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Everything posted by IFCO3080

  1. I guess they did??? Just got back from a semester away at school. I guess ill hear more about it in the near future. Thanks!
  2. i have and use 911 tool kit. Its great and very easy to use with a little of everything that stills packs enough information to be confident in the answer it gives you. Great App!
  3. Thats correct! The company sold it to them in 2007. It was a great truck i remeber being able to hear that truck pull off of the ramp respondeing from accross town. One LOUD truck!
  4. It has been in town for about a month now. Just not in service yet because it had to get all the odds and ends puto onto the truck but i believe it is ready for service any day now. Myself and E106MKFD got a chance to ride in it when it arrived and it is a beautiful truck. Very well thought out truck that will serve this town very well in the future. Great Job to the Hooks on a great Truck. Cont wait to see the roto ray rippin' while responding to a call either!
  5. Was this picture taken at the baltimore fire expa last summer?? if so i believe i saw the same rig and thought what a difficult time someone will have attempting to pump this.
  6. On Katonah's original flag for the fire department from 1874 it has an indian symbol that looks very close to a swastika. It is NOT a swastika it is just an indian symbol due to the high population of native americans in the area during their time. And it it in their pool room with the poker table also. This information was given to me from a Katonah member.
  7. Mount kisco still has till april. Out calender year runs from first tuesday in april till 365 days later. So we still have a solid 2 and a half months of fire calls to go.
  8. heres a link tothe new rig. http://www.hooks14.com/apps/public/news/newsView.cfm?News_ID=49
  9. mount kiscos new tower ladder 14 has a roto ray on it.
  10. I agree with the above statement. The on spots website says ^ inches but wont work like you want them to in anything over 4 inches. Also I put the chains on one of our engines 3 weeks ago and havent taken them off since. It just been that kind of winter.
  11. All though the truck does the job and looks great... it still has its problems and normal wear and tear it has recieved over the past 20 years. It has responded to a lot of calls over that time period and it is definitely time to replace this truck especially that it is the only truck responding to all of these call when the engines can alternate. I think it is the right choice to replace this and move on to a newer tower ladder. Especially when it struggles to get up all of the big hills in the town.
  12. The Mount Kisco Fire Department is having a rafle to fund a new memorial to be built for the fallen members of emergencey services during 9/11. A brand new 2010 chevy camero ss is the grand prize. Tickets cost $100.00 a piece and olny 500 are going to be sold. The drawing for the winning ticket will be held sometime in april...exact date to be posted as soon as confirmed. For any additional information or would like to purchase a ticket please PM me with your information or call Rich Alexander (914) 244 8651 or Paul Felice (914)241 4593 and leave a message with your information.
  13. In mount kisco the two newest engines...104 and 106... have foam tanks on board that is included with the pump of the truck...Both are husky foam systems. I know that 106 had 60 gallon foam cell to hold foam and I do not know how much is carried on 104. the other three enginges 102,103, and 105 all have at least three 5 gallons buckets of foam. The foam is used rarely and once in a blue moon gets used to put a fire out. But overall MKFD has lots of foam ready to be used.
  14. I made a mistake...2 actually. its a 1988 SandS tanker on a Kenworth chassis. Also it carries 3250 NOT 3750. http://www.southsalemfire.com/content/apparatus/
  15. Im not 100% sure but i think this new tanker may be a reduction in how man gallons is carried compared to their old 1986 kenworth super tanker with 3750 gallons in it.
  16. The mutuals have their antique that they just got back from the firemans home??? Not sure if thats the correct place but they just got it back a month ago and the Independents are in the process of getting our 1923 segrave back to gether and built. Also im not posative on the year and make of the Mutuals antique, hopfully someone can help me out with some info on that. So overall theirs one antique built and not running,last time i heard, and thats the mutuals, and the independents are working on putting back together our antique.
  17. I was told last night during our weekly checklist that this truck is going to be turned into a mobile pizza truck. They will replace the tank and hose bed with a pizza oven and travel around to events making pizza. It will be interesting to see this truck after it is all done serving pizza.
  18. The Independent fire company in mount kisco operates a 1989 pierce lance with no doors and has an open jumpseat on the engine. It is engine 105 in Mount Kisco.
  19. Two beautiful trucks. very well thought and planed out trucks, best of luck with them.
  20. thee independent fire company send our apperatus to Ruscon.
  21. The boom fully extended and a zero degree plain is 365 inches not feet. It is stated in the specs on the link provided above.
  22. I know this post has been on for a month or two now but i wanted to ask if this truck is overweight and does YFD make their members who drive this have a CDL to drive it???
  23. Any pictures of the new quint?????
  24. Now thats a unique color scheme