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  1. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Yonkers, NY - Firefighter - (Closing: 12/29/2011)   
    What I don't understand is most the surrounding Municipalities will only hire off a residency list but as soon as a person is off Probation or even while still on in some cases, they are allowed to move elsewhere. Maybe it's time for NY Depts. to adopt the same policies as many Connecticut Depts. and have one list. Who gives a rats a** where somebody lives, i want the best person for the job! Would you rather have an individual who was number one on an "out of town" list backing you up or some guy that got a final grade of a 70% and was 100 on the "in town" list? Like I said not too many individuals even reside anymore in the Towns, Villages or Cities where they work. It's not like years ago and some places have a very scarce legitamate picking pool to even choose from. There's many people who just don't want the Job, no matter how much you beg them to apply form it.
  2. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in When Do You Need A Chief?   
    In another thread, everyone is whining there aren't enough people going to calls. You all need to decide if you want your cake and if so, whether you want to eat it or not.
    Having two, three or four elected Chiefs seems to be the norm around here. Do all of them NEED to go to every call? Nope, but what happens when all of them decide not to go because they assume the other one is going? Now you have no Chiefs, which will stem a new "Where's Department X's Chiefs" thread on this site. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
    For every incident you need an Incident Commander. This can be a Chief, a Captain, A Lieutenant or just Joe Firefighter who happens to be "in the seat" of the first arriving unit. It doesn't have to be an elected officer or even an appointed one, but someone has to take command of the call. This is why solid training programs combined with minimum training requirements and electing/appointing the right people is critical. You never know who is going to be in charge and what they may be in charge of.
    Prime example, we were sitting on a wires down call last week and found a restaurant on fire. Now what would happen if the only unit on scene was an Engine without a competent boss? Again, it doesn't need to be a Chief, but be smart about who sits in the seat of your rigs EVERY CALL.
    Since Chiefs are elected to lead their departments, ideally it would be nice for at least one of them to show up at calls, right? After all, they have the Fire SUV and all of the radios. I know that in our department, as well as many others, a Chief may ride the seat of an apparatus instead of sending multiple command vehicles into the scene. I know some are against this and others like it - personally I don't care what others think of how we operate, because it works and we know it.
    Bottom line, we don't always "need" a Chief at an incident, but Seth is 100% right, they're needed to handle all of the non-incident business of the department. This includes record keeping, meeting training requirements, developing, implementing and enforcing policies and procedures, buying stuff, repairing stuff, replacing stuff, and above all - making sure everyone is happy and gets home safe.
    Not always true.
    Again, not always true.

    But I will say this - I would put up most of my members and Officers against many others any day of the week. That's how much faith I have in them.
  3. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by x129K in OK, Who's the buff?   
    Sorry guys...I promise it will look better once I get the reflective stripes and chevrons on it.
    I also have a deal pending with Seth to logo it up as an official EMTBravo Incident Alert fly car.
  4. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in OK, Who's the buff?   
    Must be friends with THIS guy...
  5. firedude liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    I'll add a few shots too these are some of shots of the rescue squad I run with in my dads town up in Vermont. These are from the Brandon Area Rescue Squad in Brandon VT they're paid per call and run about 700 calls a year.
    Squad Building

    rescue 2

    rescue 3

  6. firedude liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    I'll add a few shots too these are some of shots of the rescue squad I run with in my dads town up in Vermont. These are from the Brandon Area Rescue Squad in Brandon VT they're paid per call and run about 700 calls a year.
    Squad Building

    rescue 2

    rescue 3

  7. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Bedford Ordering New Rescue   
    I respectfully disagree. An apparatus that is designed properly and not only for current needs, but future ones, can be more than sufficient.
    Mohegan has run Pumper/Rescues for a while, and they run more MVAs then a lot of us do - without a true Rescue. Their E252 as well as E258 can handle both jobs - as far as I have seen.
    New Rochelle has a Rescue, but if it isn't staffed and/or available, I'm 95% sure they're able to handle accidents with 1 & 1 - as is Eastchester FD.
    I may be wrong, but I don't think Bedford is running as much on I684 anymore, since Bedford Hills reclaimed that portion of their fire district.
    As far as Bedford making the decision to buy a new R44 - that's their choice. They would know their district and their department better than any of us looking in from the outside...
  8. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by x1243 in Chelsea Fire District Wet Down   

  9. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Somers Looking To Hire Career Firefighters?   
    I've seen home owners insurance discussed as well as not wanting anyone to risk their lives to save what you can rebuilt. That's a little short sighted, don't you think? What about when you wake up in the middle of the night and your exit is blocked by fire and smoke? No one is risking their life to save some furniture and a flat panel TV. We're here to save lives and to do that, you need to get in there and search and extinguish the fire. You might live in a single story ranch, but what about the guy who lives in the attic apartment who's windows are 30' off the ground? How about the person who is overcome by CO in their sleep and could still be rescued and resuscitated?
    We're a tool box. Hopefully we're a bottomless one, and can mitigate whatever issue it is tasked with. If managed correctly (career or volunteer) we can be the best insurance policy money can buy. However, to do that we must respond quickly and with adequate staffing.
  10. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Well this is truly amazing. According to lohud, over 60 police units had to respond from as far south as Tuckahoe to deal with this unreasonable and unruly crowd. Why? Because their "muslim sensibilities" were insulted? Give me a freakin' break. The rules are posted and for certain rides, there is to be NO WEARING OF ANY TYPE OF HEADGEAR period.
    Why do these people think they are exempt from the rules, the laws? I know what they would like; Sharia Law. Their own version of a justice system implemented in the countries they emigrate to. I think that is a disgusting disgrace, as were the actions of these supposedly "religious" people at the Playland park.
    Look, you people want to assimilate in this country, fine. I guess we have to let some of you in. But if you don't like the system, the rules in place... TOO F'IN BAD, go back to the place you came from.
    The difference between these people and the ancestors of many of us here in this forum is our great-grandparents had a huge desire to assimilate into the American culture. That's why on my mother's side, they came from Italy, moved into the south Bronx and gave up teaching their native language to their children, my mother, and therefore I don't know Italian today as a result. I wish that part were different, but the point being these people were so anxious to "fit in" they even gave up their language. Italian was forbidden to be spoken in the house by my great-grandparents, as a result their great-grandchildren only speak English.
    Now these muslims with their headgear, the hijab, they can't even get on the Dragon Coaster without starting a ruckus? Like Playland OWES them something, like WE owe them anything? They should kiss the ground of freedom they walk upon, shut their damn mouths, follow the rules, or else.
    What a waste of PD resources to have to direct half the cars on patrol up to Playland because these freaking people were "insulted"! Enough! Fit in or GET OUT!
  11. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by x129K in North Highlands FD Command Vehicle   
    Keeps the vehicle safe when it is operating in areas by cemetaries.
  12. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Completed Tarrytown Engine 80   
    Is this the truck that didn't fit in the firehouse ?
  13. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Completed Tarrytown Engine 80   
    Is this the truck that didn't fit in the firehouse ?
  14. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by x129K in FDNY Firefighter   
    The paper is white.
  15. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in Pleasantville - MVA Rollover w/Pin 7-5-2011   
    Pictures of our MVA w/PIN from the other day. The vehicle as travelling southbound on the Saw Mill Parkway and flipped into the northbound lane. Res-Q-Jacks were used to stabalize the vehicle prior to the patient being extricated by PFD.
    Incident Alert
    Photos courtesy of EMTBravo member DCurtis.

  16. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by firedude in 'Out and About' FDNY Style   
    Today I had the opportunity to go down to Manhattan with rfdu39. We got to stop by some firehouses, the FDNY Fire Museum and Firefighter Appreciation Weekend at the Intrepid. I invite others to post their pictures from the intrepid event on this topic too. Hope you enjoy them.
    As always, please give me a rep or comment if you like these photos. It really is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  17. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by voltage1256 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    I must disagree as well. Im 18 and got my permit at 16 on the dot. I've been driving pick up trucks, plowing, and using the same mirrors fire apparatus are configured with for 2 years (obviously thats not alot compared to alot of other members on this site).However, I think it all depends on the person behind the wheel. In my department you are required to take EVOC before you can become a driver, and that is something I agree with. As they state in that class on the first day, some people are meant to drive and others aren't. I don't think age has anything to do with it. But maturity, patience, professionalism, and skill does.
  18. texastom791 liked a post in a topic by firedude in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    This questin sure comes up a lot! I know I am young and to some of the older generation this may seem preposterous. But, there are very responsible teens out there are some that are not reasonable. Please don't stereotype all teens as bad drivers! What happed with this tanker rollover could have happened to anyone. There are fire departments and EMS agencies that are run with 100% with teens (except the chief of course). With the unfortunate downfall in volunteerism and budgets in this country, departments have to deal with less. If they are responsible and are given the right training, let them drive!
    Darien EMS: Run entirely on teens
    Saint Michael's College Fire & Rescue: run mostly with teens and some alumni

    Seth, does this website allow you to post polls? I'm sure there will be interesting results.
  19. x129K liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    Okay so if under 21 is too young to drive than what's too old ? You're gonna tell me that the guy who's 75 and been driving for 40 years is still fit to drive your first due piece of apparatus to a working fire. And don't tell me it doesn't happen because I know of a few departments where it does.
  20. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    I have to respectfully disagree. I drive an ambulance 4 days a week 10 hours a day at my job in New York City and am 19. Prior to driving ambulances I drove pick up trucks/dump trucks with landscaping trailers attatched.I've been driving since I was 16 when I got my permit. I feel that if you can handle the vehicle properly and respect what you're driving than you'll be fine. You have to exercise care when operating bigger vehicles.
  21. x129K liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    Okay so if under 21 is too young to drive than what's too old ? You're gonna tell me that the guy who's 75 and been driving for 40 years is still fit to drive your first due piece of apparatus to a working fire. And don't tell me it doesn't happen because I know of a few departments where it does.
  22. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    I have to respectfully disagree. I drive an ambulance 4 days a week 10 hours a day at my job in New York City and am 19. Prior to driving ambulances I drove pick up trucks/dump trucks with landscaping trailers attatched.I've been driving since I was 16 when I got my permit. I feel that if you can handle the vehicle properly and respect what you're driving than you'll be fine. You have to exercise care when operating bigger vehicles.
  23. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    I have to respectfully disagree. I drive an ambulance 4 days a week 10 hours a day at my job in New York City and am 19. Prior to driving ambulances I drove pick up trucks/dump trucks with landscaping trailers attatched.I've been driving since I was 16 when I got my permit. I feel that if you can handle the vehicle properly and respect what you're driving than you'll be fine. You have to exercise care when operating bigger vehicles.
  24. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Should Teens Be Able To Drive Firetrucks/Ambulances?   
    I have to respectfully disagree. I drive an ambulance 4 days a week 10 hours a day at my job in New York City and am 19. Prior to driving ambulances I drove pick up trucks/dump trucks with landscaping trailers attatched.I've been driving since I was 16 when I got my permit. I feel that if you can handle the vehicle properly and respect what you're driving than you'll be fine. You have to exercise care when operating bigger vehicles.