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  1. efermann liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Strategy and tactics   
    I always like to get the insights of my colleagues in the fire service on incident management and size up. In that vein I'm starting this topic to tap into the knowledge and experience of the contributors here.
    While pictures are good I like videos as they offer a more dynamic and true representation of what's going on. In this one the FD is not on scene yet, so it's open and there's no action to critique.
    (edit) When posting replies to this video please identify that your response is in regards to scene #1 ( there are now 2 different incidents in this thread to discuss)
    Here is scene #1:

    I'll reserve my comments on the video so as not to spoil it. Take a look with no audio and describe your tactics based on the following;
    You're the officer, you have a driver and 2 FFs on the crew with you. This is what you pull up on. It's unknown if anyone is inside and the next due Engine and the Truck are still 3 mins out......what would you do?
    ps If anyone has any other videos in which the FD has not yet arrived or is just arriving please post them for discussion.
  2. efermann liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Strategy and tactics   
    I always like to get the insights of my colleagues in the fire service on incident management and size up. In that vein I'm starting this topic to tap into the knowledge and experience of the contributors here.
    While pictures are good I like videos as they offer a more dynamic and true representation of what's going on. In this one the FD is not on scene yet, so it's open and there's no action to critique.
    (edit) When posting replies to this video please identify that your response is in regards to scene #1 ( there are now 2 different incidents in this thread to discuss)
    Here is scene #1:

    I'll reserve my comments on the video so as not to spoil it. Take a look with no audio and describe your tactics based on the following;
    You're the officer, you have a driver and 2 FFs on the crew with you. This is what you pull up on. It's unknown if anyone is inside and the next due Engine and the Truck are still 3 mins out......what would you do?
    ps If anyone has any other videos in which the FD has not yet arrived or is just arriving please post them for discussion.
  3. efermann liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Strategy and tactics   
    I always like to get the insights of my colleagues in the fire service on incident management and size up. In that vein I'm starting this topic to tap into the knowledge and experience of the contributors here.
    While pictures are good I like videos as they offer a more dynamic and true representation of what's going on. In this one the FD is not on scene yet, so it's open and there's no action to critique.
    (edit) When posting replies to this video please identify that your response is in regards to scene #1 ( there are now 2 different incidents in this thread to discuss)
    Here is scene #1:

    I'll reserve my comments on the video so as not to spoil it. Take a look with no audio and describe your tactics based on the following;
    You're the officer, you have a driver and 2 FFs on the crew with you. This is what you pull up on. It's unknown if anyone is inside and the next due Engine and the Truck are still 3 mins out......what would you do?
    ps If anyone has any other videos in which the FD has not yet arrived or is just arriving please post them for discussion.
  4. efermann liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Strategy and tactics   
    I always like to get the insights of my colleagues in the fire service on incident management and size up. In that vein I'm starting this topic to tap into the knowledge and experience of the contributors here.
    While pictures are good I like videos as they offer a more dynamic and true representation of what's going on. In this one the FD is not on scene yet, so it's open and there's no action to critique.
    (edit) When posting replies to this video please identify that your response is in regards to scene #1 ( there are now 2 different incidents in this thread to discuss)
    Here is scene #1:

    I'll reserve my comments on the video so as not to spoil it. Take a look with no audio and describe your tactics based on the following;
    You're the officer, you have a driver and 2 FFs on the crew with you. This is what you pull up on. It's unknown if anyone is inside and the next due Engine and the Truck are still 3 mins out......what would you do?
    ps If anyone has any other videos in which the FD has not yet arrived or is just arriving please post them for discussion.
  5. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Fire officials support bill to indemnify volunteers   
    I'm sorry but when a firefighter or firefighters act in good faith in perfoming their duty (or calling or "hobby" or whatever the hell else you want to call it) on behalf of and in service to a community that community should bear the burden of protecting those firefighters should the need arise be they paid or volunteer.
  6. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Fire officials support bill to indemnify volunteers   
    I guess the most unfortunate thing to me is that yet again it comes down to a career vs volunteer debate. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would think that ALL firefighters should not be afforded the same protections, regardless of their "qualifications". Yes, disparities do exist but in the end we ALL willingly put our lives at risk to help those in need do we not. And that above all else is what matters.
  7. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Fire officials support bill to indemnify volunteers   
    I get the point. I don't disagree that standards should apply equally and that has been my tune in every post in every thread that deals with the issue. My hang up is that regardless of that inequity FFs still step up and perform their duty and freely put their lives on the line to protect their communities. In turn those communities should not turn their backs on them as a matter of course when issues arise. Negligence or incompetence is negligence or incompetence regardless of a paycheck and when this occurs those responsible should bear the consequences of their actions or lack of them. This Bill will not erase or eliminate anyone's ability to pursue their right to seek compensation or justice and get it when justified. But it will protect volunteers in cases where despite their best efforts tradgedies occur, just as indemnification does for our career counterparts.
  8. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Hosed...A New Comedy (video)   
    Saw this video yesterday on another site, and personally I think it's pretty funny. Hope no one reads too far into it. And hey let's face it there's always a bit of truth in humor.
  9. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Training requirements & how do you mandate them   
    It is in our By-laws that to come off probation you must be certified FF 1 and medical first responder (minimum MRT or whetever they're calling it this week) which is also the required State minimum for interior operations. There are also annual training evolutions required by CT OSHA including Bloodborne pathogens, Haz-Mat refreshers, quarterly SCBA, and a minimum of 1 live burn that every active member MUST attend to remain active.
    Our Bylaws also require in house testing to move up in grade or "Class" within our Dept.. Our membership consists of Probationary members (and Jr. Prob 16-18), 2nd Class and 1st Class status. As stated FF1 and medical is required to come off probation, in addtion to that we require all probationary members over 18 to take and pass an in house class and exam to move up to 2nd class status. Training for members on probationary status is geared towards preparing them to take and pass this in house promotional exam. After successfully completeing the process this level allows interior ops, driver's training and qualification (for those over 21), service on committees ect ect. Training for 2nd Clss members consists of regular (weekly at a minumum) participation in peformance and objective based company level fireground operations evolutions consisting of Engine Co, Truck Co, Rescue Co and extrication drills, driver's training for those eligible and the annual state mandated training listed above. In addition we regularly schedule, review and practically apply RIT, self rescue,and safety and survival practices (semi annually at a minimum although evolutions are generally incorporated into our weekly company level drills). In addition members at this level who choose to, begin classroom and field training in preparation for our in house 1st class exam. Promotion to 1st class status is voluntary but is also required by our By laws to hold service board (line officer) positions. Training for promotion to this level is geared towards officer preparation including leadership principles, fireground operations, stratedgy and tactics and personnel management (as it applies in a volunteer organization). This training is held both concurrently with regular weekly drills and seperately on different days. It is also incorporated into the weekly evolutions to allow for the practical application of the material presented by those in training for promotion to 1st Class status.
    Training for 1st Class members consists of all of the above (with 1st Class members acting as instructors at times as well as participants) along with dedicated training to review and reinforce those skills taught as part of the preparatory pre exam training.
    As a volunteer organization we cannot mandate and practically enforce anything per se (as members could vote with their feet if they choose), other than the State required courses. Ours is a point based system whereby membership priviledges and status is dictated by a members participation based on points accumulated for calls, training and other duties. Mimimums are required by our By laws to retain certain "rights" and status and although this does impact participation to a degree as far as training is concerned we have traditionally offered well run and challenging training that is it's own draw.
  10. Remember585 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Flashpoint: Union stand on volunteers doesn't hold water   
    Volunteer firefighting is vastly different than the other occupations you cite in one very important aspect....the fire service in this country began and one could argue is still based on volunteerism.
    And since you mentioned it can you (or any union Ff here) please cite a few examples of where or when volunteers have "taken" the jobs of existing career FFs. Not being sarcastic here, just curious to see the proof of this often cited argument.
  11. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Scene Size Up: With One Problem   
    Tough spot to be in. Spreading the weight of a ladder with plywood or another ladder does have merit as does an attempt from the roof. To me regardless of what method is used I'd want to get a crew on the roof to ventilate immediately and open up the front of the building to pull the fire up and away from the rear of the structure while the rescue attempts are being made.
  12. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Flashpoint: Union stand on volunteers doesn't hold water   
    I came across this article recently written by a D/C in Canada. Although it is directed towards our neighbors to the North, I think it is just as applicable here.
    Now I know this is a rather emotional topic for some but maybe we can keep any discussion that ensues civil, after all we are all in this together and sometimes discussions on this topic can lead to an understanding that will allow us all to better serve our communities.
  13. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Titles for Life?   
    Well Bnechis after all this time it seems we finally have something we agree on.
  14. Goose liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Update on Stamford Merger   
    As I've said we (career and volunteer alike) share many of the same views so in fact we have much more in common than not.

    I have no doubt that this is true.

    Yes we do and it is from this common ground that we should build.....and should have from the beginning.
  15. JM15 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Update on Stamford Merger   
    I posted this on another site , but it fits just as well here.
    Just want to take a moment during this holiday season to pass along the following thoughts............
    To all:
    Although we disagree, sometimes fiercely, and each of us harbors our own views and defends them staunchly, during this Holiday season let us all take a moment to stop and reflect on just how lucky we are to be able to serve in good health and with the true spririt of the service in our hearts. I may not agree with any of you but I do respect your commitment to the Fire Service and to those you serve faithfully. No matter how opposite your views may be from mine, I just want to take the opportunity here to thank each of you for your insight and opinions expressed on these many pages.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your families in and out of the firehouse.....
  16. JM15 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Update on Stamford Merger   
    I posted this on another site , but it fits just as well here.
    Just want to take a moment during this holiday season to pass along the following thoughts............
    To all:
    Although we disagree, sometimes fiercely, and each of us harbors our own views and defends them staunchly, during this Holiday season let us all take a moment to stop and reflect on just how lucky we are to be able to serve in good health and with the true spririt of the service in our hearts. I may not agree with any of you but I do respect your commitment to the Fire Service and to those you serve faithfully. No matter how opposite your views may be from mine, I just want to take the opportunity here to thank each of you for your insight and opinions expressed on these many pages.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your families in and out of the firehouse.....
  17. msg88 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in 2nd Annual Ron Jankowski Memorial Seminar - Dec 4th   
    You'll get your money's worth with Capt. Morris no ifs, ands or buts, plus what looks like a decent meal to boot. I hope alot of you are planning to attend, you won't regret it.
    Peter Cogliano
    Dyncorp/LOGCAP IV
    Camp Leatherneck
  18. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Combination Fire Departments- Chain of Command   
    Hey all
    Greetings from sunny Camp Leatherneck Afghanistan where I'm about 2 months in on a one year FF contract.
    Now to the topic at hand.
    I share many of the views that have been expressed here at least in part. Without fail ANY officer should have to meet a minimum series of requirements to serve in any given position whether they are appointed or elected. My dept requires that you pass an in house test to become eligible to run for office (yes we elect our officers). While this may not seem enough it is better than some other options that I have seen.
    For me personally I'm a fan of the follwing three step process for officers (regardless of status) be they from a combo dept or not.
    1.time served
    I do believe that for volunteers electing officers is an acceptable method so long as the criteria above are met. That being said I am without reservation opposed to differing standards within a dept for career and volunteer personnel at any rank. Also I cannot fathom career only and volunteer only officers as this in effect creates two departments in one and only adds to divisiveness and friction. As much as some may take exception to the following, but based on my experiences I think that the officer ranks within a combo department should be filled by volunteer personnel...but again only after the minimums above are met. (If any career people here are offended by my views you are fully within your rights to feel that way, but remember my views are based on my experiences).
    Now I fully realize that in many cases career personnel do recieve more training in terms of hours than volunteers, but it is also not that uncommon to find volunteers who have as much if not more experience with actual calls than their career counterparts. As I've said many times (much to chagrin of some) a paycheck does not in and of itself guarantee anything other than a career FF recieves a paycheck. I have been involved with a couple of VFDs that run and work more than many smaller or even mid sized (200+) all career depts. What is of most importance is that the people put into officers positions are qualified to be there regardless of status, but alas this is not always the case on either side of the fire service coin.
    It is a monumental task to try to change the "norm" of any department, but as with most anything worthwile the time and effort expended will be well worth it if in the end we produce the highest quality officers our department's are capable of producing because by doing so we all benefit.
    Peter Cogliano
    Dyncorp/LOGCAP IV
    Camp Leatherneck
  19. 64FFMJK liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Professionally staffed.......   
    Professionalism has far more to do with attitude than it does with paychecks.
  20. 64FFMJK liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Professionally staffed.......   
    Professionalism has far more to do with attitude than it does with paychecks.
  21. jd783 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Listen up Obama   
    You are of course entitled to your opinion, as are we all. I have to say though that on the above point I disagree strongly. A hard line resolute determined stance is exactly what is needed now. If history has taught us anything it is that appeasement doesn't work. Our advesaries are not bound by our moral or constitutional constraints. They will not be bought off either. The more we give the more they will seek to take. Only through strength and a willingness to use that strength can we assure peace and the future security of this nation. Freedom is not now nor has it ever been free. Believing that radical fundamentalist Islamic terrorists, or maniacal tyrants such as Ahmadenijad or Kim il Sung will yeild to talk without the force to back it up is a dangerous fantasy that will cost far more in blood down the road than that which may be spilled now.
  22. ckroll liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Listen up Obama   
    Has anyone read this letter yet? Well I for one couldn't agree more with what this REAL American has to say to our President.
    Make sure to follow the link in the article linked below and read the whole letter
  23. ckroll liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Listen up Obama   
    Has anyone read this letter yet? Well I for one couldn't agree more with what this REAL American has to say to our President.
    Make sure to follow the link in the article linked below and read the whole letter
  24. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Open Cab Apparatus   
    Belltown FD in Stamford operates 2 "canopy cabs" as described by Izzy as frontline rigs, both Mack CFs
    E-42 1986 1000gpm pumper (no doors in the jumpseats)
    TL-45 1972 Aerialscope served as FDNY Truck 157, bought by us in 1983 and refurbed. Refurbed again in 1996. (Now has jumpseat half doors as of the '96 refurb)
    We also operate E-433. 1949 Mack 1000 gpm pumper as a muster rig with a semi-open (per Izzy) cab.
    Glenbrook has their Maxim "S" model
    Springdale owns and uses as a parade piece a fully restored 1920's era Buffalo open cab
    LRFCo owns a late 40's-early 50's era semi-open cab Seagrave pumper
    SFRD maintains a 1950ish Mack semi open cab as well used by 786 at events/fundraisers
    All are still in working order to the best of my knowledge
  25. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Christmas   
    Just wanted to say to all:
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
    Enjoy the holiday and Stay Safe