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  1. firedude liked a post in a topic by bigrig77 in Hess Truck 2011   
    Another year, another crappy Hess truck. Man i remember when these things were cool. They were real collectors items. now it just something you would pick up at the dollar store. Plus anyone remember when they were actually gas trucks?
  2. firedude liked a post in a topic by bigrig77 in Hess Truck 2011   
    Another year, another crappy Hess truck. Man i remember when these things were cool. They were real collectors items. now it just something you would pick up at the dollar store. Plus anyone remember when they were actually gas trucks?
  3. firedude liked a post in a topic by bigrig77 in Hess Truck 2011   
    Another year, another crappy Hess truck. Man i remember when these things were cool. They were real collectors items. now it just something you would pick up at the dollar store. Plus anyone remember when they were actually gas trucks?
  4. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"   
    I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.
    Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).
  5. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic in Full Length UC Davis pepper spray video   
    Their own Chief came out immediately and defended their actions by department protocol. Liberals just need to shut up and realize that not everything gets to go their way. I guess they would have liked them to be manhandled instead.
  6. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by bad box in FDNY Engine 158 backs up NYPD   
    Nice job by the Firefighters at 158 Engine ... I hope the Police Officers who were attacked are okay ... It remains to be seen what the locals will do to retaliate against the F.D.N.Y ...
  7. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Cool thing my son found to stop pursuits dead-lol   
    Simply not true, because we all remember..............."If the glove does not fit you must acquit"

  8. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by Group42 in It Seems Like Most Of The Problems in Westchester.......   
    The root of all the problems in Westchester can be completely eliminated with the removal of one single thing, county-wide.
  9. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    I didn't know Mike Purdy, everything everyone says about him was that he was all aces. But, why did he get a fire department funeral? I asked this same question when the "acting" Chief of Cold Spring PD died from a motor vehicle accident was given a full PD Honor funeral.
    Acts like this dilute it when guys really get killed in a gun fight (Trooper Dave Brinkerhoff) or in a basement (lt Neuner).
  10. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Great copy and paste, but a ridiculous point when you say "call the following people". I'm getting really tired of you throwing peoples' names around. Have some respect that you claim to major in apparently. You've made your point about the Mahopac fireman. Obviously some agree, and some don't. DO NOT start throwing around deceased Brothers and Sisters names here. How dare you!
  11. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by Healz in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Thank you all for opinions. While I did not mean to be abrasive, I wanted to make a point here.
    If the average expected life span of an American is 78.3. Then anytime a member under that age dies from (MVA, Drowning, Household accident, Cancer, Heart, Food poisoning, ETC) then they are entitled to a LODD funeral with full honors and multiple FDs like Mahopac VFD gave.  I would image that budgets and the precious time that volunteers give would soon be strained to the point of breaking. Volunteers complain about the amount of time training takes now, add another 5-6 hours a month for funeral detail. After all they are many more volunteers then paid. (As pointed out in another post)
    During my time I have seen many nice, wonderful, great guys die before their time and did not get a LODD funeral. The FD if involved line up at the wake to pay tribute. Maybe sent an engine for flowers and lined up in front of station as the Hearst and family past. There are many FFs from paid FDs(including FDNY) that are members of Mahopac VFD that I am sure could have advised on them on protocol.
    As for doing this for every member, time will tell. 25 or 60 year members we'll see, I believe time is on my side. As I don't live in the Mahopac fire district and as pointed out the public's opinion doesn't matter in this event.  The taxpayers may want to vote, with their opinions, in the future at the voting booth. Oh that is if the public ever can vote at the secret public fire district elections that take place during the month of December instead of during regular November elections. (but this is another matter)
    Since this was not a LODD, I would hope that no taxpayer money was used for this funeral. If that is the case that full reimbursement from the Company for all District expenses is instituted.
  12. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in New Rochelle puts lives at risk in firefighter cuts   
    So is Ladder 12 staffed or not? I should just call Rende, but its late and his wife gets pissed when I call after the babies are asleep. How can they close the one haz mat decon part of the response matrix? Shouldn't Westchester be footing part of the bill for them from all the DHS money they get?
  13. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by 16fire5 in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    I have been told that by more than one firefighter who as a kid was unfortunate enough to take that limo ride. I remind my self that when my slight discomfort from standing at attention or the weather pales in comparison to the discomfort felt by those riding in the limo.
  14. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    I must be missing something. What is the difference between a line of duty funeral and a funeral for another member? I've been to both and most often they try to make the non-LODD just like the LODD. Sorry, but I gotta agree that it is different and shouldn't be treated the same.
    Sure show respect. Sure honor the member's memory. But don't tell me that you do it the same way as someone killed in the line of duty.
    This guy's job was with the highway department, right? How come he wasn't carried on a DPW truck? I'm not trying to tarnish his memory or bash the FD but what makes this guy's hobby more important than his career?
    Line of duty deaths warrant the full show of honors and tribute.
  15. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by rayrider in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    I agree. Drove by and witnessed it first hand. Millwood and somers ladders used to drape flag across rt 6. Turnouts and helmet positioned on chair in front of fhouse along with casket on back of engine. Police details driving around on gators. Been to several lodd unfortunately. Only thing missing was missing man formation and the amount of ffs in class A's. Not trying to disrespect but you have to draw the line. When u make the ultimate sacrifice you deserve the ultimate ceremony. Thoughts and prayers to all of the families and friends!
  16. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by Healz in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    So when I worked in the HOUSE. I could date one of my coworkers Wives while I myself am still married. Get killed by that FF and get a LODD funeral. YEA RIGHT!!!
    I witnessed this spectacle, Mahopac has forever cheapened the LODD funeral.
  17. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by ny10570 in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Luckily Mahopac probably doesn't have a different procedure for Line of Duty vs Active Duty. They haven't had enough members pass where that distinction has to be made. How about who gives a rats a** how they did it so long as his friends and even more importantly his family were given some infinitesimal level of comfort. If the family wanted clowns and jugglers and the dept could provide it, then what more could anyone ask? This kind of s*** stirring goes right along with the people who question weather all LODD deaths are equal. It serves no benefit and only distracts from a department's attempt to honor the service of a member.
  18. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Keep in mind that there is a difference between "fire department honors" and a LODD Service.
    There is NOTHING that compares to a LODD funeral and wake...NOTHING.
  19. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Keep your guards up guys...   
    Sometimes we can forget just how fast things can turn to all of our fields..
    Stay on your toes and expect the unexpected...the holidays are coming and we need to go home to what matters..
    Just stay safe please, my Class A is just fine hanging in the closet.
    (fyi - I didnt add the "Everyone Goes Home" tag line to the topic, I dont know who did...I don't buy into that concept...I understand that is not realistic and don't want to sensationaize the phrase. Soemtimes we can not control that, but we can take care of us and our own. )
  20. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by firecapt32 in What Does The Future Hold For The Westchester Fire Service?   
    I see it a little differently--although your right about egos and things that might get in the way and I do agree with most of that.
    I see many progresive firefighters coming through the ranks--firefighters with training--certified training. Not that there is any thing wrong with in house stuff. You have to think globely and not all the time localy.
    There are many Departments that are taking aggresive steps to mandate training for their firefighters.From FIREFIGHTER ONE--SURVIVIAL--FAST-- OSHA--BBP -- HAZ MAT-- OFFICER TRAINING. you get the idea. The world is changing and we have to change with it or be left behind. That holds true for the fire service. The axium "lead--follow--or get out of the way" means as much today as it ever did.
    How many times have we stated the We "are held to a higher standard" We have to keep that in the back of our minds as we move foward to protect the citizens of out community.
    We have to blend the traditions of the past with a vision to the future. We also have to be honest with the community--we have to take a hard look at manpower/response times/training with one thing in mind--TO PROTECT THE CITIZENS OF OUR COMMUNITY IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE
    The best fire apparatus--the best equipment-the best intentions are no subsitute for training-dediciation and committment to the Department--to the community--to the fire servive.
    just my thoughts
  21. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in What Does The Future Hold For The Westchester Fire Service?   
    The jobs are going to get squeezed. Stress levels, already high to begin with, are going to go up. There will be more frustration on the part of the regular foot soldiers out there doing the jobs, and finger pointing at the bosses, and boards of commission who apparently cannot keep up with the times, and the changes in operation that are required. This tax cap law is going to give many districts and departments an easy out to lay people off; instead of focusing their energies toward the efforts of consolidation that are required.
    I must say in hindsight, the arguments and discussions that have been taking place on this board for a number of years appear to have been ahead of the times. We've kicked it all around, dissected where the jobs need to be looking, but the decision makers apparently haven't been reading enough of this material. Now they'll be scrambling to play catch-up in the few years ahead, but the damage is already occurring; witness the six layoffs at NRFD. I read a piece about Eastchester, they're letting go 3 of the 4 civilian employees of the PD, and a number of laborers from the highway department.
    I really hate to even think this but, we're going to see more of this in the near future.
  22. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by firepunk in What Does The Future Hold For The Westchester Fire Service?   
    It's sad to say that change will not come. There are to many egos in the way. You have department heads and officials who do not and will not fight for the men or the job. That saying do more with less will rule for a long time. I feel for the firefighters who are losing their jobs.
    The irony of it all is that gov cuomo created the tax cap to keep people in their homes but the back lash is that people now cannot stay in their jobs. So they lose their jobs then they lose their house. Now that people cannot pay the mortgage the taxes do not get paid on the property which equals more lost tax dollars for the city or town. Way to go cuomo
  23. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in What Does The Future Hold For The Westchester Fire Service?   
    Good question. If we don't start dealing with our issues they're going to get dealt with for us, by the very same people who are closing ladder companies in New Rochelle and laying off firefighters all over the place.
    Now is the right time to start improving things for the entire fire service in Westchester. 150 years of tradition, 1 step forward today, 1 step forward tomorrow.
  24. x129K liked a post in a topic by bigrig77 in Fire chief's daughter struck Pelham Manor cop with her car   
    I have been watching this thread and reading and couldn't agree more. Now I know this was an accident and it's not like she was driving drunk or texting or doing something stupid. She simply had an accident. Plain and simple. He was in the street, she couldn't see him, there was a collision end of story. They did not need to release who her father is. He was not driving the car and was not in the car with he. It is most likely a political thing. Her not being brought up on charges however is a different story. I am sure she will be charged but not for some grand thing. Maybe the "Move over" law will be applied, maybe some other minor charge but that's about it. If you or I did it, Front page news, pics of me in handcuffs, perp walks, the whole nine. I feel bad for her and know she does not need this. Hopefully Officer Tillistrand recovers quickly with no long term damage.
  25. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic in Fire chief's daughter struck Pelham Manor cop with her car   
    Why do they report who struck the Officer? Is it really neccessary to do this, knowing she's probably dealing with enough already?!
    Focus should be on the officer and his recovery.
    I almost feel like this thread should be deleted... it has no benefit to anyone involved.
    Because a cop is fighting for his life after being struck by a car driven by her.
    I think who she is explains why no charges have been filed. If she was just some moron I think she would have locked up or summonsed on the spot
    Why should the thread be deleted because you disagree with it?
    What charges do you want to see filed against her???
    If this was a fireman struck at a fire scene would you be asking the same question?
    Hows about charging her under the new "Move Over Law" passed to prevent just such an incident as this.
    The move over law requires motorists on multi-lane highways to slow down and "move over" (when safe to do so) giving safe clearance to approaching stopped emergency vehicles with red flashing lights. If you do not slow down and change lanes when approaching such vehicle, you can be issued a moving violation which carries 3 points and up to a $150 fine. On single lane roads, motorists must slow down and use caution.
    More than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America's highways, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. To lower that deadly toll, almost every state has enacted a "move over" law.