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Everything posted by ajsbear

  1. Not only venting the roof but just the extra weight on the roof worries me.
  2. Approach the intersection, make noise, the driver made it look easy but to maneuver that size rig, well lets just say he did a good job
  3. I've been with Verizon/Bell Atlantic / NYMEX mobile since the early 90's and their service is great. I travel a lot these day all over for business and the only area I did not have a signal was also an area AM and FM radio had no signal on the Pacific Coast Highway. I'm on my second Blackberry and I have the 8830 World Phone. As stated by someone its great. the only negative is the keys are a little closer toether and that has taken a little getting used to. There is no came\ra and to me that is good as some of the buildings I go into do not allow cameras for security reasons and they'd take the phone until I left and I'd miss calls and emails. YOu can take up to 10 email accounts. I have my work and a gmail but not my regular home email account due to the volume. Great coverage.
  4. Looked to be in good shape for its age and when the refurb was done. Bidding closed at $9,000
  5. As ALS said several times there is no excuse. Iwear mine 100% of the time, my little one is in hios car seat buckled up at all times and since my wife got the new Ford that keeps beeping if she's not she now uses it too. I even see her putting it on in my car now as a habit. In the rig not only do I wear it but I make sure before I pull out everyone has it on as well.
  6. Jimmy, you guys weren't around then but when Truck 2 was an old Seagrave tiller convertable in was on Oak St. Came close to hitting the telephone pole across the street many times when coming out but it fit. There was a Joe Pesci movie some years ago called "The Landlord" where the owner of broken down building was made to move in. Maybe if the powers in City Hall were made to live in the firehouse things would have happened faster. Maybe they should run the city out of a trailer. See how fast things would get fixed.
  7. You think Chung is going to take over running both police and fire?
  8. An interview with Ernie on RNN stated he was let go for budget resons. Possibly more high level people to go too.
  9. Jimmy; I gotta believe Roy's dad can get in touch with Jerry. Also there has to be boxes of Paul Carramuto's pictures someplace in the station on Third St. There used to be 4 or 5 boxes of them dating back to the 50's. Also when all of the volunteers quarters were consolidated some of those pictures ended up there too. PM me and we'll figure it out. I have a few here from the 70's and maybe even the 80's boxed down stairs. Allan
  10. Rest in Peace Darrell. I think we're all at a total loss for words right now. This coming just after Matt Lamb. My family wishes to convey our condolences to the Chiefs wife, son and partner. The Cold Spring PD and the entire Cold Spring community. You could alway see Darrell and Duncan on Main street in Cold Spring. You're way too young to be taken from us.
  11. At the speed Mount Vernon moves, those trailers may be there a long time unless the new Mayor has some magical power to move everything quickly.
  12. This years Christmas Tree lighting at Rockefeller Center I believe is the 28th. It used to be around the 5th or so.
  13. The injured medic is also a member of the Carmel Fire Dept.
  14. My department requires an annual physical. The first one by the dpartment doctor then after you can go to your own but the doctor must fill out and sign the NFPA 1582 forms.
  15. We have them on both of our engines attached to LDH.
  16. Look FDMV has a food doctor for a commissioner.
  17. Over the last few years I have seen them on a few older Ladder Trucks still in service. Notice I didn't ask "who is still using them" but what departments still have 'em on the truck. I too doubt if anyone is using them but just havn;'t taken them off.
  18. If you've had a drink, you don't belong on a fire truck much less driving one. If I get behind the wheel of a truck, you climb in and I smell Alcohol on your breath, Iwill tell you to get off my truck. If you've been drinking you're out of service period. As for beer in the station. More and more departments have taken the bar out. Some now totally ban it. More are starting to say any department sponsored events, no brew. Its a different ear today. Want or need a drink, go to the pub.
  19. He's a question. I remember we carried them in the 70's on the ladders but who today still carries them?
  20. Fire HQ or Station 1 was someones home back in the 40's and 50's donated to the city. Bays were added and some interior wirk done. I suppose the roof hasn't been replaced in 40 years. It leaked back then. I remember after the members of Engine 6 fixed the basement it flooded. Oak Street is the oldest house still in use. That's over 100 years old. Fulton street was built in the 60's I think and 3rd Ave in the late 70's early 80's. Who knows what work has been done to the buildings since then. Knowing the city, very little. Look at what happened to the library. How many books were ruined when the roof just let the rain in. It still took over a year of rain water pouring in pretty much unchecked until something was finally done. In a real heavy rain the front of the High School always looked like a lake. Bet that still happens.
  21. No, she has to get the HIPPA statements signed by every patient as per the laws.
  22. My wife being a shrink I just read her HIPPA statement she has her patients sign and asked her and it's all about transmitting and releasing personal information. Sort of like the confidentiality statements you get from your bank. Having a picture in the paper is not a violation so long as no personal info is released.
  23. Chris ---You know at least a dozen people on this site will try it. OK Line up! OK I know I should not encourage this behavior.
  24. Don't forget about Oil Burner puff backs this time of year when people turn on their heat for the first time and then of cause you have the idiots with fire places who don't know what a Flue is!