Just a guy

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  1. JM15 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in The Superbowl Commercial With Clint Eastwood   
    I much rather see my tax money spent on an awesome commercial like this rather than see it being spent on failed social service initiatives that just throw tax dollars at problems and don't actually attack the cause of the problem.
  2. JM15 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in The Superbowl Commercial With Clint Eastwood   
    I much rather see my tax money spent on an awesome commercial like this rather than see it being spent on failed social service initiatives that just throw tax dollars at problems and don't actually attack the cause of the problem.
  3. JM15 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in The Superbowl Commercial With Clint Eastwood   
    I much rather see my tax money spent on an awesome commercial like this rather than see it being spent on failed social service initiatives that just throw tax dollars at problems and don't actually attack the cause of the problem.
  4. JM15 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in The Superbowl Commercial With Clint Eastwood   
    I much rather see my tax money spent on an awesome commercial like this rather than see it being spent on failed social service initiatives that just throw tax dollars at problems and don't actually attack the cause of the problem.
  5. Just a guy liked a post in a topic in The Superbowl Commercial With Clint Eastwood   
    Sorry but out of all the federal stimulus packages the auto industry is the only one to me that made sense. If any one of the auto companies failed we could have been back in another great depression. It kept Americans who truly needed it working. The majority of that money was repaid. The bank bailout was ridiculous as there are plenty of other banks to pick up the slack. It would have hurt the strength of the dollar...but no where near the amount of people would have lost their jobs like that if they auto industry collapsed.
  6. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in NYPD Officer is shot in the head but its expected to recover   
    The problems with prosecution are Liberal judges, elected DA's who are more concerned with their prescious conviction rate than with actually putting criminals in jail and the biggest problem of all is PLEA BARGAINS.
    The problem isn't the cops, we know how to do our jobs and gather what we need from an arrest and for prosecution but all too often we aren't supported on the prosecution level.
    The other problem is s**tbag defense attorneys that will defend the scum of the earth for a few bucks. I understand that everyone is entitled to be represented but when there is overwhelming evidence of guilt, to try to keep that person out of jail is not helping anyone except the perp.
  7. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Mt. Kisco, Pleasantville look to join County police department   
    If the 44/46 precincts can exist on the same radio division, I think WCPD can handle their current radio traffic load...
  8. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by CBX4627 in NYPD Officer is shot in the head but its expected to recover   
    This POS should have never even been on the street to begin with, but you can thank the liberal judges for that! Today's Post said that this Skell had FOURTEEN prior arrests since 2006. One of the arrests was for an armed robbery that this Skell and another Mutt committed last year, then sliced that guys face open..............WHY was he on the street to begin with.................Unfortunately, he'll probably be hailed as a martyr in Rikers for shooting a cop...........what he SHOULD be getting is a daily a** raping! So tired of reading about these career MUTTS who continue to committ serious crimes, and these Liberal POS judges barely give these guys a slap on the wrist, let alone jail time...............:angry:
  9. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  10. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in TMC   
    Mile Post Markers:
    First, you claimed that you referenced to the calltaker the Taconic/BRP Interchange which is MPM 0.00 on the Taconic. Simultaneously, it is MPM 19.12 on the Bronx River Parkway.
    Then you claimed that it was right in front of the TMC which is MPM 12.62 on the Sprain Brook Parkway, NOT the Taconic. The Lower Taconic branches off before reaching the TMC.
    Now, you claim it was a quarter mile south of the 9A ramp, which could reference EITHER the 141/9A Interchange located at MPM 2.87 on the Taconic OR the newer 9A ramp which is located at MPM 4.67 on the Taconic. Now, you say a quarter mile south of that, which would put you at MPM 4.42 (from the new ramp) OR MPM 2.62 (from the 141/9A ramp). Now the second one would put you on the Lower Taconic.
    Now, this whole time, this calltaker is probably thinking to herself "...well, he can't mean the Taconic at all, now can he, because the TMC is on the Sprain, not the Taconic. Maybe if he gives me the MPM, I'll know exactly where he is, so I don't have a Trooper driving all over the place looking for this van!..." So she asks you for the MPM to help clarify things, but at this point, you've decided she's too "mildly retarded" and it all goes down hill from there. Did I get that about right?
    See how just reading the next MPM you saw could have avoided all this confusion? You can try to spin this all you want, but it seems obvious to me (and others here) that her follow-up question was reasonable, and not really anything you should have gotten angry over.
    Any dispatchers here agree/disagree? Maybe JBE, will chime in. Asking for a MPM a reasonable follow-up question?
  11. helicopper liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in TMC   
    Whenever I am off duty and happen to be driving on the highways and I see that needs to be called in, I always grab a mile marker to give them when I call. It makes it easier for everyone involved and if you have ever listened to the thruway authority and the thruway troopers on the radio, 99 % of the calls begin with the roadway, mile marker, and direction.
    I called the TMC a few weeks ago and the call taker asked me more questions than were on the last sergeants test but it is what it is, if that's their protocol then so be it, I have no problem with it.
  12. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Hold on....lets get a few things straight here. "Joe Samaritan" doesn't get to go start his own fire company because he wants to do good. It doesn't work that way. The City of New York is protected by the FDNY from fire and emergencies. The FDNY is also charged with enforcing fire and building codes. Additionally, FDNY and it's personnel have the ability to enforce and issue summons for a slew of other infractions. Every FDNY apparatus has multiple summons books. Sounds like we're a long way away from "...it's not the FDNY's job to enforce anything".
    Aviation VFC is a band of freelancing buffs. They're not needed and they're not helping anyone. One of the FDNY's greatest assets is staffing, assignment of standardized riding positions and response matrix, all of which give us the ability to work efficiently and safely at any fire. We as firemen know what our specific task is and chief officers know who's supposed to be where. It's a highly coordinated effort and the last thing that anyone needs is a rig no one expected taking a hydrant, blocking out trucks and stretching a line that could end up opposite ours. I don't care what their intentions are, their behavior is wrong and they're going to get someone hurt.
    As for training, all I've heard is talk of FF1 or Essentials, ect. Those courses do little more than scratch the surface, they're not a bench mark. An FDNY Proby receives about 1,000 hours of intense training before graduating and being assigned to a field unit. After that, he will respond, on average, to anywhere from 600 - 1,500 alarms a year while on duty. Please, tell me how Aviation is going to achieve training on that level.
    The Fire Commissioner of NYC has called for them to cease operations. He's the final say on all things fire in New York City, who are they to thumb their nose at that? If they are found to be operating in some claimed official capacity it should be handled in a legal manner.
  13. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in TMC   
    Way to double-down and not just admit you made a mistake. So, if I understand you right, calltakers/dispatchers who try to get precise locations of incidents being called in are either "mildly retarded" or "dopes"? And males are better dispatchers then females?
    I can only speak for myself, but I appreciate when communications personnel do their best to get good info from callers. It saves time, manpower, and aggravation in running down bad leads because callers are too inept, lazy, or just unable to provide good information. I'm also glad calltakers also realize that even those "on the job" can and do make mistakes, so taking their word as gospel without taking basic steps to confirm it is malfeasance. And some of the best dispatchers I know are female, so, I'm not sure what gender has to do with it.
  14. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in TMC   
    Well, given your own admission that you were breaking her chops, I couldn't possibly imagine why she didn't bend over backwards for you. Did you tell her on the call she was "mildly retarded"? If you did, you should probably call and apologize, as your description of the location was wrong. I wonder, does that make you "mildly retarded" for giving an imprecise location?
    Now that I think about it, the TMC would have to be, what, eight stories high to actually see where the Taconic/BRP interchange is? So, if she did take an elevator to the eighth floor (which doesn't actually exist), then maybe, yes, she should have been able to see the Kensico Dam and the location you were giving her.
    Now, if you told her the location was where the Taconic meets the Sprain, you'd be onto something! Because that's the interchange which is right in front of the TMC.
  15. Just a guy liked a post in a topic in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    Randy Jurgeson's Circle of Six is a great book that shed light into another tragic NYPD incident where an officer was lost, several were beaten and the ridiculousness of how that case was handled by higher ups. I have no shyness as to why I do not like Charlie Rangel and he was involved as well.
  16. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  17. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  18. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  19. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  20. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  21. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  22. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  23. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by helicopper in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    There are a variety of potential charges. As ny10570 already noted, Obstructing Governmental Administration and Obstructing Firefighting Operations are possible. Other potential charges couuld also exist depending on the circumstances.
    There is no "freelancing" charge in the law, perhaps we should propose that though!
    As for the "please leave". If the police or fire department say "please leave" to someone on an emergency scene, that constitutes an official order and there's no defense. The "Good Samaritan Act" defends people against civil action for intervening before responders arrive. The GSA doesn't protect someone if they're interfering with responders on scene or purporting to be something that they're not.
  24. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    I'm curious if the City is going to come out with an official position on the presence of independent fire companies operating within the confines of the City? Does the presence of these non-contracted agencies set a precedent that anyone can go out and buy a scanner and a fire truck and start responding to jobs?
  25. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by JohnnyOV in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Ahh to be young and naive. I might be young too, but I know that there is a huge difference between what OFPC's recommends on volunteer training (remember NYS is a home rule state, so FF1 is not required), and FDNY's career academy. The volunteers do not go through the FDNY academy, which would make is almost impossible for them to fit seamlessly into the FDNY's operations. The last thing the FDNY is worried about, are these volunteer companies taking away their jobs. They're worried that their standards and training requirements are not kept up as adequately as the FDNY's, which could endanger the lives of the citizens and responders even more. They "pick on them" because the fail to produce training requirements, or certificates of their members to the FDNY to show that they are all adequately trained.
    Everyone might love cake, but that doesn't mean cake is good for you.