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Today Is's 7th Anniversary Online

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Today (Nov.14) marks the 7th year that (Forums) has been online., which is what these forums were born from, will celebrate it's 8th year this upcoming January.

(The name, "EMTBravo", orginated from my AOL screen name which I had for years). And for those that wonder why somebody in Texas is involved with this site, here's why and a little about me. I started at 14 years old, in 1993, as an Explorer with the Ardsley Fire Department in Ardsley NY where I Explorer Post Captain for almost the duration of my time there. I then continued on as a volunteer firefighter and Explorer post advisor with Ardsley FD when I turned 18. I took my EMT class at Irvington VAC, and went to work as an EMT for Empress EMS, which helped shape me and gave me a solid foundation for the rest of my career. I also worked part time in the ER of Stamford Hospital as an ER tech. I was lucky enough to get hired by 60 Control, where I worked as a Dispatcher. During that time, I loved working for 60 Control and loved the people I worked with. However, during the course of my employment there, my father was tragically killed and my Grandmother died a year later after a long battle with cancer, leading me to re-evaluate what I was doing and where I wanted to be in life.

In 2003, I decided to go to college, and moved to Woburn, MA and attended Paramedic school at Northeastern University in Boston. After graduating in 2004, I moved back to Hartsdale and went to work for Westcheser EMS, and worked the "45 Medics" flycar system, and dispatcher. In September of 2005, my dream of being a career firefighter came true, and I got hired by the Hartsdale Fire District. I was blessed to have academy instructors who served as great role models for me, and I did things I never thougt I could do. To this day, I still use the lessons they taught me.

In January 2007, I was injured severly. After several months, I was declared unfit to be a firefighter due to a traumatic brain injury and a spinal cord injury. My department did not have any light duty positions, so I was out of a job and couldn't work as a firefighter again. I loved being a firefighter in Hartsdale and the loss of that career was devastating, and still bothers me to this day. Karma came around, and my wife and I decided to move to Round Rock, just north of Austin, in the central part of Texas. We've been here for almost three years now, and as many of you know, my daughter was just born 3 months ago on my birthday. I hope to live down here for the rest of my life, and I would never have this life living in Westchester.

Why am I giving you my bio? Because I feel that many people don't know me and there are some misconceptions.

Getting back on topic, the idea for a forums portion of the site sparked from the very succesful "News" section of, in which people sent me news and photos and I posted on, what at the time was my personal small website (this is WAY before Facebook, etc even existed). From my apartment in Boston while attending Paramedic school at Northeastern University, the idea sparked and I pulled an all-nighter to get the forum going. It was meant to create an online community where those and those with an interest in the emergency services community could come together and communicate. And every day I log on, I am amazed that the forum keeps growing and has such a great,knowledgable membership . We also have other EMTBravo forums, (LA, Phoenix, San Francisco, etc),, and

I have been honored to have THE best forum staff I've ever had, who have made continuing to run this forum possible. They take care of all the day-to-day things that come up, as well as long term stuff. They keep me on track, and I couldn't do it without them.

Of course, there's been negativity and conterversy on and about this site over the years, but the good FAR outweighs the bad. There have been members who wish to cause trouble or spread rumors or don't accept modern social media, but I believe that we have been on the forefront of trying to keep this site positive and on the right path. Before this site, nothing like this existed for the emergency services communinities in the areas we serve. A lot of valuable information has been spread on these forum, friendshsips forged and reignited, and all the other benefits a website such as this provides. We will continue to spearhead a new path and become an even better resource for our members, using our member's knowledge and feedback as our fuel.

I'd like to thank all the dedicated and loyal members of this site, who post, contribute,and read the site and make it what it is. Many have been with us since day 1. I'd also like to thank those that generously donate funds or advertise on the site, so I am able to afford to pay for these forum. And I'm especially thankful for the staff team who volunteer countless hours of their time each day ti take care of the day to day operation of the site, taking a huge burden off my shoulders so I can concentrate on administrative, IT, and development stuff.

I'd also like to thank the 450+ members who sent very encouraging and supportive emails which refreshed why I continue to help run this site with our staff when I wanted to shut down the site impulsively several weeks ago. And those who generously made donations, so that our financial future was secure

And most especially, the active members of this forum who post and make use of this forum, and share their knowledge and opinions, for which if they didn't, this forum wouldn't be.

Once again, THANK YOU to all the members and staff that make this site possible for the past 7 years, and I, with the EMTBravo team, look foward to making sure this forum is the best it can be for our EMTBravo members!!

If you have any questions about's history, please do ask on this thread, and I'd be more then happy to tell!!

Seth Granville AKA "EMTBravo" aka "x635"

Development Coordinator

The EMTBravo Group

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Thank you guys for all that you do! I can't believe how much this forum has grown over the years!

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Congratulations on 7 services of news service to the Fire, EMS & Police systems.

keep up the good hard work.

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Yes, Congratulations, Seth!

It has been impressive to follow the growth of the site over the years, as it evolved from an inspiration to host a hobby photo album/news bulletin board (long before blogging became mainstream) to the dynamic online community it is today, with thousands of diverse members of the online forums, and even more visitors !

Bottom line, It's the members that have made the site into what it is today. EMTBravo has become an invaluable resource for breaking news and information for enthusiasts, including sometimes lively discussions where professional and volunteer emergency service personnel can share their unique insights and contribute knowledge on a myriad of topics of interest to many.

I'm glad to be a part of the great team working behind the scenes helping to keep things running smoothly, and hope for many more years of continued growth and success for the Site!

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Thanks guys!

Also, thanks Jack!! You described it better then I ever could. I'm very thankful for a great staff that takes a tremendous burden of the day-to-day operations of this site off my shoulders as it has grown, so I could keep pace with all the other things that need doing. This forum wouldn't be possible without great staff (just an example) like you!

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This has been a great site for info and sharing, regarding our shared interests in the community of fire and ems.

I was not in on the "ground floor", but as soon as TR54 mentioned this site to me, I signed up on the third day.

Thank you also for asking me to be Communications Advisor for the site. I look forward to assisting you with the site, and anyone else who I can help with any area of my "expertise". My background for the position of Communications Advisor is really just having an interest in radios and communications. A majority of this knowledge was found on the internet. So, I am not really an "expert", but if I get a question that I do not know the answer to, I will go and research it to try and find an answer.

Again, Seth Thank You for providing a site for everyone to help and learn from everyone else.

Steve P.

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