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  1. x129K liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Millerton: Cattle Truck into a Silo Hopper and Building: Route 22   
    All I can say is Holy Cow, man. Great photos, and job by everyone involved
  2. x635 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Scanner in NYC   
    NYPD is still using UHF frequencies for the precincts and special ops. (transit still on VHF). FDNY I believe is still broadcasting over both UHF and VHF dispatch frequencies. See this thread from last year for more info
    Nothing has gone digital in NYC. Hope this helps
  3. x129K liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Aerial Waterway Nozzles?   
    Our tower ladder has one of each. The fog/adjustable is set up with electronic controls to allow one man operation from the turntable (with limited manpower). The other has stacked tips, but I cannot recall the sizes from memory. That one must be operated from the bucket.
  4. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Rappers memorializing DJ Henry   
    #1 - DJ Henry was called a punk, scumbag kid because he ignored a lawful order from a uniformed police officer, chose to flee the police in a motor vehicle, and then attempted to run down another police officer with his vehicle... if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, then guess what.... it's a duck.
    #2 - Knowingly getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, then knowingly ignoring a lawful order from a uniformed police officer, then attempting to run over a second uniformed police officer while attempting to flee is not a damn mistake. You make it sound like this kid accidentally rear ended a patrol car in the parking lot cause he was busy sexting some piece of a** he got the night before. This kid is responsible for his own actions. It's his actions that started the chain of events that lead to his death, and one one elses.
    #3 - What differed that night is that this kid, while intoxicated, attempted to flee the police and could have killed a police officer with his vehicle had the officer not responded with deadly physical force to stop the threat to his own life. Not exactly a nightly occurrence at any bar, irregardless if there's underage drinking or not.
    #6 - Officers on either side of the vehicle? An officer approached the vehicle from the side, just as you wanted, and what did Henry do? He drove off in an attempt to flee the scene. Did you want the officers to run alongside his vehicle? Or how about we just let this intoxicated, irrational, and clearly dangerous individual drive out of the parking lot onto the public roadway, where he can kill some innocent person just driving home from work. Shoot someone to kill? Officer Hess discharged his firearm to stop the threat in compliance with the NYS Criminal Procedure Law. Officer Hess was presented with an individual using his vehicle as a weapon in an attempt to flee police, and in doing so posed an immediate threat of causing PO Hess serious physical injury and/or death, and PO Hess utilized the appropriate level of force to meet what DJ Henry brought to the table. You sit there and say, "I know its not like he had an eternity"... until you enter that fight or flight response, have had to make a split second, life or death decision, where you are reaching down to your most primal instincts to survive, you sir have no right to monday morning quarterback PO Hess's actions that night.
    #8 - You think that just because you watch COPS, CSI, Law and Order, and all of these other garbage shows on TV that you are some kind of police tactics expert? You're right, no one had to die that night, DJ Henry made that decision when instead of following the directions of multiple uniformed police officers he chose to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. He chose to drive off and flee a police officer. He chose to drive into, and attempt to run over, another uniformed police officer. You keep calling everyone elses actions that night inappropriate, and you call DJ Henry's actions "a mistake". Give us a damn break, will you. I mean really, how ridiculous does that sound? He precipitated every single thing that happened that night, but he's the good kid who made a mistake and every one else that night was just a bunch of trigger happy pigs. I can tell you one thing for sure; you stated that you don't know if you would have pulled the trigger that night; I can tell you if you were a cop faced with that same situation, I'd have the unpleasant experience of having to go to your funeral then, plain and simple, and police funerals are the one thing that no cop ever wants to go to. You also stated, "keep someone alive by not shooting them." Absolutely, but not if that individual is trying to kill me. If someone is actively trying to kill me, I'm going to shoot them to stop them from killing me, that's just the way it is. I'm going home at the end of the night to my family, period, and at that point I'm only concerned with surviving, not find a nice touchy feely way to end the threat on my life just so the perpetrator can live. Shoot the engine block? Are you aware that handgun ammunition will not pass through an engine block, so good luck with that one Seagal. The military uses .50 caliber rifles to disable engine blocks on vehicles, you think a handgun bullet is going to disable a vehicle? Oh that's right, Steven Seagal and Bruce Willis do it all the time in the movies, so it must be true. Do you know how many police officers are killed or seriously injured every year in vehicle pursuits? Yes, lets engage a highly intoxicated individual in a vehicle pursuit because that doesn't have a high probability of ending in disaster. I can't help but laugh how you have the audacity to sit there behind your little computer screen and talk about police tactics and how the incident should have been handled. I say until you vest up and get out there and do the job, leave the tactics discussions to those of us who are actually out there doing the work, because the fantasy land of how you believe being a cop is based on some junk you watched on TV last night is typical for arm chair experts who mother f**ks the cops any chance they get until the day the wolf comes knocking at your door.
  5. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Rappers memorializing DJ Henry   
    I don't give a s*** if dj henry was a rhodes scholar and he went to harvard, he tried to kill a cop, one of my brothers , and yes in my book that makes him a punk scumbag.
    As far as pace goes, I've dealt with some of the worst lawyers in westchester who have graduated from pace, so pace doen't impress me.
    No matter what the situation was in the bar that night, it doesn't change the fact that this kid was issued a lawful order by a police officer and instead of stopping, he refused the order and struck the police officer.
    As far as the investigation goes, the DOJ monitered the entire thing and found nothing wrong with it, but i guess you know something they don't.
    Shoot the engine block ? What are you dirty harry ? This suggestion shows your ignorance on all things law enforcement. You strike me as the type that thinks that because you watch cops and americas most wanted and you take a few pictures of police cars, that makes you knowledgeable... IT DOESN'T.....
    You know nothing about traffic stops or who should be where or what the officers are feeling?
    How many life or death situations have you been in? It seems like you shy away fom dangerous professions so I will say close to none so you have no clue how fast you have to make a decision and in this case it was a decision to use deadly force. Not only does PO Hess have to live with his decision for the rest of his life, he has to deal with people like you monday morning quarterbacking what he did. It's easy to second guess from the safety of your den or your living room isn't it ?
    AS I reread your post to make sure I covered all of the points you tried to make, it seems that you have some type of blinders on to the truth and seem to have out your own twists to the story. You say he was already dead before he struck PO Hess, where did you get that from ? I never once heard that version of the story.
    You are just an angry person with an axe to grind against law enforcement. I wonder if dj henry had God forbid struck and killed someone in your family while he was driving highly intoxicated back to the pace campus how much different you would feel.
  6. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by x129K in North Highlands FD Command Vehicle   
    Keeps the vehicle safe when it is operating in areas by cemetaries.
  7. x635 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Scanner in NYC   
    NYPD is still using UHF frequencies for the precincts and special ops. (transit still on VHF). FDNY I believe is still broadcasting over both UHF and VHF dispatch frequencies. See this thread from last year for more info
    Nothing has gone digital in NYC. Hope this helps
  8. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by x129K in NY State Trooper   
    Already forwarded to the State Police Command and NYSP PBA.
  9. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by x129K in NY State Trooper   
    At a recent parade, I sat directly opposite a NYSP Trooper on a traffic post.
    EACH and EVERY time, the stars and stripes passed by, he saluted with the most crisp salute I have ever seen. Many of the bystanders commented on it as well...all were impressed by his actions.
    Well Done Trooper, remain safe.

  10. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in New FDNY Study Guide Released   
    That test question is racist, city residents dont live in buildings that look like the ones drawn for the question. WHere are the fire escapes, urine pooled in the hallways and trash hanging in the trees. Only people from the suburbs (whites) live in such structures, and would be able to figure out which one is on fire.
  11. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in New FDNY Study Guide Released   
    That test question is racist, city residents dont live in buildings that look like the ones drawn for the question. WHere are the fire escapes, urine pooled in the hallways and trash hanging in the trees. Only people from the suburbs (whites) live in such structures, and would be able to figure out which one is on fire.
  12. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in New FDNY Study Guide Released   
    That test question is racist, city residents dont live in buildings that look like the ones drawn for the question. WHere are the fire escapes, urine pooled in the hallways and trash hanging in the trees. Only people from the suburbs (whites) live in such structures, and would be able to figure out which one is on fire.
  13. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in New FDNY Study Guide Released   
    That test question is racist, city residents dont live in buildings that look like the ones drawn for the question. WHere are the fire escapes, urine pooled in the hallways and trash hanging in the trees. Only people from the suburbs (whites) live in such structures, and would be able to figure out which one is on fire.
  14. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by bigrig77 in 9/11 Profiteering?   
    Ya I know it is a funny little comic but it represents a bigger issue. How many things do you see everyday that are 9/11 related for sale? The magazines, magnets, stickers, pins, shirts, patches, etc.. The list goes on forever. But you think any of these companies really are giving to the funds? Nope. They use a tragedy as a way to make more money. Guys are dying from illnesses that come from working down there. They get nothing but a "hey that sucks". Most people really have forgotten. It is nothing to them anymore. They were all flag waving and ready to pitch in 10 years ago. But now they are all numb to it. Sure the big 10 year anniversary is coming. BFD. Where were they for the 7th, the 4th, etc.? I guess these people just will never know what we, as emergency personnel, had to go through. Some people were down there, some people were back protecting the home turf. Some did Fill the Boot others had spaghetti dinners. I think we should stop buying this crap and just go on and remember them the right way, by getting on the rigs and keep pressing on. I miss the people who are gone and I am sure you all do to.
    God bless and stay safe out there
  15. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by x129K in Columbia County Convention Parade   

  16. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by gpdexplorer in Completed Tarrytown Engine 80   
    Riverside Hose's new Crimson, which was recently delivered, has received its final striping and currently awaiting to be placed in service. Here are some updated photos.

  17. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Life in Afghanistan   
    Here's some pics of where we live off duty.

    Here's Crash 8 (9's in the background), Crash 5 and the HazMat truck on the taxiway apron at the station

    The dayroom at the station

    A small camel spider...they get much much bigger (about the size of the average man's hand) and while not venomous they give a painful bite

    This one speaks for itself...needless to say when this hits the Talibastards they're having a bad day

    An A-10 drill

    Blackhawk training

    Looking Northeast across the base from Crash 10 at the station

    Looking North from our apron on the taxiway...Kandahar city is just over that mountain and this is where most of our incoming deliveries originate.

    That's all for now as more become available and pass security I'll post them.
  18. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Michigan Law Enforcement vehicles   
    During my trip, I also got to go up north to St Ignace, MI, which is just over the Mackinac Bridge in the Upper Peninsula. I found this Mackinac Sheriff vehicle one night

    Nearby was this boat from Sault Tribe Law Enforcement

    Both together at sunset

  19. firedude liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Michigan Law Enforcement vehicles   
    Almost forgot this Michigan State Police command post

  20. firedude liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Michigan Law Enforcement vehicles   
    Just down the road was the City of Hastings, MI PD
    Here are their Tahoes

    Hastings, MI Dodge Charger

    The city seal

  21. firedude liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Michigan Law Enforcement vehicles   
    The CVPI, I mostly saw these and the Tahoe on Patrol. The were mostly seen in the medians of the highways, and the light, even when off stood out.

    The Tahoe

  22. firedude liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Michigan Law Enforcement vehicles   
    After the discussion in the Michigan State Police and their "Unity Light" I had the opportunity to photograph some law enforcement vehicles in Michigan. I stopped by the State Police barracks in Hastings, MI in Barry County. The barracks were closed due to budget constraints, and will be consolidated with another
    barracks in Allegan, MI about a half hour away.
    Photo of Michigan State Police patch

    Seal on the door of a car

  23. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Michigan Law Enforcement vehicles   
    During my trip, I also got to go up north to St Ignace, MI, which is just over the Mackinac Bridge in the Upper Peninsula. I found this Mackinac Sheriff vehicle one night

    Nearby was this boat from Sault Tribe Law Enforcement

    Both together at sunset

  24. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by firedude in Photo's found on this site....   
    I've been a member of flickr for over 2 years now and have never had a problem. I've had more photos stolen from EMTBravo then from flickr. I've had videos on youtube downloaded and reposted by other members. I've had people take my photos and use them as their Facebook profile picture. I am contemplating putting a watermark on my photos but it really takes away from the photo itself.
    As for the Fire Fighter Close Calls, I would never post any photos online that show improper PPE or a dangerous safety condition. If I did spot a dangerous condition, I am sure I was not the only one to see it. It's the same reason I don't bash departments or members on these forums.