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Water Rescue - I/R/O 37 Helen Dr - New Hackensack FD - 5/29/11

15 posts in this topic

I apologize for the long post....... The photos tell the whole story that's why I'm posting so many...........

The New Hackensack Fire Department, Town of Wappinger/TransCare Medics, and the Dutchess County Sheriffs Office were dispatched for a "16yr old female that had fallen with a knee injury and is hemorrhaging on the bank of the Wappingers creek in the rear of 37 Helen Dr". Personnel arrived to find the injured female along with two others, one of which had a foot laceration, perched on a group of rocks in the middle of the creek. They were unable to make it back to shore due to their injuries, the strong currents, and the sharp and slippery rocks that lined their path back to shore.....As crews arrived and assessed the situation, the father of one of the girls as well as another friend of the girls, swam out to be with the original three now leaving firefighters with 5 people stranded in the middle of the creek. Due to the injuries to the two females and their location in the middle of the creek, the decision was made to abandon a simpler rescue and to request the assistance of the Arlington FD and their Swift Water Rescue Team (SWRT) in bringing everybody safely back to shore......


Initial personnel make their way down to the creek.....


The initial three girls in the middle of the creek.....


Suprise..... Without the knowledge or approval of the rescuers, the father of one of the three girls goes into the water......


and with difficulty, makes it to their location.... A short time later, another female would do the same thing leaving 5 individuals that needed to be brought back to shore....


A DCSO Deputy and TransCare Medic discuss the situation.....


With one safety line in place, crews wait for the arrival of AFD's Swift Water Rescue Team.....


AFD's SWRT makes the scene......


Did you order ten pepperoni pizzas? NKFD Fire Police father and son team Bernie and Doug Roe carry in the SWRT's inflatable raft.


AFD's SWRT members inflate the raft......


Time to move the raft down the narrow and rocky path to the shore...

Edited by Photounit
x635, PEMO3, TAPSJ and 7 others like this

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With darkness quickly approaching, firefighters discuss the plan......


The "swimmer" for the operation, Arlington Firefighter John Ortiz, gets suited up.....


Firefighters check their web of ropes and pulleys that will be used to carry out the operation


Laughter and boredom..... The five await their trip back to the shore......


FF Ortiz prepares to make his way out to the stranded five....


Once FF Ortiz reached them, each was fitted with a safety flotation vest in preparation for the trip back into shore.........


With three girls on board, they listen intensely as FF Ortiz gives them some instructions.


A TransCare Medic uses his flashlight to illuminate the raft from the Town of Poughkeepsie side of the creek as everybody shares a little laughter.....


The first three girls are safely returned to shore w/o any additional injuries.....


A TransCare Medic with the help of the girls father, and the steadying hand of a DCSO Sheriffs Deputy, carry the girl back to the bus for evaluation and treatment of her injury.....

Edited by Photounit

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The second trip is complete and everbody is safely back on shore.....


A job well done...... Arlington Chief of Department Gallente speaks with a tired FF Ortiz.


Arlington Career Captain Palcher who directed AFD's SWRT smiles with the rest of his crew as they begin the task of breaking the safety lines down......


Firefighters carry the raft back up from the shore of the creek....


Back up at the street.....


Chief Gallente, Career Captain Mihans, and Asst Chief Philips share a little down time back up on the street....


Arlington Firefighters push the raft back up into the top of their new Rescue 32-52......


Firefighter Joe Moore was the Chauffeur of 32-52 on this run.....


And lastly, a shot of 32-52 from the front.....

Edited by Photounit

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Incredible shots as always!!!

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Great Shots Bill!!!


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Great images.

What I can't get over is the caviler attitude of the "victims" who put themselves in this position. Only complicated by two additional "victims" adding to the dangers faced by rescuers. It's a shame there is such a lack of personal responsibility and common sense.

xfirefighter484x likes this

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Great shots as always! Makes you feel like you're there!

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Aswome photos, very nicely done, even without the text explanning the situation you woul;d be able to figure it out with all the photos provided. Again aswome shots.

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Great images.

What I can't get over is the caviler attitude of the "victims" who put themselves in this position. Only complicated by two additional "victims" adding to the dangers faced by rescuers. It's a shame there is such a lack of personal responsibility and common sense.

Unfortunately, the general public feels a need to do stupid things and put themselves in precarious positions, and then they dial 9-1-1 because they know/expect that they will get help to pull them out of stupid situations. And (up here at least, since no ESU daily on the road types like in major cities), if they have a crime or something can be solved with a gun, the cops come. Everything else is expected to be solved by the FD.

And, on top of it all, adding to everything, after help arrives, they CONTINUE to do stupid things, like adding additional victims/would-be rescuers, because they don't feel that enough is being done fast enough.

Sadly, everyone expects everything immediately these days. People who dial 9-1-1 feel that help should be sitting around the corner from their emergency, and help should be instantaneous.

Very sad what people think/expect these days.

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I do not know the area, but couldn't of help come from the other shore ??? it appears to be 10 feet from the girls.... and the water looks allot calmer... or does the picture not show the vertical cliffs just on the other side ?

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Suprise..... Without the knowledge or approval of the rescuers, the father of one of the three girls goes into the water......

Did he steal their rope too?

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