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Posts posted by newsbuff

  1. No but the family of the person who is cardiac arrest might. And given that survival rates for cardiac arrest are not great (getting better). Looking and acting like a professional regardless of compensation goes along way in the overall delivery of care to both the patient and family

    Exactly the point that I was trying to make, and some missed it.

    Would you let yourself be served at a restaurant by someone that dressed like a homeless bum? No, there is a reason for clean and professional looking uniforms.

    velcroMedic1987 and 99subi like this

  2. You have to operate professionally to be considered professional. I hardly consider all the sloppy EMT's and paramedics I see professional and it doesn't matter whether they collect a paycheck or not.

    I do enjoy seeing EMT's show up to calls in sport's jerseys, grease-stained pants, or reeking of whatever they were drinking the night before, and looking like hell...


    And you should also consider "volunteer" agencies who employ personnel - Eastchester VAC, Ossining VAC, Peekskill VAC (or are they under contract with a commercial now), Larchmont/Mamaroneck VAC, Scarsdale VAC, etc.....

    Peekskill contract's Empress.

  3. "Emergencies" that come out of contract locations, such as NH's, clinic's, Doctors's Offices, etc. They can range from abnormal lab results, to Chest Pains and possible MI's.

    I've picked up my fair share of true emergencies out of rehab clinics, substance abuse shelter's, and places of that nature.

    IFT's and general hospital discharges back to residence's homes are also in there.(If a bedbound person went in on a stretcher, they need a stretchter to go home too...)

    The other big thing we do are Dialysis transports...Hundred's per day. and the patient has to go every 2 days, so that keeps crews busy.

    I work for one of those companies that we "barely have time to eat", and yes, it's miserable at times.

  4. I know the DPF's were clogging and in many cases causing the valves to melt. Diesels are not meant to idle, main reason why Columbia Pres has all Gas rigs. You can high idle a diesel, but a diesel under no load for long periods of time causes many problems.

    The DPF issue is caused by wet exhaust from incomplete combustion of the fuel. The High idle mostly solves that problem, but still, running a truck 24 hours a day will kill it.

  5. I know they started to take delivery, and then it seemed like they stopped. Was there some type of problems with them, or was the design found to be deficient in some area. I have only seen a few on the street of NY.

    You may not be looking hard enough ;)

    They are everywhere, with most stations having at least a few. Yes, they are not as dominant as the F-450's, but they are around. I have heard issues with the air-suspension not re-inflating, and other minor issues.

  6. The State Firemen's and Fire Marshal's Association of Texas is the first major fire service organization I am aware of to come out in favor of a ban on mandatory training. Yes. The largest fire service group in Texas (I'll confide to you that this is a volunteer firefighters' group, at least unofficially). They are pushing SB 766, the so-called Volunteer Firefighters Protection Bill. It would explicitly bar any state agency from requiring training of volunteer firefighters. In the SFFMA's words, "it has become increasingly difficult to recruit people to volunteer to protect their communities and those who do should not have to ask Austin bureaucrats for permission first!" Well then.

    Now I understand that this is a commentary article, and the SFFMA is not officially a volunteer lobby group like FASNY, but if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck....

    I think this right here is the stem of so many career-volunteer battles that it is unfortunate. From the bill:

    Sec. 180.008. LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION NOT REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER. A political subdivision may not require a volunteer firefighter to obtain a license or certification in order to be a volunteer firefighter.

    Now anyone with a pulse, and NO formal training can just BE a firefighter? Seems a little asinine.