you putting water on it?"

    AFS1970 and Medic137 like this

  6. Arrangements are as follows:

    Fire Dept Service: Tomorrow (Monday) night at 7pm at Joseph Smiths Funeral Home on Route 6 in Mahopac. All visiting fire departments are welcomed to be at the funeral home before 7 pm and check in with Vice President Anne Link.

    All visiting fire department apparatus are to park on Mount Hope Road.

  7. It is with deep regret the Mahopac Falls Vol. Fire Department announces the passing of Ex-Chief Walt Swarm. Chief Swarm was a 65+ year member of The Falls.

    As arrangements become available, I will post them; please keep his family and his fire dept family in your thoughts.

    Lieutenant Nistico