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Youtube Video Of A Subject Refusing To Comply With NYSP Troopers In Montrose

34 posts in this topic

LOL at Res24cue. You keep proving me wrong that people can't be any dumber.

Law Enforcement Officers are the only thing that keeps order and prevents chaos in our country, regardless of what politicians, media and other groups try to feed us. The most important thing for all of us to do is to avoid sipping the Kool Aid that is fed to us making us think that LEOs are the enemy.

The enemy is ourselves and our thought process that we can be and are above the law. If we eliminate the laws that govern us and protect us, I will gladly pick up my family and move somewhere that has them, enforces them and protects my family.

I hate how our country is going down the toilet, and how so many people try to justify their illegal actions.

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Was there any thought to helping the trooper instead of recording?

My observation - The officers from the video appeared to have it within their control, if a unknown bystander attempted to intercede, they may have seen them as a possible aggressor not help.

BFD1054 and x4093k like this

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Because there is an anti-cop sentiment that is growing thanks to the left wing media...

A wise old man once said. "a society that makes enemies of the police, had better make friends with the criminals”.

ex-commish, 10512 and BFD1054 like this

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