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Circleville Firetruck Warehouse

41 posts in this topic

Nice photos, thank you for sharing. It would of been nice if they were seperated more, so you can get some good shots of each rig.

You still got the job done :D

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I wish there was more room too, but with the number of trucks stored there it is impossible. Here is a panoramic view of inside the warehouse from a staircase.


Bnechis, 210, Firemn2742A and 3 others like this

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One has to wonder what will become of the trucks... they only seem to restore one or two a year, and the rest seem to sit there, unmoved.

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it takes alot of time and money one or two a year could cost as much as $200,000 depending on whats being done and that is a rough idea for two trucks not going too crazy I think it will take time but they will all get the attention they deserve

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I know all about how much it costs in terms of time and money to restore old trucks. I do it as a hobby. Thats exactly my point. It would cost litterally MILLIONS to restore them all. They sit there unmoved for quite some time. Seals dry out, batteries die, rubber cracks and dryrots, metal rusts, and chrome pits. I just dont see how they will get the attention they deserve. I have gone to the Muster for a few years now, and 95% of the trucks are in the same exact spot they were parked when they arrived. Even the couple of mechanics that I talked to that work there think the situation is hopeless...

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Not to mention the amount of work that needs to be done to the building itself before it can officially be open to the public as the museum that it was originally intended to be.Dead batteries....yeah, ask me how many of the trucks that were outside had to be jump-started just to be put away, including the scissorlift that was intended for some overhead photos for our website.

Edited by AndyC3J

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i love to see these old rigs still alive ,i wish there was space like that around to save more of these rigs.

x4093k likes this

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