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Awful News Coverage

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I've got serious gripe, that I really need to get off my chest, with the coverage of fire service news here in the county. To be totally frank the coverage given by both the Journal News and News 12 is atrocious.

A case in point is the recent fire in Mamaroneck, a small blurb a few days later and nothing else. I only use this as one small example and it was a fire for Gods' sake. Speaking of God, it seems that in order for either news outlet to cover something positive that your department does you would need a direct command from the throne for them to even consider, much less actually cover your event.

To be perfectly honest when I see them giving more press to events outside the county in the "local" section. I truly wonder why I bother reading the thing except for the obituaries. As to news 12, if your looking for coverage anywhere outside the Yonkers or the Yorktown areas, your in serious trouble.

I'd write quite a bit more but I do have to go back to work, I just hope that someone from these "news" outlets reads this forum.

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Westchester County Parade.

One small picture in the paper.

Why Bother?

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If you take notice especially channel 12 news, only dept. to recieve 90% of the fire coverage is, Tony P's men of steel "Y_ _ _ _ _ s".

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News 12 is pathetic, regardless of what they cover, they are just a pathetic news organization. Half the stuff they say is wrong (not to mention it's 2 days after things happened, never when it's happening or just happened). All their staff has some weird quirk about them. Besides that, they are just pathetic, their stories are weak and they hype on them for days after they are over...

As for the Journal News, I really don't have a problem with them. When there is a legit rescue, or something overly notable, I expect them to mention it, but just a fire getting put out... hmmm, I'm not so sure. Imagine the NY Times reporting on every fire in NYC. It's just that I think fires are something "routine" (take that for what it's worth, not literally) that happens and gets taken care of. In the same way that perhaps someone is resusitated. As few and far between as they may be (or even frequently, just the same analogy with fires), you won't hear about it, unless that person was saved by some "Good Samaritan" in the airport or something beyond "the usual."

So my point is anything beyond "routine," something multiple alarm, multi-dept., miraculous, lifesaving, etc. should definitely be in there. Most people never appreciate the "miracles" and amazing work that fire, ems, police, and all emergency services do until they need it themselves. Perhaps the editor of the journal news needs to have a structure fire in his (probably huge) house... or his family will need to call 911 for something. I don't wish bad things on people, but sometimes it's the only way they will realize. It's all cyclical though, if it was in the news to start off with (and people could appreciate it), then it wouldn't be so much of a shock with what we can do. But then would it be "new news" if every fire and life-save was in there?

just some thoughts... not necessarily defending them all, but ideas to talk about...

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Is anyone surprised by this?? Most members of the media really don't have a clue about the fire service. I've had a few dealings with News 12 and none were really pleasant.

When it comes to Putnam, and I don't know if it's changed any since I've left the area, but Eric Gross was very good to the departments up that way.

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I would love to see more news about Westchester fire activity from people with fancy cameras and helicopters...

But then again- EMTBravo has our own vast network of reporters and photographers! So who needs these fancied-up reporters who don't really know anything other than how to read off a script or teleprompter.


Edited by 242steve

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news 12 should change their name to YNN, yonkers news network

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I would love to see more news about Westchester fire activity from people with fancy cameras and helicopters...

But then again- EMTBravo has our own vast network of reporters and photographers!  So who needs these fancied-up reporters who don't really know anything other than how to read off a script or teleprompter.


Nice point steve i agree they have that nice news12 helicopter they should of use it.

let me ask you guys something is it ecthically worng to call news 12 when your at the scene of a bad fire just to get your department some P.R. I never did it i'm just asking.

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Stop all the whining... Yonkers has 10 or 20 fires for every 1 that gets reported on

by either Snooze 12 or the Journal Muse.

Case in point, Yonkers has already had 3 working jobs today -maybe 1 will get some sort of news coverage.

Also, Yonkers is probably more likely to get covered because they are known to be

one of the best fd's around and therefore garner more interest.

Edited by squad

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2 Points I believe Yonkers gets most of the coverage because it is the largest city in Westchester and news12 is located there so they dont have to go to far.

With the journal news they will give you a blurb if they know about it and if it isn't a call that is after they went to print for the day. IF they go to print at 2 and you have a bad accident at 3 forget about it being in the paper. but if the accidnet is at 10pm you might get in.

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how bout acknowledging EMS? News 12 has a track record of stating police & firefighters, never a mention of ems. They frequently edit their pieces to only show FD & PD. I personally love it when they show EMS working on a patient and state FD rescued\treated the patient....... (

Edited by 901

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i am a fireman in mamaroneck the fire started at some time around three am and channel 12 decided to show up around 9 am after everything was done and trucks were going home and when it comes to the paper i was in shuck because they are good most of the time but not even a little story but you are right if it doesn't happen in yonkers it is not news and one other thing who wants to see tony p from yonkers he is a dumb person (i couldn't say what i wanted to) but i know thier alot of people that agry with me i think that it is sad that we even have to talk about this. one other thing with the news is that i can't stand when we are at war but they want to tell the other countrys what we are doing i hate to say it becuse it is sad that people are dieing over thier but half of it should be blamed on them okay i will stop now i don't want to hold everbody up

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News 12 Yorktown is what i call it

Edited by EX2354

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possibly the reason they report on yonkers so much is because of the large amount of multi-alarm fire in yonkers that more often than not start in a apartment and mysteriously spread up several floors and through the roof.....something to think about.

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Yonkers gets the press more readily because they have some spectacular fires and News 12 is based in Yonkers. Generally the media are only interested in fires or emergencies that cause a the displacement of a large number of people, or if there is an injury/fatality involved, or if it considered an arson or suspicious fire. The media doesn't really care about a fire in which the FD did a great job unless there was a rescue of some sort, or some type of human interest angle on the incident. Nothing will change in this area, that's just how the media decides what is newsworthy and what is just another day in the life of the emergency service providers in this county.

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and one other thing who wants to see tony p from yonkers he is a dumb person

For a "dumb person" Commisioner Pagano has done alot for his department as well as the fire service in Westchester....

As far as news coverage goes, if what your looking for is a congratulations and a pat on the back your in the wrong business.

Edited by GFD538

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OK i have one for you guys.

few weeks ago there was a houe fire in pelham manor. 1 fatality and maybe a million dollars in CASH found in the walls. um did news 12 or Journal cover it? Nope. not even a mention that there was a fire.

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For a "dumb person" Commisioner Pagano has done alot for his department as well as the fire service in Westchester....

As far as news coverage goes, if what your looking for is a congratulations and a pat on the back your in the wrong business.

Come on you mean to tell me you wouldn't like a Congratulations on a job the let's said took 8 hrs to put out Don't you feel alittle unapersheated

I was there with jamboreflh and all the firefighter from mamaroneck village's 3 alarm fire giveing them what ever they need. From Water to cool down to BP check to even just calming them down b/c they want to help more when they were so tried. News12 has a saying As local as local news gets. they should change that to, Storys as close to yonkers as we can get. Why do you think that they keep puting up the Breaking news ad. i'll tell you why b/c if it an't in yonkers there to damn lazy to get up and look for a story. I heard that they have or had a scanner in the newroom. So the only excuse is why they don't pick up a story is b/c they are to lazy. I only saw one story about an EMS core here in westchester and that was for Eastchester Vac where the had a bus with people takeing BP's as a commuity realateion thing i think. I'd tell you what if Ems was a bit more pro media than we would have alot better thing and more people interested in this field. everyone wants to become a firefighter, or Police officer. What if EMS was on TV like Fire and police do you think that it would have a impact on memberships or even grants for better training. I would hope so. I guess my EMT Instuctor was right. EMS is the Bastard child of emergency services. i'm not looking to get into a fight with anyone here. that's just my 2 cents

Edited by ems-buff

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As for Paganovision they can stay in yonkers because if its not bad they are not going to show it. Whoever above said yonkers is the best of the best its just a real farce from the truth. i'm not looking to insult anyone by the way. but honestly news12 can stay in yonkers. For the journal news they do there best it is in possible to get everything on the front page but if you look in the local section they defintely get the drift. The mamarneck fire should have been covered a little bit better it was a fire that was defintely worth mentioning.

on a side note for the most part I don't think anyone should talk to news 12 because there not going to get it right anyway.

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MLcougar - So from your bio I see Your a member of the Port Chester volunteer

F.D. -and you have decided you can bash the Yonkers F.D. and the commissioner

of the YFD. Your picture is in your bio so we know what you look like , how about

listing your firefighting credentials that put you in a position to make such comments .

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everyone here is bashing yonkers fd and news 12 , its just the way it is here on this buff site, and dont threat the poor guy from port chester, he speaks the truth

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Come on you mean to tell me you wouldn't like a Congratulations on a job the let's said took 8 hrs to put out Don't you feel alittle unapersheated

So you didn't get on TV, cry me a river. There are alot of more important things to worry about. Sure its nice to get rewarded for a job well done, but if you don't its not the end of the world.

As far as the bashing of Commisioner Pagano goes, we get it you don't like him because of his stance on volunteers. That doesn't make him dumb nor does it take away from his acomplishments as commisioner.

Edited by GFD538

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Sure its nice to get rewarded for a job well done, but if you don't its not the end of the world.

I never said it was the end of the world, and i'm not crying for that. I can't care less. what i'm saying is news12 does a poor job on covering and following up on storys that deserve more than 5 mins of fame. It's a second rate news show that souldn't be representing westchester at all. Atlest's that my opinon.

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