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Posts posted by newsbuff

  1. Ok maybe this should not be open to everyone but the idea has some merit if done a little differently. What if they had the probes from career academies spend their last week in the academy doing tours in various ‘busy’ houses. This way upon graduation they have some experience their first day on the job.

    That's different. If they are a week from career academy graduation, then they have recieved the training necessary to at least integrate into the crew, be called a probie, and be taken under the wing of the senior men. These guys are being paid as they go through the academy, and are covered under some sort of insurance under their employer, the fire dept. they are employed with.

    These guys are just yahoo's looking for some dumb fun.

  2. Yes, please launch a media attack on the volunteer service. (sarcasm) You, sir, are a known enemy of us volunteers. Don't make like we haven't heard of your exploits trying to get volunteers shut out of the service. Deal with your own problems before you attack us. Got a problem with the way things are done? Volunteer and help us out. I'm not saying we are perfect, but I'll be damned if you think you can spread your volunteer hating rhetoric without opposition.

    Have a nice day :-)

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that your the kind of person that hears about the YFD and the union getting totally blasted by the media, and laughs and says, "Serves them right!" The media has every right to know that there is a PROBLEM with the FIRE SERVICE in Westchester, both CAREER and VOLUNTEER. To completely out someone because they are bringing light to a problem, that has been majorly overlooked, because nobody wants to ADMIT that there is an issue, is asinine. You can think whatever you want of certain people, but anyone could have written was JFLYNN wrote, and I bet dollars to doughnuts that you would bash them too.

    The first step to solving a problem is.........

    16fire5 and SageVigiles like this

  3. The Governor should declare a state of emergency in Newburgh, send in the National Guard to assist the PD & FD and use his power to remove the Mayor and Council Members and replace them with competent individuals.

    Hahaha, if Cuomo actually paid any attention to the state he is in charge of, and didn't just worry about what others think of him....

    JetPhoto and SSweet88MonteSS like this

  4. So, wait for the gangs to have a total brawl, and have the "kids" in town get killed. Then, let the parents b**** and complain about, "Oh lordy when is the violence gonna end, my son was such a good kid! Where were the police?"

    Simple answer, afraid of the gangs because there aren't enough of us. Does the chief have enough balls to say that?

    (I don't know anything about the NPD administration, so if he is a good guy, my apologies)

    SageVigiles likes this

  5. Hate to sound this way, but if i were a NPD officer on the night tour, i'd find a nice quiet place to "relax." Wouldnt go out of my way to do anything pro-active.

    Some residents held what was suppose to be a peaceful gathering that turned into an all out riot with several LEOs being injured. Absolute savages that have NO respect for anyone, let alone LE personnel. Some of the attendees even attacked the Firemen that came to douse an ILLEGAL bon fire.

    God bless the members of the Newburgh PD and FD!

    Halllligan's a man's best friend

    BFD1054 likes this