Just a guy

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  1. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Yonkers shootings   
    Spring has definitely sprung in Yonkers.... we have had 3 shootings in the last 36 hours. The shot spotter has been up and running for more than a year now. With these last 3 shootings there were multiple calls from multiple sources as well as shot spotter activations. As far as putting it city wide, I haven't heard any plans for it nor do I see the need for it to be set up on the east side.
    It's a good tool for us to use especially when the locals " don't want to get involved." There are times where we hear the shots while on the road and we never get a call from a civilian so getting a heads up from the shot spotter gives us a good chance at getting there and getting the perp.
  2. x4093k liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Yonkers - Shooting - 4/19/12   
    Date: 4/19/12
    Time:2030 hours
    Location: Warburton Ave. X Lamartine Ave.
    Frequency: 453.4750
    Units Operating: 4th Pct / ESU / Housing / D.D. / CSU
    Weather Conditions: Clear / Cool
    Description Of Incident: YPD received multiple calls of shots fired with a man down. The first arriving 4th Pct. Anti Crime unit located a male that had been shot several times. The Victim was transported and an extensive crime scene was established.
    Reporters: Crime Cop
  3. x4093k liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Yonkers - Shooting - 4/19/12   
    Date: 4/19/12
    Time:2030 hours
    Location: Warburton Ave. X Lamartine Ave.
    Frequency: 453.4750
    Units Operating: 4th Pct / ESU / Housing / D.D. / CSU
    Weather Conditions: Clear / Cool
    Description Of Incident: YPD received multiple calls of shots fired with a man down. The first arriving 4th Pct. Anti Crime unit located a male that had been shot several times. The Victim was transported and an extensive crime scene was established.
    Reporters: Crime Cop
  4. x4093k liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Yonkers - Shooting - 4/19/12   
    Date: 4/19/12
    Time:2030 hours
    Location: Warburton Ave. X Lamartine Ave.
    Frequency: 453.4750
    Units Operating: 4th Pct / ESU / Housing / D.D. / CSU
    Weather Conditions: Clear / Cool
    Description Of Incident: YPD received multiple calls of shots fired with a man down. The first arriving 4th Pct. Anti Crime unit located a male that had been shot several times. The Victim was transported and an extensive crime scene was established.
    Reporters: Crime Cop
  5. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Does FDNY Ride Metro North For Free?   
    Why would someone who lists themselves as a photo enthusiast even come with the statement that says PD FD or EMS should not ride for free. Ask your dad what he thinks. Since you possess zero tools to help in a situation perhaps you should learn some first then see what you have when the stuff really starts to roll down hill, actually you should hope you have one of us on YOUR train to bail you out.
  6. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Does FDNY Ride Metro North For Free?   
    When you possess the knowledge to help a situation either through intervention or providing HELPFUL information to responding parties your position as a passenger changes to responder, and for that your fare has already been paid for through hundreds of hours of training and experience. In many cases the hours of experience is in the ten's of thousands. If you look at the ridership on the train, I can guarantee you that when it hits the fan you will see about 99.9% of the riders heading in the right direction, you need those of us who would be heading in the opposite direction there, especially if it is you that needs it.
  7. x129K liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    there is no doubt in my mind that if there were no cameras there, this side show would have never have happened. The family and the other " concerned citizens" saw their chance to be on TV and they took it.
    If the residents of Newburgh got this angry when they have to walk their kids past people dealing drugs, have to have their kids watch TV on the floor so they don't get hit by a stray round, etc ... then maybe newburgh would be livable but alas, they only get angry when the cops do their jobs, it shows where the priority lies.
    As I have said to residents in south Yonkers in the past, you want to get angry at these cops but the cops that work here don't live here and they put their lives on the line every day to make YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD livable. If you could police yourselves then we wouldn't have to be here so in essence it is the people who don't want us around the most who cause us to be in the neighborhood. Kind of ironic.....
  8. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  9. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Busting Chops: Where's The Line?   
    As far as the article goes, This guy was involved in 3 lawsuits that the article mentions, 2 EEOC lawsuits at work and the one against the church. The fact that the majority of people go through life haveing never filed ANY lawsuits, the fact that this guys has 3 makes me think that there may be more to this, he may be the problem.
    If he was molested by a priest, fine, give him his due from the church. As far as breaking balls over that, if it is true and he was molested then breaking his balls over it may cross the line but it could also be possible that the guys at work knew more of the story and were breaking his balls over the fact that maybe it wasn't all true.
    I've been on the job 14 years now and have taken my share of getting my stones broke but as I told the new guys that I trained over the summer, EVERYONE takes their turn on the wheel, this week you did or said something stupid to get f***** with and next week someone else with do or say something twice as dumb as you and it will take the heat off you and people will forget.
    The Emergency services IS NOT the place to work if you are not thick skinned !!! Cops do all kinds of crazy s*** to each other, but it is all in good fun.
    Ball breaking also has it's place among the men when it comes to correcting each others behavior. If somebody is doing something wrong on a consistent basis, and everyone breaks his balls over it, it's a way to let them know that they are f****** up and need to correct whatever the problem is.
    Ball Breaking is also a form of acceptance. When a new guy comes into a command and nobody talks to him, he knows that he has finally been accepted when guys start breaking his balls but when a guy comes in and nobody talks to him or deals with him in any way then he has not been accepted by the guys.
  10. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by 9liner in One Reason Why I Have High Respect For Police Officers   
    I have seen this video many times and it still makes me sick to my stomach.
    It drives me nuts when I hear "routine traffic stop". The public needs to understand that there is no such thing as a "routine traffic stop" in our line of work. This could have been any one of us. To all my brothers and sisters in Emergency Services: stay safe and always remain vigilant.
    R.I.P. Trooper Vetter
  11. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by x129K in Putnam Valley Structure Fire   
    There HAS to be more to the story of course. It just does not add up.
  12. Just a guy liked a post in a topic in Bride beats traffic to wedding....in ambulance   
    ZAKA (the agency in the article) generally is responsible for identifying and burying people and body parts from terrorist attacks. The vehicle pictured in the article does not appear to be an ambulance. It does appear to be a vehicle used to respond to a terrorist incident and transport the dead and body parts for identification and burial. The vehicle may be equipped with a light and siren package. It is certainly not a "911" ambulance being used to transport the bride to the wedding. The "911" functions in Israel are covered by MADA and Hatzolah. ZAKA does not serve as a "911" agency in Israel. In fact, the slogan on the side of the van says, "true kindness", which is a phrase used to describe kindness to those who have already passed away as they have no chance to repay the favor.
  13. x129K liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    there is no doubt in my mind that if there were no cameras there, this side show would have never have happened. The family and the other " concerned citizens" saw their chance to be on TV and they took it.
    If the residents of Newburgh got this angry when they have to walk their kids past people dealing drugs, have to have their kids watch TV on the floor so they don't get hit by a stray round, etc ... then maybe newburgh would be livable but alas, they only get angry when the cops do their jobs, it shows where the priority lies.
    As I have said to residents in south Yonkers in the past, you want to get angry at these cops but the cops that work here don't live here and they put their lives on the line every day to make YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD livable. If you could police yourselves then we wouldn't have to be here so in essence it is the people who don't want us around the most who cause us to be in the neighborhood. Kind of ironic.....
  14. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  15. x129K liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    there is no doubt in my mind that if there were no cameras there, this side show would have never have happened. The family and the other " concerned citizens" saw their chance to be on TV and they took it.
    If the residents of Newburgh got this angry when they have to walk their kids past people dealing drugs, have to have their kids watch TV on the floor so they don't get hit by a stray round, etc ... then maybe newburgh would be livable but alas, they only get angry when the cops do their jobs, it shows where the priority lies.
    As I have said to residents in south Yonkers in the past, you want to get angry at these cops but the cops that work here don't live here and they put their lives on the line every day to make YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD livable. If you could police yourselves then we wouldn't have to be here so in essence it is the people who don't want us around the most who cause us to be in the neighborhood. Kind of ironic.....
  16. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  17. x129K liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    there is no doubt in my mind that if there were no cameras there, this side show would have never have happened. The family and the other " concerned citizens" saw their chance to be on TV and they took it.
    If the residents of Newburgh got this angry when they have to walk their kids past people dealing drugs, have to have their kids watch TV on the floor so they don't get hit by a stray round, etc ... then maybe newburgh would be livable but alas, they only get angry when the cops do their jobs, it shows where the priority lies.
    As I have said to residents in south Yonkers in the past, you want to get angry at these cops but the cops that work here don't live here and they put their lives on the line every day to make YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD livable. If you could police yourselves then we wouldn't have to be here so in essence it is the people who don't want us around the most who cause us to be in the neighborhood. Kind of ironic.....
  18. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  19. x129K liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    there is no doubt in my mind that if there were no cameras there, this side show would have never have happened. The family and the other " concerned citizens" saw their chance to be on TV and they took it.
    If the residents of Newburgh got this angry when they have to walk their kids past people dealing drugs, have to have their kids watch TV on the floor so they don't get hit by a stray round, etc ... then maybe newburgh would be livable but alas, they only get angry when the cops do their jobs, it shows where the priority lies.
    As I have said to residents in south Yonkers in the past, you want to get angry at these cops but the cops that work here don't live here and they put their lives on the line every day to make YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD livable. If you could police yourselves then we wouldn't have to be here so in essence it is the people who don't want us around the most who cause us to be in the neighborhood. Kind of ironic.....
  20. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  21. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  22. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  23. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  24. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  25. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.