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Posts posted by newsbuff

  1. I have advice.......Just pay the ticket, it's one of the cheapest tickets. It's probably like a 25-50 dollar ticket plus whatever the court fee is.

    You should do your research first before offering advice. This is a moving violation, which means points. Points make insurance go up. And no ticket in NYC is $25...ever. The court fee might be $25.

    From the internet, "This is a "Failure to obey a traffic control device" worth 2 points in NYS and is usually fined around Min $100 to Max $260. There might be an additional surcharge depending on the location."

  2. hey i didn't write it but its their. EMTs can do it I just wonder if any will get "trained" to do it. I personally like doing vent jobs its more control for a critical patient typically when the patient is on a vent long term and used to a specific vent its a little more of a pain sometimes to match exactly. Well the real question is what are the transfer protocols going to look like. there is no mention of using a vent for inter facility transport or being allowed to.

    I'm not going after you! Sorry if it came out that way.

    Jybehofd likes this

  3. yes but deep suctioning is never mention in the protocols unless I over looked it. and majority of the BLS units have PSO2 now with rainbow probs to they can get the CO leves.

    Having worked numerous vent jobs, deep suction is almost a necessity. And most, if not all commercial transport agencies do not have SpO2 for BLS, because it's not an 800 requirement. Guess they are going to have to spend some money. IMHO, Vent stuff is specialty care, and should not be pushed off on EMT's and medics.

  4. He is their boss, he is ultimately responsible for the work they get PAID to do. They have a JOB to do, and that comes before volunteering at an organization. I can't tell my private employer that I want to be paid to go fight fires. That would be considered walking out of your JOB.

    I mean hell, if people are going to go on calls while on the clock for the town, why not just PAY them to BE FIREFIGHTERS, not water/highway/parks workers.

  5. A few battalions of what? Marines?

    Having participated in a few airport disaster drills over the years, I can tell you that the response to the airport is way inadequate. Not nearly enough resources and if it were the real thing they would never be able to manage it effectively.

    Again, reinforcing my point that everyone wants to fight fires, but nobody ever wants to put in the effort to train.

  6. Umm. Never...

    The very first thing I do when walking into the facility, with my partner is go to the Nurses Station, get the paperwork, and have them page the nurse. After seeing the discharge paperwork(if everything looks straightforward and there are no ISO precautions, etc.), the person driving that day goes and makes pt contact, and the tech starts the paperwork while waiting for the nurse. Seeing the paperwork before seeing the nurse allows you to get a report from the nurse, AND ask questions if there is anything you don't understand.

    If your answer is "we all do it jobs are backing up ", remember:

    -If the transport goes bad, it's your fault

    -If the paperwork is messed up, it's your fault

    -If you did something you weren't supposed to do(pt movement, etc.), it's your fault

    Patient care first, then let dispatch yell at you for being too slow.

    And I work for a company that we do 6-7 jobs a tour, and they expect us to be in and out of a facility in 20 minutes from on-scene to en-route. We make it work.

    Bnechis and velcroMedic1987 like this