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Everything posted by Danger

  1. I think they got rid of 12 and got a new 32, 2008 Spartan/Ferrara pumper/tanker
  2. HAHA, I wish that were true, instead I'm the #2 volunteer EMT in the district....Just behind Schloss. Which speaks volumes abotu my social life. And don't forget BLS before ALS....speaking of which when is your medic class over?
  3. Looks good. My dept also bought PL Customs but got away from the F series chassis. Good choice on the switches on the console, I don't like the buttons we got at all.
  4. This one is a no brainer. Half the time we go on incidents on the highways I have to throw my coat on for no reason other than to have some visibility. I wish we had vests for the last few years.
  5. ??? Hughsonville 45-1 and 32?
  6. I was thinking about this. It seems like they had ICS and staging set up so quickly, plus 28 helicopters which I don't think is possible here. Throw in that a few cars will probably end up in the Hudson on a derailment....Cross your fingers and start some large scale planning.
  7. Congrats Rich! Too cute, she's gotta take after her mom
  8. Raymond is a disaster. Take South Grand, the city's little medians aren't as bad. As far as Moutain Brook...unreal. Burnedout21 is not on my christmas card list.
  9. I did a few standbys for high school and college football games for a commercial company. The fire district I belong to provides the service for free to the high school in town and it's covered by a BLS ambulance. If there is an injury, a second ambulance transports. The first one never rolls a tire from kick off to final whistle. I imagine if no transporting unit was available, the standby crew would take it and the game would have to stop until the spot was filled. Also, the feeling of the ADs and school officials was that it was required, not just gravy.
  10. Just saw it two nights ago, very funny.
  11. Not that it needs to be justified, and in no way are these official positions of AFD, but hydrant testing is done by Town Water, not Arlington, and as stated on PoJo, vehicle sirens are not evacuation alerts. I can assure you the sirens were used en route to the call. If anyone stands on the Q while pumping to alert the neighbors, I'd love to shake your hand. As far as the cat, feline CPR was performed by a heroic AFD Medic and EMTBravo member
  12. It was a good day! Everyone at Mountain Brook did a fine job. Nice to work with city station 2. No x134, I did not leave early nor did I have the flu this time.
  13. I've seen it before, I think it's used for fire police, utility, etc. I thought they had a trailer too, but I could be wrong.
  14. I see the "first response" car parked in Poughkeepsie every day...
  15. "Wait, so cops WITH guns get killed, and now you want me to stand on a corner, without a gun, for free?" I'm sold!
  16. The mayor suggested they sell the discovery to finance apparatus repairs.
  17. That looks like a relatively short wheelbase for a tower ladder. Well spec'ed for the city streets. Everyone who is so embroiled with how new YFD vs. FDNY's fleets are should write to their congressman and ask for more grant money. Maybe they could donate the FDNY TL Co's some of the 9 million TL's in Westchester that are within a mile of each other and protect districts with exclusively single family residences.
  18. I thought I heard about a fire on Wolcott Ave today. No info? Trying to keep tabs on my old hometown
  19. I was on a roof a little bit ago for a burned up air handler and I got to thinking about the roof covering. Has anyone had any experience or take extra planning/caution on operation/ventilation on the roofs with large stones?
  20. Oh so if you work for a company fulltime and get a better paying job and switch to per-diem, thus no longer receiving benefits or overtime, you shouldn't make less than a full time employee on their first day out of class? What a novel idea! Enjoy your merger, I'm not bitter! :angry:
  21. I know nothing about why so I can't back this up, but my father is a former union president (IBEW 320) and still very active and he says that McCain would love to destroy organized labor and he'd vote for the other guy no matter who it was. So maybe that is the reasoning.
  22. I refrain from saying a lot about this kind of stuff because I QTIP'd the thread about younger members not being know it alls...but this is a call my grandmother could make. I can't see how you could possibly think its a good idea sending more than 2 (or 3) and 1 to an automatic alarm and 3 (or 4) and 2 for a full first alarm. Or more than a brush truck and an engine (initially) to a brush fire, more than 1 engine to a wires down call, etc.
  23. I wonder why they retrofitted roll up doors on 32-17?
  24. Was the leak caused (or discovered) due to charging the system? I'm assuming...