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Journal News Using Firefighter Photos

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As a personal rule, I will never take photos of a person who is injured or deceased. It achieves nothing more then fulfilling some peoples' addiction to pain and suffering. All the photos I take and post on our FD sites (or the random submissions to other sites) will not have the faces of victims and in many cases, I try to blur out civilian bystanders too. I like to think that I would get the same treatment should I be a patient at an accident or in some other way in need of help. A little privacy can go a long way with people.

If someone wants to post a photo of someone or some thing, they should always make an attempt to get the permissions of those involved. I know with my own FD there are guys who don't want their photos taken sometimes for various reasons, so those pics are never posted.

Respect, it costs nothing to give but can cost you so much if you don't show it. (Something that applies to just about anything in life.)

Edited by Remember585

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Respect, it costs nothing to give but can cost you so much if you don't show it. (Something that applies to just about anything in life.)

Well Said

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OK, Let me get this straight....... Using the principles presented here, I guess that I can't cut my lawn..... Alright, I can do my lawn but not my neighbors lawn when they go on vacation anymore.......... There are plenty of landscapers that are suffering because I'm doing it for a 6-pack instead of a paying a landscaper to do it......

As far as who owns the photo's you take when your on duty goes..... That actually could be a tough one to call.... If your job is to take photo's, it's a no-brainer.....They (Your FD or PD) owns the rights to the photos as you took them as part of your job..... If you took some shots with your own equipment and doing so is outside of your job scope, then I believe you own the rights to the photo's..... If you used their equipment that could be questionable...... I had a book that expanded on some of these situations but I can't find it..... I'm sure it's on the web somewhere though...

"Respect, it costs nothing to give but can cost you so much if you don't show it. (Something that applies to just about anything in life.)'

So very true...... One thing I used to tell new officers is that "Respect is something that your earn, not demand" We all have been exposed to the newly elected officer with his shinny new gold badge that all of the sudden has the power to rule the world and pisses everyone off in the process......

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As of right now, if I read one more paid vs. volunteer post, I WILL lock/delete this entire topic and move to suspend members who continue the topic. Stay on topic, or else.

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As a personal rule, I will never take photos of a person who is injured or deceased. It achieves nothing more then fulfilling some peoples' addiction to pain and suffering. All the photos I take and post on our FD sites (or the random submissions to other sites) will not have the faces of victims and in many cases, I try to blur out civilian bystanders too. I like to think that I would get the same treatment should I be a patient at an accident or in some other way in need of help. A little privacy can go a long way with people.

If someone wants to post a photo of someone or some thing, they should always make an attempt to get the permissions of those involved. I know with my own FD there are guys who don't want their photos taken sometimes for various reasons, so those pics are never posted.

Respect, it costs nothing to give but can cost you so much if you don't show it. (Something that applies to just about anything in life.)

thanks chief. i've seen some of the pictures you have taken some pretty sweet shots.

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