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Posts posted by PHIL78

  1. Email sent.

    IMHO there should be a code of conduct that is ENFORCED at the 9/11 memorial.

    I went down there is January and left after being shoved out of the way while reflecting at the west pool so some tourists could take a peace sign photo.

    I totally agree i also made it down to the 9/11 memorial last summer and was disgusted by the kind of tourist attraction feel. People posing for pics with big old smiles like they were at the amusement park. It seems people have lost the reality of what happened there.At one point even my son asked why i wasnt smiling and i explained to him that nothing good happened there( he was one on 9/11).I then had him watch the documentories on the History channel and he got it. These people DESERVE our enduring respect i wish more people would show it.

    bad box likes this

  2. Date:6/23/13
    Time:2147 hrs
    Location:590 5th ave Macleay apts.
    Units:E23,21,22,24, L13,TL11,2301,2302,2306,30a 2

    Description:Units dispatched to the above address at approx 2147 for a reported apt. fire.

    60 recieving additional calls 2302 adds the 4th Engine (E24).

    2302 calling 10 75 for fire on the 5th floor apt 5J with heavy smoke on the upper floors.

    Stanpipes were made and fire was contained to one apartment using 2 lines

    All searches negative,building vented and fire U/C approx 2300.

    E25 and L12 sat this one out at St.3 covering the city. :(

    791075, sfrd18 and SageVigiles like this

  3. Friday 4/5/13 approx. 2100hrs NRFD E24 andE L12 dispatched to Beechwood ave and I95 for a large brush fire. 60 control recieving multiple calls.E22 and TL11 dispatched to Cliff st. and the dead end for a brush fire.(same fire). E24 reporting flames visible en route.All units now responding to Beechwood per 2302 and dispatch a 3rd engine(E21). Units on scene reporting large fire and heavy smoke on the grounds of the Almstead tree company, unsure of what is burning E24 stretching in. Large mulch pile and brush heavily involved in fire. L12 setting up ladder pipe and multiple hand lines being put into operation. 2302 requesting a slow down of Metro North as fire is close to the tracks with heavy smoke condition.Unsure of the UC time.

  4. Date:12/10/12


    Incident Type house fire:


    Location:51 Kress ave x Hemingway

    Units:All NRFD Frequency460.4625:

    Weather Conditions:Light rain


    Description: E22,21,23 L12,13 2302 dispatched to the above address for reported electrical fire, E22 on scene calling 10 75 for visible fire in the attic stretching a line.(extra engine and ambulance added).E24 now responding on the 10 75.Companies had heavy fire and smoke in the attic with limited access.L12 venting the roof.Fire went to 2nd alarm at approx 6 am.Bring the balance of the NRFD.E 25 and TL11 now added to the assignment and mutual aid into the city(unsure who i think Yonkers).Multiple lines stretched,searches made,roof opened unsure of the U/C time.All units clear approx 0800 hrs.

    sfrd18 and x4093k like this

  5. Date:10/2/12

    Time:Approx. 1700hrs

    Location:150 Jackson ave x Peace st.


    Units Operating:Pelham Manor FD, New Rochelle FD E22, L12 2302.(there was other mutual aid, I think Eastchaster but im not positive).

    Weather Conditions:Rain

    Description Of Incident:House Fire

    Reporters: NRFD dispatched approx 1715 hrs to the above address, Pelham Manor on scene of a working house fire.Fire in the walls on the first floor and extending.Fire extended to all floors and into the attic.Numerous lines stretched Walls opened on all floors.Heavy smoke throughout the home.Unsure of the UC time NRFD picked up approx 1930hrs.Pelham Manor still on scene at that time.

    sfrd18 and Disaster_Guy like this

  6. An IC at a job, career or volley shouldn't have to find out the qualifications of the mutual aid he called.They should be qualified to perform the tasks assigned to them,have a officer able to make decisions and get the job done and not be another thing the IC has to worry about he's got enough already. Carreer depts in Westchester call each other cause they know what they're getting.

  7. I guess we can answer the above questions as Pelham caught a job this morning:

    From the EMT Bravo IA

    (Note, I did not listen to this incident live. Info below is from

    01:13 hrs: M/A New Rochelle E-23/L-13, Mount Vernon E-5/L-3 to the scene.

    01:15 hrs: M/A Eastchester Engine and Greenville L-4 to cover Pelham.

    01:19 hrs: Car 2361 requests re-tone for additional manpower.

    01:22 hrs: Car 2361 reports fire appears to be K/D.

    01:28 hrs: Car 2361 reports fire is K/D, checking for extension. Holding New Rochelle's M/A.


    I guess you had better think about sprinklers for your house. Station 1 is a long way away.

    The reason 23 and 13 went was that we (E 22, L12) spent most of the afternoon in Mt Vernon.Otherwise it most likely would have been 22 and 12.

  8. Date:3/23/12

    Time:23:32 hrs

    Location: 1289a North Ave

    Frequency: 460.4625

    Units Operating: All NRFD

    Weather Conditions: cloudy

    Description Of Incident: Fire in a one story taxpayer attached.

    Reporters: phil78

    Writer: 60 reporting multiple calls for heavy fire from storefront. First units had heavy fire on arrival.(sorry i dont have more details hopefully someone else does). Fire k/d, roof opened all units clear at 02:49. Yonkers SQ11 and L 73 at st 3, Pelham engine and Eastchester truck at st 1.

    sfrd18 likes this

  9. So is Ladder 12 staffed or not? I should just call Rende, but its late and his wife gets pissed when I call after the babies are asleep. How can they close the one haz mat decon part of the response matrix? Shouldn't Westchester be footing part of the bill for them from all the DHS money they get?

    L 12 is on a day to day basis. If the # of on duty members is below 27 then L12 goes out of service and the remaining members get detailed out to other houses. New Rochelle isn't the only dept capable of doing decon there are other depts in the WCSOTF that can be used.

  10. Date:11/24/2011


    Location: 17 Coligni ave

    Frequency: 460.4625

    Units Operating: E23,21,22,24 L13,TL11 2302,2301

    Weather Conditions: clear

    Description Of Incident:working fire


    Writer:phil78 Caller states several Apts filling with smoke.2302 calling 10-75 for fire in the walls between 2nd & 3rd floors companies opening up the wall. Fire placed under control at aprox 14:00. (L12 was out of service today and there was no truck in the city during this incident).

    tglass59 likes this

  11. Date: 5/25/2011

    Time: 18:51

    Location: 1 Elizabeth rd.

    Frequency: 460.4625

    Units Operating: ALL NRFD

    Weather Conditions: Clear

    Description Of Incident: House fire

    Reporters: phil78

    Writer: phil78

    Units dispatched for reported structure fire at 18:51:44. Initial alarm was E23, 21, 22, L13, 12 and 2302. 60 Control advising 2302 that PD states fully involved. 2302 requests full 10-75 assignment (extra engine and 1 ambulance added). 2302 reporting smoke visible from City Hall.

    E23 10-84 with heavy smoke. 2302 now on scene reports 2 1/2 story home with heavy fire 2nd alarm requested (brings the balance of NRFD).

    Heavy fire first and second floors. Multiple lines stretched, searches made, roof opened. Fire placed under control @ approx 20:30 hrs.

    BFD1054 likes this