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Posts posted by FFEMT150

  1. Hello again brothers and sisters. As many of you know my 'little buddy' Christopher was diagnosed with "Leg Calf Perthies" about 7 months ago. Tomorrow he goes in for his last surgery to have his hardware removed. Christopher has been a long time fan of what we all do day in and day out. He is also SCARED!!!!! Cristopher and his parents have been close friends of myself and my fiance for many years and wishes for nothing more than to be a "normal" kid with the ambition of one day being a firefighter. After my origional post of the photos from a birthday party for Christopher held at HFD in dutchess, the outpouring of support from the members here was overwhelming. I thank you all again for your support for my best little friend and ask that you keep him in your prayers as he embarks on the final leg of his long journey. If I may ask, can you all post some well wishes and words of encouragement here so that his mother can read them to him both befor his surgery and on his road to recovery. Lets show this little guy what it means to be in the emergency service community!

    Thank you all in advance. God bless and stay safe!

    efdcapt115, x4093k and voltage1256 like this

  2. Here comes the Monday morning quarterbacks. Was the scene secured and deemed safe for EMS to operate? If so when and how long after the first call? Could answer a lot about the "delays" in EMS response.

    Joe, From what we can hear on the audio tapes from an earlier thread, there was cahos for quite awhile. I would say it is safe to assume the scene was NOT secure and deemed safe for EMS to enter. I agree with you that it is just a bunch of monday morning quaterbacking.

    PEMO3 and peterose313 like this

  3. Nice looking rig and nice shots. One cant help but wonder... If they had gone with a side mounted pump panel would that have given them the shorter wheelbase to turn down those three roads you said they cant fit down? Not making a dig at them just wondering. Again, nice shots.

  4. As many of you may know April is "Autism awareness month". Tonight also starts the "Light it up blue" month for autism awareness. This month carries a special meaning for MoFire390 and myself. Our younger cousin was diagnosed with autism at an early age. She is now 10 years old and wishes for nothing more than good times and to keep other children form becoming autistic. If you would like to show your support follow these simple steps:

    Step 1) buy a blue light bulb

    Step 2) Put light bulb in porch light or lamp visable from the front of the house

    Step 3) Turn it on

    Blue light bulbs can be found at most party supply stores and Walmarts.

    For more information on light it up blue go to: www.lightitupblue.com

    For more information on autism go to: www.autismspeaks.com

    Thanks in advance for your support. As always, Stay safe!


    INIT915, PEMO3 and voltage1256 like this

  5. One thing that has always bothered me about these situations is that NO ONE in the media or even in the public seems to think about the officers involved. Do they think that it is easy to pull the trigger on another person? What is that officer thinking right now? Events like this stay with you for the rest of your life. How many times will the officer ask himself if he did the right thing?

    My thoughts and prayers go out to these officers during this rough time.

  6. A lot of Cops I know HATED the sightlines and cabin of the Dodge Charger. I wonder if anything in the redesigned 2012 model addresses that.

    I don't know if the police package has been released yet, maybe someone could fill us in.



    Seth. The issues with the sightlines have been addressed. They have been greatly improved. Most of the LEO's that come in to my dealership love the new chargers.

  7. Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

    I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

    Do you know she was sitting in her chair in the office? was she maybe trying to answer multiple calls at once? Have you ever worked in a dispatch center that handles the volume that TMC does? It's not an easy job. Maybe you should try and understand before you criticize. I'm actually glad I don't have to work with you. Seems like you have a short fuse.

    Maybe next time you can try this... Pull over and make the call. That way you 1- are not distracted by the phone call, 2- have the ability to look around you and recognize landmarks, and 3- don't put others at risk while ranting and driving.

  8. Hello and Happy New Year everyone. Just wanted to pop by and let you guys know that Christopher has come home from Boston Childrens Hospital. He is having his ups and downs but all round is doing very well. He wants to thank you all for your prayers and kind words.

    I would like to thatnk you all for the overwhelming amount of patches and shirts that you have sent for him! I will post pictures of his collection once it is mounted and hanging on his wall.

    Thank you all again.

    Pat Wisker

    JBE, x635 and Task Force 7 like this