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The Fate Of The Tappan Zee Bridge

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A "major announcment" regarding the future of the Tappan Zee Bridge is expected at 11AM this morning, according to

It'll be interesting to see what the announce, and how they're going to go about it. Most importantly, I wonder how long it's going to take and the affect it's going to have on Nyack and Tarrytown.

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Poughkeepsie Journal said last night on their sit ethat a new bridge is being built...

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Just tuned into the live press conference now, a Metro North rep is stating that the new bridge project will be "rail ready", and include Metro North.

Also, heard something about "Bus Rapid Transit", although I don't know if that would be Bee-Line or not.....

I guess we'll find out the complete story when the conference is done.

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Lets see, no environmental impact study even commisioned yet and no idea where the $16 Billion will come from huh? We're 52 years into a 50 year life span. It'll be years before the first shovel hits the ground.

How many agree this bridge will be about 75 years old if not more before this project is done. (and probably way over budget)

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Lets see, no environmental impact study even commisioned yet and no idea where the $16 Billion will come from huh? We're 52 years into a 50 year life span. It'll be years before the first shovel hits the ground.

How many agree this bridge will be about 75 years old if not more before this project is done. (and probably way over budget)

They rebuilt the bridge in MN in just over a year so if they really want to they can complete it faster.

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I heard they were going to build a new one last night on the news...If they do, I hope they make it harder for people to jump off...there have been way to many "jumpers" on the TZ over the last few years(in my opinion). Phones are great, large barriers that you can't climb are better. . .

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so... $50+ Million and 8 years... spent on... a press conference telling us to build or fix?!

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Folks we are definitely in the wrong business!!!! 8 years and $54 million in studies just so they can recommend a new bridge and now need more time and more money to "study" a new bridge? This is progress?

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They rebuilt the bridge in MN in just over a year so if they really want to they can complete it faster.

That bridge was a lot shorter

1,907 ft (581.3 m) per Wikipedia:

They rebuilt in the same spot. Here they'll spend 5 years just getting the property to put the work trailers and equiptment.

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