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  1. grumpyff liked a post in a topic in America is not broke   
    People are forgetting who built this country, and who help contribute to these politicians campaigns....UNIONS. All this talk about the taxpayer the taxpayer, we are all taxpayers and Im so sick and tired of all these financial district guys bashing our Unions. Our economy isn't in this financial burden due to the unions, or the Pensions. Do i think that some things need to be revamped, yes i do. The reality of it is that in these municipalities a lot of it is due to poor budgeting, corruption, bad spending and the list goes on. We bomb other countries, spend trillions of dollars to do it, then we send them over food, but yet how many people are homeless and starving in NYC alone. I do think a lot of people who work in or used to work in the financial district, same people who got their half million dollar bonuses at xmas time, are sitting home, unemployed, pissed off that their taxes are going to some cop, firemen, or DPW guy and to boot he's pissed that these guys are getting Pensions. They also forget the work we do and the things we risk everyday when we go to work. I go to work everyday not knowing if Im coming home at the end of the day, even if I am at cushie job, its still the nature of the job. . Do I think its worth some kind of Pension when I retire along with making up to 100K, absolutely. Should collective bargaining be stripped from Union workers, absolutely not, its unconstitutional, the biggest criminals here are the politicians.
  2. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in America is not broke   
    So, By your thinking, without my union, the NYC PBA, since 1998 I would have gotten only about a 4% pay increase in the last 13 years. When times were good and the money was flowing on Wall Street, the City of New York had the balls to tell cops and firefighters "sorry, we have no money for pay raises", but I remember Mayor Giuliani giving himself close to a 50% pay increase saying " We need to attract the best possible candidates". Sounds good to me, NOT. My Union tried to negotiate every two years, and the city would drag its feet every time, with the city refusing to negotiate. Every contract ended up in binding arbitration (which could go either way, in fact that was the reason for the $25,000 starting pay a couple of years ago). Even after 9/11 with public support for cops and firefighters at an all time high the city told us to go scratch.. they had no money. How about getting rid of the politicians pension, which they get after one term in office, or their health care, which is better than ours. PS my union provides my dental and eye care, not my employer.
    Without my union I would have to re-qualify on weapons my job requires me to carry on my own time (a day off), but I would have to stay for the whole day, not when I am finished.
    Without my union, I could be judged, and actions taken against me for lack of summons/arrest activity (quota bill)
    Without my union I would have no recourse to complain about substandard conditions we are forced to work in. Ever been in a NYC police precinct, most are falling apart.
    Without my union I would have no legal representation for actions taken at work, even if I did nothing wrong in the course of my employment.
    I could go on an on. So why is my union a bad thing.
  3. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Metro North Equipment move from Danbury, CT to Brewster, NY   
    Now headed south on the Harlem Line. the two BL20GH's are working hard to get up to speed.

    Crossing Route 312 in Brewster headed to Grand Central, where it ended up being spit back into three trains. The 110 with three coaches went to Croton Harmon, the #126 and three coaches came back up to Brewtser, and the #222 and 7 coaches went back into passenger service

  4. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by KRF178 in America is not broke   
    While I respect your opinion and appreciate that your previous comment wasn't directed at emergency services, I agree with some and disagree with some. While its true that some negotiated items aren't available for the private sector, there are some things in the private sector that aren't available to public employees. You don't see a public employee getting any monetary bonuses, company limo's, or things of that nature. Everything we have, we negotiated for and the unions have fought for. I know a guy employed in the private sector for some aeronautics company, you know what an average bonus is for him? At least $80k! When was the last time a public employee was given a cash bonus(not saying they're entitled to, just making a point). No one is saying to a cop, "hey nice job with that drug bust, here's a check for $50k, good going!" As far as teachers and tenure, that's kinda the only place that they can hold any administration over a barrel. Not for nothing but they are handed a pretty monumental task, educating and in some cases babysitting our youth. I know where I live a good percentage of the kids are complete animals, and anyone that can keep some kind of order in a classroom gets a ton of respect from me. For the most part teachers are responsible for these kids 6-8 hours a day, and not to mention, overcrowding of schools, parents who take no responsibility for their children, and dealing with some of the problems that children take from their home. I know a bunch of teachers, and not only is it stressful for them to maintain order in their classroom, it also takes a toll on them psychologically. Some of these kids that come from the dredges of the earth, parents who are addicts, don't get properly clothed and fed at home, and come to school looking for attention. Do they deserve everything, I'll agree and say no, but I will say that being a teacher isn't all glitz and glamour. They face a different kind of adversity in the schools than we see on the street as emergency service providers. I think I'd rather see a gunshot or stabbing victim rather than have to see a child that is physically or mentally abused at home day in and day out, but that's just me. I wouldn't want to stand in the shoes of an educator.
  5. M' Ave liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Movement of Metro North equipment over Beacon Line today.   
    For all the train buffs out there...Due to the wash out along Metro North's Danbury branch 3 locomotives and a group of coaches currently stranded in Danbury will be moved today along the mostly unused Beacon line. The train will depart from Danbury and head to Brewster at about 10mph, crossing the large bridge in Brewster behind the Honda dealership. There is no set time so keep your eyes open. Metro North moved two locomotives and 10-12 coaches yesterday. Here is a link to a thread on Railroad.Net. The trip yesterday took about three hours to complete.
  6. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in America is not broke   
    So, By your thinking, without my union, the NYC PBA, since 1998 I would have gotten only about a 4% pay increase in the last 13 years. When times were good and the money was flowing on Wall Street, the City of New York had the balls to tell cops and firefighters "sorry, we have no money for pay raises", but I remember Mayor Giuliani giving himself close to a 50% pay increase saying " We need to attract the best possible candidates". Sounds good to me, NOT. My Union tried to negotiate every two years, and the city would drag its feet every time, with the city refusing to negotiate. Every contract ended up in binding arbitration (which could go either way, in fact that was the reason for the $25,000 starting pay a couple of years ago). Even after 9/11 with public support for cops and firefighters at an all time high the city told us to go scratch.. they had no money. How about getting rid of the politicians pension, which they get after one term in office, or their health care, which is better than ours. PS my union provides my dental and eye care, not my employer.
    Without my union I would have to re-qualify on weapons my job requires me to carry on my own time (a day off), but I would have to stay for the whole day, not when I am finished.
    Without my union, I could be judged, and actions taken against me for lack of summons/arrest activity (quota bill)
    Without my union I would have no recourse to complain about substandard conditions we are forced to work in. Ever been in a NYC police precinct, most are falling apart.
    Without my union I would have no legal representation for actions taken at work, even if I did nothing wrong in the course of my employment.
    I could go on an on. So why is my union a bad thing.
  7. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in America is not broke   
    So, By your thinking, without my union, the NYC PBA, since 1998 I would have gotten only about a 4% pay increase in the last 13 years. When times were good and the money was flowing on Wall Street, the City of New York had the balls to tell cops and firefighters "sorry, we have no money for pay raises", but I remember Mayor Giuliani giving himself close to a 50% pay increase saying " We need to attract the best possible candidates". Sounds good to me, NOT. My Union tried to negotiate every two years, and the city would drag its feet every time, with the city refusing to negotiate. Every contract ended up in binding arbitration (which could go either way, in fact that was the reason for the $25,000 starting pay a couple of years ago). Even after 9/11 with public support for cops and firefighters at an all time high the city told us to go scratch.. they had no money. How about getting rid of the politicians pension, which they get after one term in office, or their health care, which is better than ours. PS my union provides my dental and eye care, not my employer.
    Without my union I would have to re-qualify on weapons my job requires me to carry on my own time (a day off), but I would have to stay for the whole day, not when I am finished.
    Without my union, I could be judged, and actions taken against me for lack of summons/arrest activity (quota bill)
    Without my union I would have no recourse to complain about substandard conditions we are forced to work in. Ever been in a NYC police precinct, most are falling apart.
    Without my union I would have no legal representation for actions taken at work, even if I did nothing wrong in the course of my employment.
    I could go on an on. So why is my union a bad thing.
  8. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Space Case Training   
    Looking through I found these training photos. Credit to the photographers
    My link
    My link
  9. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Cruise Ship firefighting   
    Safety boat in the water

    Post drill assessment

    clean up

  10. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Cruise Ship firefighting   
    Safety boat in the water

    Post drill assessment

    clean up

  11. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by wraftery in America is not broke   
    Let's see judging by your age (21-24) you just paid your taxes and feel you're being screwed. It's not by us, my friend. We pay taxes too. Whatever you do for a living, the Taylor Law is pretty good reading for your lunch hour.
  12. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    Well reading your posts just pissed me off. I have a lot of pride in being a cop and I enjoy what i do. Maybe the area I work in sucks but I have fun. To say I as a NY cop or any of us cops for that matter don't take pride in our sector or post or we are not out their making arrest or working...You are way off base and seriously doubt you have any evidence to support your claim. I know plenty of us who take pride in our sectors and cops will tell you we don't like another sector picking up our jobs unless they absolutely have to. That's our sector and we will handle. Heavy job comes in (assault, robbery etc..) balls to the wall responding. Sometimes we get into back log because some guys are covering multiple sectors at a time and there are 3 cars out there for 7,8 or more sectors and we are holding jobs BECAUSE WE ARE THAT BUSY!! We don't take pride? Yeah ok.
    You worked as a dispatcher? I have a lot of respect for dispatchers but you are not out on the street with us. Your dad was a cop in a busy area? Good for him then he knows the job...NOT YOU! Your worked in a police supply store so you met and talked with cops. I was friends with lot of cops before I got on the job and thought I understood it. WRONG! You don't know what its like or how it feels just because you are friends with or hangout with a cop. Until you are out there on the street doing what needs to be done you don't have a clue. Never will.
    If I am wrong or off base someone tell me
  13. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    Sorry if you don't like that history has shown that a lot of PD's in the Northeast were providing rescue services long before the Fire Service. Your attempt to compare a highly trained ESU Police Officer performing a Technical Rescue to a barber, who has no training or equipment to perform surgery, is quite comical.
    NYPD ESU Officers undergo 28 weeks of training. This includes: 3 weeks of Roco Rope Rescue, 4 days Confined Space Rescue, 1 week of FEMA Building Collapse Technician, 4 weeks of Hazardous Materials (1 week of EPA HazMat Tech, 1 Week of NYPD HazMat In-service, 1 Week at the live agent school in Anniston, and 1 week of radiological training in Mercury, NV), 1 week of Trench Rescue, Firefighter I, 3 weeks of Dive Rescue including surface water and ice rescue, 5 days of Auto Extrication, 4 days of train extrication, 2 days of Vetta Airbags, 1 week of tools (chainsaws, Stanley Tool, breaking/cutting tools, small hand tools, etc.), 2 days of cutting torches (oxyacetylene & Caldo). This doesn't include any yearly in-service training, as well as additional schooling ESU officers attend, either on their own time or through the job. This knowledge base, along with having all the right equipment and resources available to them, makes them quite capable of handling rescue work. I can't remember the last time I saw a barber school where tonsilectomy's were a part of the curriculum?
    Not all ESU is SWAT trained... the majority are, but if you look at Nassau County Police Department, their ESU only handles rescue-related work. Nassau County Bureau of Special Operations (BSO), which is actually their street crime unit, handles the traditional SWAT/tactical related types of jobs. Other ESU units only handle SWAT/Law Enforcement related work and do not get involved in rescue work (i.e. New Rochelle PD's CIU)
    If you meant for this to be a discussion about comparative differences between Law Enforcement agencies in different parts of the country, specifically targeting Police ESU units and their role in rescue services, along with trying to argue that FD should be solely responsible, was probably not the best way to start off what you perceived would be an informative discussion.
  14. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Boehner Blocks Capitol Ceremony for Last WWI Vet   
    It's amazing to see the anti GOP rhetoric on here every time something happens in this country. Let me say that I support an Arlington ceremony for this man to honor him in being that last surviving vet from WWI but to lay in state in the rotunda seems like a headline grab for the west virginia democratic senators. The buckles family spokesman said to one media outlet that he wasn't even contacted in regards to any planned ceremonies for buckles including laying in the rotunda so these senators took it upon themselves to try to do this without the consent of the family. Let's all remember that this story is barely verified, the info available on it is sparse at best.
    For those of you who like to judge the GOP on the zadroga bill and on things like this saying things like " the rich kid republicans" ... I guess you all forget about the rich kid kennedy family but i guess its only republicans who have money. You think the democrats care about cops and firemen... think again.... THEY ALL SUCK, BOTH PARTIES ARE OUT FOR THEMSELVES.
    Just remember when you get your pay check every two weeks and you see all that money taken out just remember who keeps advocating taxing and spending .. the DEMOCRATS .....
    It's narrow mindedness like we see here at times that the democrats thrive on... shoot from the hip reactions help nobody and only deepen the divide in this country.
    No matter what the outcome of this situation, I thank you Mr. Buckles for your service and your sacrafice God Bless you sir and rest in peace.
  15. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by bad box in Boehner Blocks Capitol Ceremony for Last WWI Vet   
    This is shameful, but it's what I have come to expect from today's GOP. Politicians like the wimpy, cry baby Rep. John Boehner who have no respect for Cops, Firefighters or the military. He's never placed himself in harm's way to protect his country or another human being. He stood with the GOP when they held The Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Bill hostage while demanding that Democrats join the GOP in extending tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. After getting the tax breaks for their wealthy corporate campaign supporters, they subsequently cut the funding for Zadroga in half before passing it. BTW, Rep. John Boehner didn't even stay in Washington to vote on the final bill which occurred on December 22nd, 2010. He along with many other GOP rich kids had already gone home to celebrate Christmas with their families. I wonder what it feels like to walk away from your responsibilities as an elected public servant whenever you feel like it, leaving your work undone. As a Firefighter, I wouldn't know that feeling, nor did I ever have the desire to abandon my responsibilities for my personal enjoyment ... Rep. John Boehner is a disgrace.
    Thank you for your service to our country Mr. Buckles ... May you rest in peace ...
  16. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by firecapt32 in Boehner Blocks Capitol Ceremony for Last WWI Vet   
    Again lets hope that we all remember who held us hostage and more importantly WHY the 2% for the rich. This was a honor that should have been bestoed on the last American to fight in "the war to end all wars" Rest in peace soldier you have done your job and done it well.
  17. M' Ave liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Metro North M8s enter revenue service   
    M7s seat less customers than the M1 due to ADA compliant bathroom and electronic equipment protected in the car body, so a greater number of cars were needed to maintain number of seats. The M8s have he same problem, but are wider than the M7 so there is greater comfort for the passengers. M7 designed to be narrower due to LIRR requirements, Metro North was forced to be stuck with it.
  18. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Cruise Ship firefighting   
    Last week I was lucky enough to sail aboard Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas. Oasis of the Seas is one of Royal Caribbean's newest, and largest ships, with a displacement similar to a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. Our first stop was Labadee, Haiti, and while having breakfast we heard over the ship's intercom "Firefighting crews to Deck 7 Forward, no special equipment for training." I finished breakfast and then my family and I went to the forward observation deck to look at Labadee. We got to watch the helicopter take off, followed by a nice surprise, some of the ship's firefighters drilling in stretching lines, and flowing foam. The look on my wife's face was priceless, she swears I could find a firehouse or fire truck anywhere I go.
    Here is Oasis of the Seas on the pier at Labadee
    The helicopter while deaprting Ft. Lauderdale.

    Helicopter flying off the ship in Labadee. Note that the railings , and forward navigation light tower are folded down.

  19. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Cruise Ship firefighting   
    Safety boat in the water

    Post drill assessment

    clean up

  20. islander liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Bullet-Proof Vests...   
    For the NYPD, members on patrol are supposed to wear the vest at all times. There are some exceptions to this. Most vests are warrantied by the manufacturer for 5 years. With that, when I joined the NYPD in1998 we were fitted for our vest, and told that would be our vest for the next twenty years. It took the death of PO Dillon Stewart in 2005 to get us new vests, rated to a LEVEL IIIA, and the panels overlap. Officer Stewart was shot while in a car chasing a another car, he was hit just under the arm, and the bullet went through the small gap between the front and rear panels. Keep in mind most vests are not stab and puncture rated so they will not stop a knife or other sharp object. Vests are also only rated to stop some handgun rounds, they will not stop a rifle round. Here is a link to a chart that explains the different vest levels, http://www.njlawman....ody%20Armor.htm Vests are hot during the summer, often retaining heat and sweat of the user. Bullet resistant vests also will not be effective if they are soaking wet (heavy rain, enter body of water, etc) Also fitting the vest is important, if it is too big, the user will have trouble sitting down ( the vest will move up and hit you under the chin/throat area, and if too small it will be ineffective. Most are not designed to be folded, or rolled up (there are some on the market that can be), as any crease in the panel will affect its effectiveness. From what I have read in the news media, the incident on Long Island the shooter was intending to kill people. Not sure if the responding crew had a chance to see the firearms before they even got off their apparatus, or if the shooter had it concealed until they approached.
  21. islander liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Bullet-Proof Vests...   
    For the NYPD, members on patrol are supposed to wear the vest at all times. There are some exceptions to this. Most vests are warrantied by the manufacturer for 5 years. With that, when I joined the NYPD in1998 we were fitted for our vest, and told that would be our vest for the next twenty years. It took the death of PO Dillon Stewart in 2005 to get us new vests, rated to a LEVEL IIIA, and the panels overlap. Officer Stewart was shot while in a car chasing a another car, he was hit just under the arm, and the bullet went through the small gap between the front and rear panels. Keep in mind most vests are not stab and puncture rated so they will not stop a knife or other sharp object. Vests are also only rated to stop some handgun rounds, they will not stop a rifle round. Here is a link to a chart that explains the different vest levels, http://www.njlawman....ody%20Armor.htm Vests are hot during the summer, often retaining heat and sweat of the user. Bullet resistant vests also will not be effective if they are soaking wet (heavy rain, enter body of water, etc) Also fitting the vest is important, if it is too big, the user will have trouble sitting down ( the vest will move up and hit you under the chin/throat area, and if too small it will be ineffective. Most are not designed to be folded, or rolled up (there are some on the market that can be), as any crease in the panel will affect its effectiveness. From what I have read in the news media, the incident on Long Island the shooter was intending to kill people. Not sure if the responding crew had a chance to see the firearms before they even got off their apparatus, or if the shooter had it concealed until they approached.
  22. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by firedude in Photos: Midland Ave, Port Chester - 4th Alarm 3-1-11   
    Here are mine… Comments or a rep are always greatly appreciated

  23. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Metro North M8s enter revenue service   
    Your anger is directed in the wrong location. It is the State of Connecticut's fault. Metro North owns 50% of the cars and wanted to replace them years ago. The state dragged its feet until it was too late. MTA Metro North did the best they could with the cards dealt to them.
    Only The first train did the 4000 mile acceptance test, now the rest only have to do 1000 miles of trouble free testing. Better to wait the get stuck between stations because something new and untested failed.