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  1. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Unions in private EMS   
    Working union is really the only way to have any say over the terms and conditions of your employment. Non-union employees live and work at the behest of the company; New York State is an "employment-at-will state, so there are no guarantees aside from the federal, state and city discrimination laws, which are designed not to work in favor of the employee. With a labor contract, you'll what what the rules are at your job, you'll know what your base wages will be over the term of your contract,s o you'll be able to plan financially, you'll know what your benefits package will be and you'll have a mechanism in place to deal with issues that arise between the employer and the employee. Most of your colleagues in the public sector are union because they recognize the importance of collective bargaining and the job security which it brings.
    To this day, it amazes me that people are so afraid of unionizing; of course the companies don't make it easier by routinely violating labor law, even though they know its illegal; those seeking to organize must remember that they are protected by labor law and the NLRB/PERB will actively pursue all valid charges filed. Now the companies will tell you that unions are responsible for everything from economic destruction to bad weather, but the fact of the matter is that they don't want you to have a say over your career since it means less control they have over your professional and personal lives.
    I've always worked union my entire life, so I can testify to the benefits of being union; my son works for a non- union commercial ambulance company and I am fully aware of the low pay and horrible working conditions that those professionals have to endure. Unfortunately many of the employees are very young and naive and honestly think that the company will look after their best interests; they are sadly mistaken; the company will look after its own interests whether or not it benefits the employee.
    Many of you who work commercial ambulance will no doubt give the company the best years of your life, health wise and energy wise, and while its not the complete panacea for all the issues, unionizing is a very good start. After all, you are owed something aside from low pay and horrible working conditions.
    Just my two cents from a veteran union member.
  2. x635 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Danbury Mayor Turns Down Million Dollar Firefighter Grant   
    I think the mindset of many taxpayers is that they could care less about staffing, until their home catches fire and then suddenly fire staffing becomes a priority.
  3. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Unions in private EMS   
    I see no down side to the union, my opinion of course.
    Keep in mind that its the company who hires the "problem" employee, not the union; the union has an obligation to represent the employee. Any employee can be fired for just cause, only the company has the burden of proof; no easy firings because the manager is having a bad day or has a personal grudge against the employee.
  4. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic in The Superbowl Commercial With Clint Eastwood   
    Sorry but out of all the federal stimulus packages the auto industry is the only one to me that made sense. If any one of the auto companies failed we could have been back in another great depression. It kept Americans who truly needed it working. The majority of that money was repaid. The bank bailout was ridiculous as there are plenty of other banks to pick up the slack. It would have hurt the strength of the dollar...but no where near the amount of people would have lost their jobs like that if they auto industry collapsed.
  5. helicopper liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Would you stick your hand into a nest of agitated ants?
  6. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by LTNRFD in Aviation "Fire Department". Bronx, NY   
    Like the old rescue you owned ???
  7. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by GAW6 in Fire district commissioner elections next Tuesday...   
    Although I agree that the elections are not "well publicized", I am not getting your REAL point here. If you are aware that there are elections, and you are so concerned with who is running, then why don't you 1). Run for the position; or 2). Put someone up that you think would do a better job. You can easily go to the NYS Association of Fire Districts website and you can get all the information and timeline as to when petitions have to be filed, etc.
    What I am also not getting from reading many of the previous posts, is why would you not want an experienced person, i.e. Ex-Chief as a Commissioner? Would you rather see five John Q. Publics in there that have no knowledge of the fire service and will just nickel and dime everything?
    I know that I am very grateful to have Ex-Chiefs on our Board since I have never been affiliated with the fire service. Yes, I have been involved in EMS for 23 years, so I have knowledge of "emergency services", but I know nothing about fighting a fire. Do I bring anything to the table? Yes, I feel I do, having a bookkeeping/construction/administrative background, I am not "just a body" sitting on the Board.
    As far as adding the election of Fire Commissioners to the General Election in November, would be fine with me, but will probably never happen.
    I am sure you would be pretty hard pressed to find Mr. John Q. Public, "businessman", who gets on the train at 7 a.m., returns home at 7 p.m., who wants to be a Fire Commissioner. If they volunteer for anything, it is usually to coach soccer or Little League for their little "Johnny".
    I feel this post is going nowhere. I think it just comes down to someone who, for whatever reason, has it out for Commissioners due to a past incident. Sorry.
  8. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Not trying to be confrontational, but I think each department should do what works best for it and the family regardless of public opinion; if people are offended by the type of Department service rendered, they don't have to attend the funeral. I'm sure at this point Mahopac could really care less what others outside the department think since public opinion is non-binding..
  9. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Not trying to be confrontational, but I think each department should do what works best for it and the family regardless of public opinion; if people are offended by the type of Department service rendered, they don't have to attend the funeral. I'm sure at this point Mahopac could really care less what others outside the department think since public opinion is non-binding..
  10. x129K liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Ohio Voters restore Unions Rights To Collective Bargaining   
    In landslde victory for union workers in Ohio, voters repealed Gov. Kasich's much touted anti-union laws which stripped public sector workers of their rights to collectively bargain.,0,63215.story
  11. x129K liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Ohio Voters restore Unions Rights To Collective Bargaining   
    In landslde victory for union workers in Ohio, voters repealed Gov. Kasich's much touted anti-union laws which stripped public sector workers of their rights to collectively bargain.,0,63215.story
  12. FF398 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Rye Brook FD?   
    The old rule of thumb: "You do the possible, the impossible will just have to wait".
  13. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Teachers & First Responders Back to Work Act
    Maybe you guys who are claiming how the funding for this part of the jobs bill would have been paid for out of all our pockets missed this detail.
    I cannot remember any other programs that ever helped fire departments other than AFG and SAFER. The AFG's that we got were instrumental in solving some serious health and safety issues my job had. The guys that hook up the exhaust systems to the rigs now before they back them into the firehouse probably take it for granted that they don't have diesel particulate matter on their plates and glasses in the kitchen. They might not have worked with the guys we lost due to strange and rare liver cancers.
    SAFER has been key in rehiring laid off Westchester firefighters. Yes, it's temporary, but you know what? I'd take the two years of temporary while the municipality tries to get it's act together to keep the positions after the grant expires, instead of two years on the bread line.
    I'm not sure how this part of the jobs bill interfaces with SAFER, if at all. If it is the entire SAFER funding that just got voted down the tubes thanks to the millionaire protecting Republicans and a few cross-over traitors of working people like Joe Lieberman, well shame on them!
  14. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by hjceba in Thank You   
    I don't (ever) post because I often feel like I have nothing to add. I have no experience other than as family. My grandfather was FDNY. My brothers were volunteers in Dutchess County.
    But I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you. As a family member, I understand the sacrifices you make, the training you make time for and the time you are away from your families, friends and other activities so you can serve your community in the most amazing way I can think of.
    I salute your bravery, your commitment and your expertise. Our communities are better places because you live, work and volunteer here.
    Consider this a long distance hug from a very grateful community member.
  15. helicopper liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    Labor unions are in place to improve the working conditions for employees; in some unions, training is an integral part of helping to become competent in your craft. There is no insult intended, just that those who are unionized are because they desire to have more control over their careers and terms and conditions of employment. Those who choose to work non-union are certainly within their rights; just that you go it alone and if you have an issue that comes up in the workplace or if the company decides to change the terms and conditions of your employment, you have no choice but to accept or quit.
    Those of our non-union co-workers do not have a collective voice in the workplace; instead they serve at the pleasure of the company and have no guarantees in the workplace aside from a few watered down Federal and state laws, particularly in the private sector. If they decide that your too expensive and and lay you off and hire a younger more inexpensive employee your gone no matter how good you feel you were or if they decide to terminate your retirement or medical plans and leave you with no retirement/medical plans they can legally do it and I've seen that happen before.
    As I mentioned prior in this thread, most if not all executives of corporations and/or company's have personal service agreements, which are labor contracts which spell out the terms and conditions of their employment such as benefits, pay, golden parachutes, stock options, perks, etc. Hey, these guys are not stupid, they want to protect their financial livelihood; so if management needs a contract, how come the average worker doesn't need one? Think about that for a few minutes. Would you buy a car or house without signing a contract? Why? to protect yourself financially. Labor contracts are the same thing in principal; its job security for the workers and it sets a standard of living conditions where the employee can enjoy a living wage and viable benefits package in return for supplying his/her labor to the business.
    There's more to the Verizon strike then what you read in the papers; these union Brothers and Sisters are in the fight for their lives; Verizon is only telling you what they want you to hear. And no, I don't work for Verizon either but as a union brother, their issue is my issue and I know if my union had an issue, they'd be right there beside me helping.
    Scabs are those who help to break strikes; its akin to kicking a man in the face while he's lying down and out in the dirt. They are an Anathema to every working class stiff in this country whether union or non-union; they help to ultimately lower working standards for all workers. I'd love for it to become law that each and every scab be forced to read John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath prior to crossing a picket line. I have no respect for scabs/replacement workers no matter who much they bluster they need work. They and their ilk are a blot on labor freedom in this country.
    <end of rant>
  16. helicopper liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    Labor unions are in place to improve the working conditions for employees; in some unions, training is an integral part of helping to become competent in your craft. There is no insult intended, just that those who are unionized are because they desire to have more control over their careers and terms and conditions of employment. Those who choose to work non-union are certainly within their rights; just that you go it alone and if you have an issue that comes up in the workplace or if the company decides to change the terms and conditions of your employment, you have no choice but to accept or quit.
    Those of our non-union co-workers do not have a collective voice in the workplace; instead they serve at the pleasure of the company and have no guarantees in the workplace aside from a few watered down Federal and state laws, particularly in the private sector. If they decide that your too expensive and and lay you off and hire a younger more inexpensive employee your gone no matter how good you feel you were or if they decide to terminate your retirement or medical plans and leave you with no retirement/medical plans they can legally do it and I've seen that happen before.
    As I mentioned prior in this thread, most if not all executives of corporations and/or company's have personal service agreements, which are labor contracts which spell out the terms and conditions of their employment such as benefits, pay, golden parachutes, stock options, perks, etc. Hey, these guys are not stupid, they want to protect their financial livelihood; so if management needs a contract, how come the average worker doesn't need one? Think about that for a few minutes. Would you buy a car or house without signing a contract? Why? to protect yourself financially. Labor contracts are the same thing in principal; its job security for the workers and it sets a standard of living conditions where the employee can enjoy a living wage and viable benefits package in return for supplying his/her labor to the business.
    There's more to the Verizon strike then what you read in the papers; these union Brothers and Sisters are in the fight for their lives; Verizon is only telling you what they want you to hear. And no, I don't work for Verizon either but as a union brother, their issue is my issue and I know if my union had an issue, they'd be right there beside me helping.
    Scabs are those who help to break strikes; its akin to kicking a man in the face while he's lying down and out in the dirt. They are an Anathema to every working class stiff in this country whether union or non-union; they help to ultimately lower working standards for all workers. I'd love for it to become law that each and every scab be forced to read John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath prior to crossing a picket line. I have no respect for scabs/replacement workers no matter who much they bluster they need work. They and their ilk are a blot on labor freedom in this country.
    <end of rant>
  17. helicopper liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    Labor unions are in place to improve the working conditions for employees; in some unions, training is an integral part of helping to become competent in your craft. There is no insult intended, just that those who are unionized are because they desire to have more control over their careers and terms and conditions of employment. Those who choose to work non-union are certainly within their rights; just that you go it alone and if you have an issue that comes up in the workplace or if the company decides to change the terms and conditions of your employment, you have no choice but to accept or quit.
    Those of our non-union co-workers do not have a collective voice in the workplace; instead they serve at the pleasure of the company and have no guarantees in the workplace aside from a few watered down Federal and state laws, particularly in the private sector. If they decide that your too expensive and and lay you off and hire a younger more inexpensive employee your gone no matter how good you feel you were or if they decide to terminate your retirement or medical plans and leave you with no retirement/medical plans they can legally do it and I've seen that happen before.
    As I mentioned prior in this thread, most if not all executives of corporations and/or company's have personal service agreements, which are labor contracts which spell out the terms and conditions of their employment such as benefits, pay, golden parachutes, stock options, perks, etc. Hey, these guys are not stupid, they want to protect their financial livelihood; so if management needs a contract, how come the average worker doesn't need one? Think about that for a few minutes. Would you buy a car or house without signing a contract? Why? to protect yourself financially. Labor contracts are the same thing in principal; its job security for the workers and it sets a standard of living conditions where the employee can enjoy a living wage and viable benefits package in return for supplying his/her labor to the business.
    There's more to the Verizon strike then what you read in the papers; these union Brothers and Sisters are in the fight for their lives; Verizon is only telling you what they want you to hear. And no, I don't work for Verizon either but as a union brother, their issue is my issue and I know if my union had an issue, they'd be right there beside me helping.
    Scabs are those who help to break strikes; its akin to kicking a man in the face while he's lying down and out in the dirt. They are an Anathema to every working class stiff in this country whether union or non-union; they help to ultimately lower working standards for all workers. I'd love for it to become law that each and every scab be forced to read John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath prior to crossing a picket line. I have no respect for scabs/replacement workers no matter who much they bluster they need work. They and their ilk are a blot on labor freedom in this country.
    <end of rant>
  18. JunebugKFD257 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    The attack on labor unions in this country continues, whether you are Private or Public sector.
    Imagine going into the hospital to have open heart surgery only to find out that your doctor, while licensed to perform open heart surgery, hasn't picked up a scalpel in over 20 years? How would you feel? do you think that you'd be getting the best treatment?
    Funny thing is with the Verizon Executives, they all have personal service agreements (AKA labor contracts) to protect their financial interests, but yet they don't feel the rank-and-file workers need one. Whats wrong with that picture?? They further come off as hypocrites when they opine that they are losing money, when they are paying a dozen of so of their top executives $55k per day while nickel and diming their workers over pay and medical benefits; they paint a horrible picture about the union, claiming that it is dragging down the company but what they fail to tell you is that they get a percentage bonus for all the monies they save the company and that includes employees being laid off and cuts in benefits and pay. But I guess Verizon forgot to let the media know that; it must have been an honest slip up on their part.
    The labor laws in this country need to be strengthened, not just in language, but in penalty as well. Right now employers (both Private and public sectors) get a slap on the wrist if they violate labor laws, whether intentional or unintentional; Labor laws need to have some "teeth" to them so their is criminal as well as civil penalties. Only then will the playing field between labor and management be level.
    It might be a good idea for this website to have a page for labor news and issues, so all of us who are in labor unions can have a better idea of whats going on in labor in general and not just among our individual unions so we can exchange dialogue
    Just my 2 cents as a life long labor activist.
  19. x635 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Should Firefighters Have College Degrees?   
    Depending on what your future professional path is going to be will be what determines whether or not you need advanced education upon graduation from High School.
    If your planning on selling newspapers on the street corner, turning burgers at McDonald's or working as a golf caddy, then perhaps you needn't worry about having further education once you achieve your high school Diploma. That being said, In most business fields these days, many employers want to see further education; in their minds, further education is proof that you have matured, have a business mind-set, have the proper knowledge in your area of expertise and should be able to have the proper command of the English language so when you speak, so people can make sense of what your saying and also be able to write to a level that is acceptable to those you will be interfacing/working with.
    Aside from the public sector rank and file jobs, in particular, the private sector these days demands for most jobs, an advanced degree; most requiring a minimum Bachelors Degree in order to be considered for employment. Indeed, even in certain circumstances, public sector rank and file jobs, if you have a higher degree of education, it certainly helps you obtain employment over one who has either a high school diploma or GED.
    While knowledge is always a good thing to have, it should not be a requirement for employment because there are jobs out there where a college degree is not necessary as of the type of work that is being done requires no additional education beyond high school, such as many entry level service industry jobs. Obviously for many management positions (for those of you aspiring to move through the ranks and become the big kahuna) will require further education depending on the industry your in. I think that in the public sector, having a higher education is a definite plus and if you have the means to secure a higher level of education, by all means, you should do it.
    On a final note; most individuals who possess higher education degrees as a rule tend to make more money as opposed to those who work jobs that don't require further education, excepting certain jobs which are union represented and those employees on a larger scale are very well compensated in comparison with their college educated counterparts.
  20. FFEMT150 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Lighting on Emergency Vehicles   
    I think that a signal-stat flashing lollipop in the grill should suffice; that combined with the vehicles factory supplied four-way flashers would cover your rear.
    Guess I'm old fashioned as well.
  21. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by sqd47bfd in Update on Stamford Merger   
    And it is this aspect that Cogs's idea for duty staffing by the volunteers solves. If a volunteer is in quarters on a duty shift, he has to respond. No ifs, ands, or buts.
    Solves the problem, don't you think?
    But then again you no longer would be able to throw this little "they pick and choose calls" barb out there anymore either. What a tragedy.
  22. sqd47bfd liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Update on Stamford Merger   
    Hopefully your not serious about bringing a charged line into your house alone if it catches fire.
  23. sqd47bfd liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Update on Stamford Merger   
    Hopefully your not serious about bringing a charged line into your house alone if it catches fire.
  24. helicopper liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in FDs Not Covering Their Calls   
    I agree there is a culture in some fire departments of being complacent in their training and its something that needs to change; sometimes it takes agonizingly long periods of time to effect change. It reminds me of when i first joined the fire service, SCBA's were relatively new to the service or at least in our region; some of the older members didn't feel that they were needed and "real" men ate smoke as part of the ritual of becoming a fire fighter. But eventually a combination of reasoning and pressure from various groups forced change to take place.
    FASNY will be conducting their convention in August; this would be a good time to have a resolution drafted and submitted stating yours and others positions on training issues, etc. You'd be amazed at the effect that a resolution and petition signed by hundreds of fire fighters can have on the FASNY leadership; they will listen if there is enough groundswell support.
  25. spin_the_wheel liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in FDs Not Covering Their Calls   
    You most likely won't see that for years since there is no money for that at this time; particularly with political parties demonizing public sector workers salaries and benefits.
    Should the economy improve to a point where the county can "sell" it to the public, then maybe. Eitherway, I wouldn't get your hopes up to soon.