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  1. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by BFD1054 in Croton Incident - 11-19-10 Kudos To Westchester County PD Aviation   
    I just read the IA for the Croton incident regarding the subject stuck in the mud.
    I just wanted to say awesome job to WCPD Aviation for an outstanding job! That is a large area and would be very tricky for any sort of rescue or other emergency. AIR-2's assistance undoubtedly played a large role in the positive outcome of this situation. Just another great example of why WCPD Aviation is such an outstanding resource for the County. Job well done lads!
    Also, kudos to all the responders on the ground; FD, EMS and PD. Great heads-up thinking by the IC to call in Air-2 and in such a timely manner. From the IA, Air-2 was in the area within 10 minutes of being requested.
  2. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by shadow12083 in Mount Marion (Ulster) - 2nd Alarm Structure Fire-11/17/10   
    Date: 11/17/10
    Time: ~23:15ish
    Location: Mount Marion, 385 Churchland Ct
    Frequency: UC Dispatch
    Units Operating:Mount Marion, Cedar Grove, Ruby, Glasco, Ulster Hose, Ulster County C&O
    Weather Conditions: dark, cool
    Description Of Incident: Dispatched to a large building fire
    Reporters/Writer: shadow12083
    23:15 Mount Marion respond to a large building fire, Cedar Grove Fast Team to scene, Ruby 1 tanker to scene
    23:18 Mount Marion 2nd alarm with possible entrapment, Glasco 29-11 to scene, Ulster Hose 61-10 Standby in quarters.
    23:24 61-10 to scene
    Update 12:30PM 11/18/2010
    Daily Freeman News Story
    Update 10:18PM 11/18/2010
    YNN News
  3. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by 16fire5 in Chimney fires   
    If you don't have a truck having one on the box is a good idea. It seems an increasing number of chimney fire become structure fires these days. Probably because chimneys get older and the mortar and other materials deteriorate over time. So sending a full first alarm assignment is warranted.
    I would cover these bases.
    Inside Team: Gain entry, put down a tarp in front of the fireplace, remove the contents of the fire box, report condition to command, use the TIC to check the run of the chimney for indications of extension.
    Roof Team: Get up to the roof have a roof ladder or two if your not operating off an aerial or tower. Remove the cap. Drop ziplock bags with full of ABC powder into the chimney to extinguish the fire. Thin non freezer bags are thin and melt quickly to extinguish the fire. Many places have chains to clear blockages. I would use them if necessary to get the fire out but be careful the last thing you want to do is cause damage that will allow the fire to extend. Also remember it's not your job to clean the chimney for the resident just put the fire out.
    Additional Staff: Standby to stretch a hoseline, search the upper floors with the TIC for extension, RIT.
    I will say that I have seen it done multiple ways and the way I described it above is what I personally found to be the most effective, professional, and safe. There are multiple methods and most work but the above way is least likely to damage the chimney and possibly cause extension.
    Some other methods.
    Misting nozzle: Idea is to steam out the fire with a small amount of water and not crack the flue. While this works I don't see the benifit over the ziplock bags. Add this to the manuvering you have to do on the roof to get it down the chimney its more difficult and increases the chance of falling off the roof. Also unless your connections are perfect water will leak onto the roof and potentially freeze causing additional hazards.
    Application of a can or dry chem up the chimney: Can may crack the chimney. ABC undoubtedly will push back a little and make a mess. Both usually work because the natural flow of air carries the agent up the chimney.
    Chimney Flares: Only have seen this method used once and it was not that effective. Others may have better experience.
    Hope that answers your questions. If you have more ask. I'll get on after the Jet Game.
  4. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by ryang in Staten Island - 3rd Alarm/Brush - 10/23/10   
    Date: 10/23/10
    Time: 11:30 hours
    Location: in the woods behind Costco in SI Mall
    Frequency: FDNY Staten Island
    Weather Conditions: clear
    Description Of Incident: large area of brush
    Reporters/Writer: ryang
    Additional Info:
    Staten Island Mall, Staten Island, NY, 10/23/10
    Location: Forest Hill Rd and Richmond Ave
    11:34 hours
    Phone Box 2993 - Report of a brush fire behind Costco
    Engs. 167, 154
    E164 w/ BFU164 Polaris
    BFU4, BFU1
    TL87, TL85
    Battalion 23
    10-75-2993 - 11:42 hours
    L82 (FAST Truck)
    Battalion 22
    Division 8
    Rescue 5
    11:43 hours
    TL87: Have E154 meet up with us on Richmond Ave, we're going to set up the tower ladder on Richmond Ave, have them supply us, we're going to go into operation with the tower ladder.
    7-5-2993 - 11:50 hours - Duration 16 minutes
    Battalion 23: Box 2993 we're using All-Hands for a large area of brush. We have 1 line stretched, setting up a tower ladder.
    E284 w/ Satellite 3

    11:54 hours
    E284/Satellite 3 are OOS. E159/Satellite 5 released from drill, responding.
    2-2-2993 - 11:57 hours
    Engs. 168, 166, 165, 163
    L84, TL86
    Battalion 21 (Resource Unit Leader)
    Battalion 42 (Safety Officer)
    FieldCom 1
    12:01 hours
    Engs. 165, 163 and 159/Satellite delayed responding from drill
    12:04 hours
    Rescue 5 is 10-8
    3-3-2993 - 12:08 hours
    Engs. 158, 151, 156, 152
    L83, L80
    Battalion 48
    Battalion 32 (Staging Manager)
    Safety, Rescue Battalions
    Command Tactical Unit
    12:08 hours
    The staging area is Independence Ave and Richmond Ave
    12:10 hours
    E159 is delayed due to drill
    12:13 hours
    E207 w/ Satellite 6 S/C
    12:13 hours
    Due to the distance Battalion 32 has to cover to respond, E158 will be the Staging Manager until Battalion 32 arrives.
    12:13 hours
    Tactical Support 2 available assigned
    12:22 hours
    Car 17 is responding
    12:29 hours - Duration 57 minutes
    Division 8: Progress report is: we have water on the fire, we are setting up the brush fire manifold, extinguishing both pockets of fire. Fire is darkening down, extinguishing is still in progress, fire is Doubtful.
    12:35 hours
    Car 4H (DAC Robery Maynes, Deputy Assistant Chief of Operations - Planning & Strategy) is responding
    12:48 hours
    DC8: you can return E207 and Satellite 6
    12:53 hours
    FieldCom: Progress report for 3rd Alarm Box 2993, Forest Hill Rd and Richmond Ave, for large area of brush, Division 8 reports: All visible fire has been knocked down, still extinguishing pockets of fire at this time
    Engines: 276/153, 247/157, 241/162, 153/167, 243/162, 281/163
    Ladders: 169/80, 148/83, 81/84, 79/85, 114/87
    Battalions: 38/22, 40/23
  5. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by rayrider in Looking Into A Law Enforcement Career-New To The Forum   
    Suffolk county PD is accepting applications for upcoming test. 100.00 fee though! The more tests you take the better off you will be. Practice makes perfect. I used to travel all over to take test state to state. Might take you years to get on. Time will pass and then hopefully all of a sudden you will be have numerous depts calling you at once and then the ball will be in your court.
  6. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Rescue97 in Carroll vs Mount Vernon   
    Vulcans = Trouble. If u pass a test weather ur white black blue red green purple u should get the position. To pull the "Race Card" all the time is BS and thats the only thing the Vulcans are good for.
  7. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by abaduck in EMTBravo To Shut Down Permanently This Saturday   
    Seth, what does this site need, technically, to be workable? In terms of bandwidth, server resources etc.?
    I have a 25/25 business FIOS connection, and any number of server boxes available. If it's technically feasible I'll host the site, or part of it, for free.
    Mike (15 years an IT pro before getting into firefighting!)
  8. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by mjszpindor in EMTBravo To Shut Down Permanently This Saturday   
    Can't imagine the work that goes into running the site. Been a long time viewer, and have always enjoyed the content. The news, the photos, and the forum are always great. I would like to see you take a quick survey regarding a subscription fee. There are many good sites out there, and many charge a small fee. I would be more than willing to pay an annual subscription fee of $10 or $20, and I'm sure many would do the same.
    It's a shame that a few jackasses have ruined the site and turned so many people off. You could always remove certain sections of the forum, or remove those posting offensive posts permanently from the forum/website. I have spent the last 23 years of my life in both the volunteer & career fire service. I've worked & volunteered in some of the smallest & largest fire departments in the country in a number of different states. I have found over the years that most of the people writing stupid posts, complaining about paid guys vs. vollies, pointing out idiotic "safety" concerns, etc. have no life and have no experience with which to back up their claims. I have been involved in teaching on the local, state, and national level since 1994. There are many great instructors from both paid & volunteer departments, who have a lot of training & experience to share with those willing to learn. I have met guys from all of the country that travel great distances, often on their own dime (just like I've done all these years) to learn new things from the best instructors & the best classes. It's people like that for which I thought this site was dedicated.
    Brother, reconsider shutting down the site. Charge a small subscription fee. Dedicate the site to photos, training, learning, and sharing the brotherhood that makes the fire service great. Thanks.
  9. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by JBE in Facebook Sucks & other stuff   
    Like I said in the other thread, check the egos at the door. I'm taking this from my end of the emergency services spectrum. I don't care how many halls you've crawled down, how many babies you've delivered,or traumatic arrests you've worked, how many high profile collars you've made. I don't care how many big ones you've worked on the radio. I don't care if you're paid, or pride is your paycheck. Be it a rockin truck company in Southern Westchester or a Vollie Trolley doing two runs a week. You're no different than me or anyone else.
    We all have a common goal, and that's doing the right thing by our peers, and the people we have a sworn obligation to protect. There's always room to learn, critique, or just show off some pictures from our latest travels. Let's keep that in mind.
    Here's my opinion on Facebook. There are some real despicable groups on there, that are much more worthy of the time and effort placed on the anti-Seth G crowd.(F the Troops, anyone??) Like it or not, the people who own these groups have every right to put forth whatever they want to say. We agree, we disagree, we think that person should be taken behind the woodshed, whatever. I have no problem with Facebook, as it has gotten me back in touch with a lot of friends from my childhood, high school years, and my military years. It also got me in touch with my girlfriend, who was a classmate of mine in elementary school nearly 30 years ago.(Although at first she didn't remember me and I had to point to our 4th grade picture to remind her who I was.)
    In the little more than two years since I joined, I have been able to see and spend time with people who meant, and mean the world to me. Either in person, or online. I've shared in triumph, tragedy, and flat out silliness. It's not a bad thing, nor at times, is it a good thing. It's what you make it. You can use it like any other website out there, to your advantage. I use it, and this site, and a few other sites to my advantage. Just a little nugget of something to ponder.
    Excellent point brought up about how your actions, positive or negative reflect on the department you are a member of. That includes Facebook. I have already seen what complaining about the mess that FDNY Communications has become can do. We had a page which was nothing more than a bitchfest about this that and the other. Things got posted, it got back to downtown, investigations were launched, and people got some stern talking to's and the page disappeared. If any of you have me on your FB Friends list, you know most of my work related posts are just saying I'm off to work, looking for some fun at work(which is in rare supply these days) and, every other Thursday, the famous line from Goodfellas, FU PAY ME!!!! There's a few pictures of me, off duty, and intoxicated, but hey, I'm 36 years old and I am allowed to drink. It all boils down to using common sense. What would you want your family or friends to see?? Secondly, do you want to put something up there that is going to bring discredit upon you, or the Department you serve?? Spin from Elmont makes a great point, people in this job have looooooooong memories. There's crap that I did when I was a probie, and a dispatcher, and a supervisor that has not been forgotten. One Aw poop will wipe out any Atta Boy's you've had.
  10. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Facebook Sucks & other stuff   
    Facebook has many redeeming qualities, people can reconnect with each other after a long absence, or stay in touch with status updates, or organize class reunions, post photos and such. Depends on your preferences.
    Facebook can also get you into serious trouble with your bosses, as a Bourne, MA. Firefighter is finding out:
    This guy is about to be disciplined, maybe even canned over remarks he made online.
    It turns out you can't just post whatever you feel like, and blindly expect the first amendment to protect you. Same goes for joining online hate groups and other seemingly innocuous individual behaviors. What you may think is only a joke, could have unwanted ramifications.
    Depending on your employer's expectations of you, your responsibilities, including character, be it on or off the job, everything you do can reflect either positively or negatively and could have an impact on your work relationship.
    If you post it, it will be read, and it could get you in hot water!
  11. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by spin_the_wheel in Facebook Sucks & other stuff   
    I did a power point training with another member of my Dept. a few weeks back for one of the companies in my Dept. that lost a lot of senior members the past 5 years or so. They do not have that senior leadership to "crack the whip" so to speak and most of the company is younger and do not "get" the fire service as a whole to this point.
    Some of the topics we brought up were if you associate yourself with an organization, like a FD, Paid or Volunteer, all of your actions, right or wrong, reflect back to the organization. From responding to the firehouse with your blue light and driving like an idiot, to wearing FD t-shirts, jackets in public and having your actions embarrass yourself and the FD. ( I once heard it said that firefighters should have a good set of party/drinking clothes...nothing that says FD anywhere on it!)
    We discussed a new topic that we never had to worry about 10 years ago, the ramifications of posting on social networks like face book, and how far is to far. Fair or not all the negative stuff you do comes back to the Department, including posting certain things and being part of certain "groups". I would say most Departments do not have a policy in regards to face book or others of this sort, and it is your right to say what you want, but a line must be drawn at some point when your face book page has a large logo of your Department patch, but you are also posting negative statements about the Dept. or fire service in general. And this does not have to be about your own Dept., it can be comments about your neighboring dept.s. Even harmless jokes or an "inside joke" to a friend from another Dept.may be taken the wrong way by others of that same Dept. Stuff like this travels fast, and it's not just the young guys who are taking part in this social network. I have experienced this first hand, and stress to our new members to be very careful what you post.
    News people are not stupid, if they get word of something negative about your Dept. they may search out a Dept. roster, most websites list all active members, and search individual members who may have a face book page. If you post the "dirty laundry" for all to see, you have just helped towards more negative publicity towards your dept. Not to mention if what you say is not the truth or "stretch the truth a bit", the news people will run with this and write about it.
    It's very hard to enforce the "what goes on in the firehouse, stays in the firehouse" these days. These things could come back to haunt you later in your career as well. firefighters have good memories, a controversy you were part of when you were a rookie and could care less can come back and sabotage you as you try and rise through the ranks one day, both paid and Volunteer. To the young guys out there your proud to show and tell the world who you are and what organization you are part of, but think twice before you hit the "send", "join" or "accept" buttons!
  12. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Facebook Sucks & other stuff   
    Well, I didn't want to sully up the Dutchess thread, but I've been wanting to say FACEBOOK SUCKS for a long time. Reading that thread just gave me a reason to say it here.
    I'm kinda flabbergasted by some of the comments over there. There are quite a few career guys here who make it a point to NOT bash volunteers. I count myself in that group. I've made friends with guys from both sides of the equation through EMTBravo.
    Seth, I think if you want to try and bring members back who may be MIA these days, a good place to start would be to eliminate the "rep scoreboard." I love giving out rep points. I have to say, I have felt very gratified that people respected some things I have had to say or post, and gave me points. But I feel like my position on the "scoreboard" makes people NOT respond to things I post now. KEEP THE REP POINTS. Just do away with the scoreboard. PLEASE. This way we can give a good post a positive boost, and everyone can feel equally respected when that happens.
    I know a few very smart and wise firemen and officers who come on here. One is just starting to bring his knowledge to the board. He worked in some of the busiest fire companies in the world, and also served as a volunteer in every rank from fireman to Commissioner. He doesn't distinguish who he is passing his experience and knowledge on to, career or volunteer it doesn't matter. That's the way most of the guys I know with far more experience and knowledge than I will ever have approach the volunteer/career issue. And I have always chosen the same path, just don't tread on us, and we won't on you. It's just a mutual respect thing that's all.
    And some volunteers shouldn't be so sensitive when a guy like Chief Flynn starts asking questions. Right away they take it as bashing. It is about trying to see improvement in delivery of service to the people we serve/d. Career guys fight to improve the fire service. Some guys are more "in your face" style than others. But those guys can teach you a lot if you can let your guard down.
    In closing I'd like to say once more how much I think Facebook sucks.
  13. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Facebook Sucks & other stuff   
    Agreed. But what is truly achieved when it is aired out on a public forum? We all know we have room to improve, but when we specifically call out certain agencies or certain incidents we go against what the original intent of this forum was! When Seth started this forum we could talk tactics and ways to improve things without hating on one agency or a call. Now it's a free for all where everytime a photo is posted, it gets criticized. When an Incident Alert is posted, times are questioned.
    If you really want to question something, ask those involved. Airing it out for all to see is a HUGE MISTAKE! People are going to get in trouble, the press is going to print things that are hurtful and non-constructive, and the public is going to think we're all a bunch of cry babies!
    Bring back the old where we would praise in public, and insult/question eachother in private!
    It's bad enough that morons go on Facebook, Twitter, etc. airing out departmental issues, insulting other departments, etc. We're all suppost to be BROTHERS - grow up and speak to those you have an issue with, don't air out your dirty laundry for everyone to see! I'm tired of seeing guys getting their rocks off by seeing others look bad.
    I was one of the original members here, I check it more than once a day and try to always be positive. But over the past couple of months I find myself losing interest. Let's put aside the BS and actually offer constructive criticism without the finger-pointing.
    Life is stressful enough, we don't need another avenue of disappointment.
  14. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by SFRD372 in Stamford Engine 1 After Being Struck On I-95   
    As the driver of SFRD Engine 1 this morning I just want to say that ALL precautions were taken while we were operating at a fully involved vehicle fire. The vehicle that was on fire was located in the breakdown lane of I-95 southbound. CSP had two patrol cars on scene , both with their emergency lights operating, both blocking the breakdown lane. As we approached the scene I positioned the engine approximately 75' short of the fire and at an angle that took control of the center and right lanes of I-95. CSP had also put out road flares to warn southbound vehicles of the hazard. Second due SFRD Engine 6 arrived shortly thereafter and also blocked the right two lanes of I95. During the incident the left lane of I-95 remained open and vehicle traffic was passing the scene at full posted speed limit (55) and at much greater speeds, in my estimation.  After extinguishment Engine 6 was clesared and Engine 1 remained on scene. The crash ocurred as the damaged vehicle from the fire was being loaded on a flatbed wrecker. The impact was immense! The tractor trailer continued down I95 approximately 600 yards after impact. Fortunately all three firefighters and our Officer were unhurt by the impact or flying debris. One of the CSP Troopers was hit by debris and was transported to Stamford Hospital for minor injuries. The tow operator was uninjured. The impact from the tractor trailer lifted the rear of the apparatus 1-2' off the ground and forward approximately 4'. The vehicle's maxi brake was applied as well as the rear tire being  chocked. All members were wearing high reflective safety vests over turn-out gear. The cab and trailer suffered signifigant damage as well. The SOG's developed by the SFRD concerning apparatus placement at vehicle fires DEFINATELY prevented injury to SFRD personel. <br>
  15. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by ryang in Queens - 3rd Alarm/HazMat - 10/1/10   
    Date: 10/1/10
    Time: 23:59 hours
    Location: 57 ave x 49 st
    Frequency: FDNY Queens
    Weather Conditions: overcast
    Description Of Incident: fire in a concrete plant
    Reporters/Writer: ryang
    Additional Info:
    Maspeth, Queens, NY, 10/1/10
    Address: 57-02 49 st @ 57 Ave
    23:59 hours
    Phone Box 7027 - Report of fire in a warehouse
    Engs. 259, 291, 206
    L128, L140
    Battalion 45
    Squad 288 available assigned
    10-75-7027 - 00:06 hours
    TL163 (FAST Truck)
    Battalion 28
    Division 14
    Rescue 4

    CIDS for 46-05 56 Rd:
    UPS Warehouse 2 story 1134x588 class 3. Rubber membrane roof over concrete. Fully sprinklered. Wall hydrants. Offices on 2nd floor. 24 hours guard.
    7-5-7027 - 00:10 hours
    Battalion 45: All-Hands, special call a tower ladder and HazMat, we have multiple cylinders burning, we have outside structures burning, we have no extension to the actual building.
    TL124, HazMat 1, HazMat Battalion, Squad 270 (HazTec) S/C
    00:12 hours
    BC45: Have the 4th due engine hook up to the hydrant at 48 st and 56 RD, have them put their stang into operation, they will supply the tower ladder when it arrives.
    00:13 hours
    BC45: 288's going to be used as an engine company, please assign another Squad!
    Squad 270 will be going in as a Squad
    Squad 252 (HazTec) S/C
    2-2-7027 - 00:15 hours
    Engs. 292, 287, 271, 237
    E324 w/ Satellite 4
    Battalion 46 (Resource Unit Leader)
    Battalion 37 (Safety Officer)
    Safety, Rescue Battalions
    Tactical Support 1
    FieldCom 1
    Car 10 (DAC Kevin Butler, Bronx Borough Commander)
    00:17 hours
    Assign another Tower Ladder, we're putting 163 to work, that Tower Ladder will be the FAST truck.
    TL146 (FAST Truck) S/C
    00:20 hours - Duration 21 minutes
    BC45: 2nd Alarm Box 7025, We have 2 lines stretched and operating, 1 stang in operation, 2 tower ladders being set up and a 3rd line being stretched. It appears to be a combination of about 3 structures, an automobile, a bunch of fuel tanks, and a bunch of other equipment.
    00:22 hours
    BC45: These structures are combined, they're standing next to each other in between these tanks. At this time the main building does not appear to be involved, it's about 50 feet back of the fire but it's creeping up on it.
    00:25 hours
    BC45: Command Post will be located by TL163, just inside the yard.
    10-86-7027 - 00:27 hours
    BC45: Transmit a 10-86 for a foam operation, and see if you can contact someone from the facility, get someone down here.
    E260 w/ Foam 260, E294 w/ Foam 294
    E228 w/ Purple-K 228, E229 w/ Purple-K 229
    E207 w/ Satellite 6
    E238 w/ Foam Tender Unit
    Battalions 4, 14 (Foam Coordinator)
    00:31 hours
    Division 14 requests the administrative company for the address. Administrative company is E259.
    00:36 hours
    The staging area is 56rd and 50 st
    00:44 hours
    BC45: Send me the full 2nd Alarm rundown to my MDT. Also the Command Post has been move to 57 Ave and 48 st.
    3-3-7027 - 00:47 hours
    FieldCom to Queens, URGENT! 3rd Alarm!
    Engs. 277, 218, 216, 221
    Battalion 31
    Battalion 35 (Staging Manager)
    Battalion 33 (Air-Recon Chief)
    Mask Service Unit
    01:05 hours
    LIRR reports they will attempt to shut down train traffic.
    01:10 hours - Duration 1 hour 11 minutes
    FieldCom: At your 3rd Alarm Box 7027, 56 Rd and 48 st, we have a corrected address: 57-02 49 st. Car 10 reports: We have 2 satellites in operation, we have 2 tower ladders in operation. We've had 2 minor explosions at the scene. They are setting up a foam operation. Handlines have been shut down right now, fire is Doubtful.
    01:14 hours
    As of 01:11 hours. LIRR confirms train traffic has been blocked.
    01:17 hours
    Air-Recon is airborned with a 5 minute ETA.
    01:19 hours
    FC: By orders of Car 10, special call a 3rd Satellite to the Box. Have him respond to the 49 st and 57 ave side of the incident, have him try to find a water source at that site, and have 2 Battalion Chiefs special called to the Command Post.
    E9 w/ Satellite 1, Battalions 50 acting 46, 52 S/C
    01:20 hours
    Car 14C (Fire Marshal) is responding
    01:33 hours - Duration 1 hour 34 minutes
    FC: Progress Report for your 3rd Alarm Box 7027, at the address 57-02 49 st, Car 10 reports: making good progress with handlines using foam. A foam operation is still being set up using the Satellites. the Foam Tender. and the tower ladders. Still Doubtful.
    02:02 hours - Duration 2 hours 2 minutes
    FC: Progress Report for your 3rd Alarm Box 7027, at the address 57-02 49 st, fire in a cement plant. Car 10, Chief Butler reports: all visible fire has been knocked down. Extinguishing residual pockets of fire. We have 1 tower ladder set up standing by for foam operation. 1 tower ladder and 1 handline in operation at this time. Fire is Probably Will Hold Also be advised the 3rd alarm companies that were at staging are being released. They will go 10-8 when they're in their respective response areas.
    02:08 hours
    E324 requests the Shops to respond to 49 st and 56 Rd for a mechanical issue with Satellite 4.
    02:12 hours
    FC: Have the Buildings Dept respond to the 3rd Alarm, 1 silo was involved in the fire and they want to check the stability.
    02:32 hours
    Buildings Dept. reports a 1 hour ETA.
    02:35 hours - Duration 2 hours 36 minutes
    FC: Final Progress Report for your 3rd Alarm Box 7027, at the address 57-02 49 st, Car 10 reports the fire is now Under Control.
  16. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by cman473 in Plattekill (Ulster)- 2nd Alarm 09-26-10   
    Date: Sept 26th, 2010
    Time: 10:59 am
    Location: 42 Rivera Trail
    Units Operating: Plattekill, Modena, Cronomer Valley, Orange Lake, Coldenham, Clinotondale, Mobile Life, UCATF, Central Hudson
    Weather Conditions: Overcast
    Description Of Incident: Reported Working Fire, Initial Report of Smoke and Flame Showing
    Reporters/Writer: Cman473
    10:59 am, Co # 47 and Cronomer Valley w/ Truck 301 Dispatched for Reported Structure Fire 42 Rivera Trail
    11:02 Car 1 and 3 On scene Reporting Smoke Showing
    11:03 Command reports fire on 2nd floor, heavy smoke smoke, transmit 2nd Alarms.
    On 2nd Alarm;

    Modena w/ 1 Tanker and Manpower
    Coldenham w/ FAST Team
    Orange Lake w/ 1 Rescue to Stand By at Station #1
    Clintondale w/ 1 Engine to Stand By at Station #1
    Central Hudson for a Power Cut
    UC ATF Investigation
    Town of Plattekill Building and Code Enforcement to the Scene

    11:03 Engine 1, 2 and 645 Responding
    11:04 Engine 3, 4, FP 36 and 647 Responding, Car 2 On Scene
    11:10 Command requests ALS to Scene for Tenant w/ Smoke Inhalation
    11:11 Command Reporting Active Fire B/C Side and C Side Bedrooms, Approx 100' x 35' 2 Story Brick and Wood Frame.
    Engine 1; 3 Lines to work, 1-2 1/2" and 2-1 3/4"
    Truck 301 Operating on Roof to Vent
    Engine 2 and 3 Water Supply and Tanker Ops
    Engine 4 for Manpower and Support Equipment
    36 For Traffic
    645 and 647 Rehab and Medical
    Modena 40-20 Tanker ops
    Coldenham FAST
    11:15 Orange Lake Requested to the Scene for Water Supply Operation on Old Unionville Road to Supply Tankers, not to use New Unionville as Water was not sufficient
    11:28 Fire Appears to be out, checking for extension and overhaul; via Car 4 to Operations
    11:41 Final; Fire Knocked down, Overhaul
    12:3o; Mutual aid released, Keep Orange Lake and Clintondale for Stand By
    13:13 In SVC In Quarters
    Final Report of Investigation; Accidental, Started by Space Heater igniting mattress and contents.
    Heavy Smoke Dame to 2nf Floor, Heavy Fire Damage to room of origin. Water Damage to 1st floor. 10 people displaced.
    Good Job By all, Fast knock Down, No Injuries to FF's. Plattekill Alone had 52 members On Scene.
    Car 3
  17. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by RescueKujo in San Diego County (Rancho San Diego), Ca-Bombing-09/23/2010   
    Date: 09/23/2010
    Time: 4:20 p.m. PDT
    Location: 11000 Via Hacienda Rancho San Diego
    Departments: San Miguel Fire Department, AMR, San Diego County Sheriff's Department, FBI, ATF
    Description: A woman was critically injured when a pipe bomb exploded when she turned the ignition key to start her pickup truck. Transported via AMR Medics to the UCSD Burn Center. Investigation led by the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Arson/Bomb Squad, assisted by the FBI and ATF.
    Links: KGTV 10 News Story
    Writer: RescueKujo
  18. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by LEGENDARYDOM83 in Firefighter/Police Officer Exam   
    One of the best way of staying informed of exam announcements is this website. Many P.O and F.F, hopefuls such as yourself post them in this section when they find out about them. There are other websites such as 911hotjobs and usajobs and others that have announcements posted.
    The way some jurisdictions work is they have a blanket test, ie Westchester County offers a county wide P.O. exam, then local municipalities will pull off of that list. Other departments will administer there own test (New Rochelle, White Plains, Yonkers, Mt. Vernon...) so they can have total control over the entire process and collect the exam fees.
    In my opinion the best way to get into it is try volunteering at your local FD, if available, and get into emergency services that way. You'll see that it is not just a hobby for most people it's a lifestyle. Those are the people that can help you the most. I myself have been trying to get on the job for a long time now... what you have to understand about civil service is it all about the waiting game. Unless you have a big time "hook" (you know somebody) the entire process can be lengthy. Best way to ensure a good chance at employment with PD/FD, etc is to get a 100 on any test they offer and stay clean.
    I have had some success with the ARCO books while trying to prepare for a written but recently a found a site that is great. offers tutorials on areas that are specific to that jurisdiction's test. It's not free but affordable.
    I hope this has been a help to you
  19. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Truck4 in San Bruno, CA- Major Explosion/Fire 09-09-10   
    Date: 09-09-10
    Time: 1815hrs (Pacific)/ 2110hrs (Eastern)
    Location: Earl Ave X Sneath Lane/Glenview Drive (point of origin of explosion). Location is near San Bruno Station 51
    Departments: Numerous
    Description: Large explosion of a high pressure gas main and fire in a residential neighborhood with approx. (20-30) private dwellings involved in fire. M/A ARFF units from SFO Airport and strike teams from CalFire, San Francisco City, Almeida County, San Mateo County.
    Writer: Truck4
    2115hrs- Large explosion and fireball reported in Station 51 area.
    2117hrs- Multiple alarms struck, M/A req. from San Mateo County, Daly City, South San Francisco FD's.
    2150hrs- SFO Airport as closed as result of unconfirmed report of aircraft crash.
    2209hrs (East.)- M/A (2) additional Strike Teams. San Mateo Fire reportedly dispatched up to an 11th Alarm. Local media reporting MCI declared at scene and at Mills Peninsula Hospital
    2218hrs- Numerous calls for entrapment at several locations. SFO reports all aircraft accounted for.
    2229hrs- CalFire overhead reporting bulk of fire on Earl, Claremont and Windsor. At least (20) homes involved.
    2230hrs- Rpts that explosion involed a 24-inch gas main.
    2300hrs (East.)- Aviation units/CalFire rpts ATT approx. 25-30 structures involved with 10-20 acres of brush. Air assests making final drops of the night. Will operated as long as safe.
    2307hrs- Unified Command Post at top of San Bruno Ave. Evacuations needed at Fairmont X Concord, 'North Branch' of incident. IC req. (3) Engines to North Branch with drafitng capabilites to meet CalFire tankers and (3) Engines, manpower only, to South Branch.
    2311hrs- B-5 rpts San Bruno and CalFire Strike Teams at end of Earl working hoselines from west to east behind the houses. Area designated Division Zulu, CalFre with Type 3 Strike Teams on South side of Earl.
    2315hrs- Additional San Francisco and (2) Alemeida Strike Teams enroute to San Bruno.
    2325hrs- Alemieda Strike Team in staging awaiting assignments. Reports of looters in Charleston X Trenton.
    2331hrs- Report to IC of a dwelling fire on Earl X Grandview with entrapment.
    2332hrs- EMS branch rpts total of (7) victims transported ATT, no reported fatalities. Morgue set up at EMS South- San Bruno Ave X Skyline Blvd. Also have (1) Life Flight copter on the ground standing-by.
    2333hrs- CalFire req. (10) Additional Water Tenders to staging. Staging Manager rpts (1) Water Tender available in staging, req. to respond to South Branch IC.
    2340hrs- San Fran Staging (El Camino X Sneath) Manager rpts ATT in staging is ALCO (Alemeida County) Strike Team 2001A, 2002A; San Francisco City Hose Tender 22, Fuel Tender.
    2341hrs- Strike Team requested to Concord X Fairmont (North Branch) for (4) fully-involved dwellings, CMD on scene rpts stop can be made at this location. Still waiting for the requested (5) Engines with drafting capabilities.
    2346hrs- Unit on Fairmont X Concord rpts exposure probems on east side of the street, req. Strike Team. IC req. now a total of (10) Engines to North Branch. Staging Manager rpts Strike Team 9140A enroute from Staging. IC req. additional Strike Team to expedite to Staging.
    **Two Staging Areas ATT for incoming units.**
    2350hrs- (1) confirmed fatality on Concord at Fairmont.
    2353hrs- East Branch reporting no exposure problems in area ATT. San Francisco Water Dept. has (2) 4,000 gallon water tenders if needed. Staging reports Alemeida County Strike Teams 2001A and 2002A to North Branch, 1150 Fairmont Drive, just south of Plymouth.
    2356hrs- CalFire Air Recon rpts winds are still pushing fire. Main gas line is darkening down. Numerous secondary gas lines burning in streets. Rpts direct fire supression and exposure protection underway. CalFire rpts (5) Type 3 Strike Teams in operation, (2) additional CalFire Teams req. to Staging.
    0002hrs- Wildland Branch rpts making progress on wildland fire. Operating with CalFire Strike Team 9160C, Strike Team with E-1663, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1768, 1769, 1771, 317.
    0005hrs- IC rpts no water tenders in Staging. Req. at least (2) Water Tenders to Staging.
    0008hrs- Rpts of a 2nd fatality on the street at 1670 Claremont.
    0009hrs- Gas Co. rpts main line was shut down with residual gas in the line.
    0011hrs- (2) Engines and (1) Chief now on location at Fairmont X Concord with a water supply.
    0014hrs- North Branch rpts (1) Type 1 Strike Team on Concord going into quick attacks on homes. (1) Type 3 Strike team on Claremont X Concord working on fire in the ravine. CalFire Type 3 Strike Team 1771 also assigned to North Branch.
    0015hrs- CalFire req. Strike Team 9150C to Wildland Staging.
    0017hrs- All branches advised to assume all power lines are hot, no confirmation of power off ATT.
    0022hrs- Wildland Branch req. (1) Water Tender from Staging to Earl X Glenview.
    0025hrs- North Branch rpts (3) Strike Teams with a water shuttle operating- have fire K/D on northbound Fairmount, now operating on Concord Ave.
    0027hrs- Wildland Branch rpts additional DOA in the street, unknown if already reported. B-18 moving to North Branch. CalFire 9160C is now operating on Fairmount.
    0033hrs- B-17 on Concord Way rpts a number of 'freelance firefighters' at scene that need to be removed.
    0039hrs- Req. Coroner to Concord X Fairmont for DOA.
    0044hrs- South Branch reports no injuries or fatalities to report ATT. CMD rpts (2) active structure fires in South Branch ATT, (1) a total loss. Companies attacking fire in homes along the canyon. No further units needed ATT.
    0051hrs- North Branch rpts additional DOA in front of 1650 Claremont
    0100hrs- Mills Peninsula Hospital rpts (10) patients, San Francisco General Hospital treating (5)-(1) critical, Kaiser Hospital treating (15) patients, Seaton Medical Center treating (3) for a total of (33).
    0109hrs- North Branch rpts fire stopped on northbound on Fairmont, eastbound on Concord. Several spot fires from gas lines still burning in homes that were lost. SFO Crash Truck is available at scene and responding to staging for use when better access is gained.
    0120hrs- Heaviest fire is K/D. Still numerous pockets of fire in all Branches. IC coordinating with the gas company to begin shut off of individual residential gas lines.
    0130hrs- OEM rpts (53) homes destroyed, (120) damaged ATT.
    0700hrs- (67) Companies have been assigned to incident. (30) Companies will be requested for relief on the next phase of operations.
    0900hrs Pacific/1200hrs Eastern
    -San Bruno Fire has corrected OEM's reports: (38) Homes destroyed, (7) Significant damage, (160) with moderate to light damage.
    (4) Dead, (52) Injured
    2200hrs- Now confirmed (7) Dead, (6) Missing. Crews working with cadaver dogs are recovering human remains in burned structures.
  20. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by ryang in Manhattan - 5th Alarm - 9/10/10   
    Date: 9/10/10
    Time: 00:30 hours
    Location: E39 st x 3rd Ave
    Frequency: FDNY Manhattan
    Weather Conditions: cool and windy
    Description Of Incident: fire through the roof on arrival
    Reporters/Writer: ryang
    Additional Info:
    East Midtown, Manhattan, NY, 9/10/10
    Address: 593 3rd Ave @ E39 st
    Also affected: 200 E 39 st @ 3rd Ave
    00:33 hours
    Phone Box 753 - Report of fire from the roof of a restaurant
    Engs 65, 8, 1
    TL7, L24
    Battalion 9

    00:33 hours
    E21, Battalion 8 re-directed in
    10-75-753 - 00:34 hours
    E21: 10-75, we have fire in a 1 story taxpayer, fire showing through the roof!
    L4 (FAST Truck)
    Battalion 9 designated the "10-75 Chief"
    Division 3
    Rescue 1
    Squad 18
    7-5-753 - 00:37 hours
    Battalion 8: We've got fire through the roof, can you send us another truck, k, All-Hands, send us a tower ladder, k.
    TL21 S/C
    00:41 hours - Duration 9 minutes
    Fire Building Height/Size-up:
    Commercial 1 story 100x75 Taxpayer
    Exposures are:
    1 - street
    2 - street
    3 - 3 story MD
    4 - 5 story MD
    2-2-753 - 00:45 hours
    Engs. 26, 14, 54
    E207 w/ Satellite 6
    Battalion 6 re-directed in as the "Safety Officer"
    Battalion 7 (Resource Unit Leader)
    Rescue, Safety Battalion
    Tactical Support 1
    FieldCom 1

    00:48 hours
    Division 3: Command Post is set up on the corner of 3rd Ave and 39th st, have all units report in to the Command Post.
    00:54 hours
    TL12, L3, Battalion 10 S/C
    00:55 hours - Duration 23 minutes
    DC3: Box 753, the address 200 East 39 st, we have a taxpayer, 1 story, dimensions 100x75, fire's located on the 1st floor, possible extension through the roof and into the cockloft. We have 2 lines stretched in operation, 1st line to the 1st floor, 2nd to the roof. Primary searches are in progress. At this time the fire is Doubtful, k.
    01:10 hours
    The staging area is E41 st and 3rd Ave
    3-3-753 - 01:12 hours
    FC: As per the 3rd division, transmit the 3rd Alarm. We have a smoke condition in the basement, main body of fire has been knocked down, checking for extension, checking the integrity of the building. Also can we get an extra Battalion Chief on the 3rd.
    Engs. 34, 3, 263 acting 5, 39
    Battalions 35 acting 6, 1
    Battalion 45 (Staging Manager)
    Mask Service Unit
    Car 1E (Commissioner's Liaison)
    Car 13A (AC Richard Tobin, Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention)
    01:21 hours
    FC: I have a correction on the address: the address is 593 3rd, and that's a 100x25 on the dimensions. That's connected to 200 E39, and that's 50x100.
    01:34 hours - Duration 1 hour 2 minutes
    FC: Progress report on 3rd Alarm Box 753, AC Tobin, Car 13A, reports: he has heavy fire in the cockloft of 200 East 39. He's removed all members from the fire building. They are going to an exterior operation. Moving tower ladders around to put them into operation. Request 2 trucks to respond to the staging area.
    TL9, L11 S/C
    01:37 hours
    FC: Also notify the utilities, gas and electric, to respond, to shut down supply to the building.
    01:39 hours
    Fuel Tender Unit is 10-84
    01:42 hours - Duration 1 hour 10 minutes
    FC: Progress report on 3rd Alarm Box 753, the address 200 East 39 st at 3rd Ave, AC Tobin, Car 13A, reports: All members have been removed from the building and the roof area. Tower Ladders are set up and in operation. Fire is still being caried as Doubtful. Roll call has been conducted and all members are accounted for.
    01:52 hours
    FC: At this time exposure 3 and exposure 4 have been evacuated.
    01:53 hours
    Battalion 39-Air Recon is airborne and has a 5 minute ETA.
    01:55 hours
    ConEd Gas reports on-scene
    ConEd Electric reports an ETA of under 1 hour
    02:22 hours
    FC: Progress report for your 3rd Alarm Box 753, the address 200 East 39 st at 3rd Ave, 1 story 50x100. AC Tobin, Car 13A reports: 2 tower ladders in operation, 1 mult-versatile in operation, 1 hand line in operation. It's an.exterior operation All occupants have been accounted for. This is going to be a long term exterior operation. Still Doubtful.
    02:24 hours
    Receiving the address 235 E 39 st reporting smoke in apartment 3R
    4-4-753 - 02:24 hours
    Engs. 33, 28, 40, 22
    E262 w/ IMT Unit
    Battalion 4 (Planning Sections Chief)
    02:28 hours
    FC: Have 1 engine from the 4th Alarm respond to the southwest corner of 39 st and 2nd Ave to pick up a hydrant at that location
    02:31 hours
    Receiving the address 235 E 40 st reporting smoke in apartment 5B
    02:33 hours
    FC: Please special call 3 trucks to the 4th Alarm, have them respond to the staging area. Also you can turn around E262, the Planning Chief, and the Planning Vehicle.
    T20, T5, L16 S/C
    02:40 hours
    Receiving the address 240 E39 st, apartment 8H, caller reports her apartment is "getting hot."
    02:43 hours
    FC: Units checked out 235 E40, 5B, it was odor of smoke from the 4th alarm.
    02:45 hours
    Car 12 (DAC Stephen Raynis, Chief of Safety and Inspectional Services) is responding

    02:52 hours
    Car 36B (Department Chaplain) is responding

    02:56 hours
    FC: Units checked 235 East 39, 3R, that was an odor from the 4th alarm. They also checked out 240 East 39, 8H, that was also an odor of smoke.
    03:27 hours - Duration 2 hours 55 minutes
    FC: At your 4th Alarm Box 753, the address 200 East 39 st, 2nd to 3rd Aves, Car 13A, AC Tobin reports: This is going to be an extended exterior operation. He's got 3 multi-versatiles in operation, 2 tower ladders in operation, 2 handlines in operation. Still trying to put out pockets of fire within the cockloft area, still Doubtful Will Hold.
    5-5-753 - 04:18 hours
    FC: At 4th Alarm Box 753, Car 13A, AC Tobin, would like to transmit a 5th Alarm for relief purposes, have them respond to the staging area. Also places this fire Probably Will Hold, this will be an extensive exterior operation. On the 5th Alarm can you give us the two trucks please.
    Engs. 23, 44, 40?, 258
    TL13, TL35?

    04:51 hours
    FC: Special call 1 Battalion Chief to the scene, he's going to replace the Safety Battalion. Also special call another RAC unit to the scene to replace the one we have.
    Battalion 32 (Safety Officer), RAC3 S/C
    04:59 hours
    L30 (FAST Truck) S/C
    05:18 hours
    FC: we're going to need PD for security at the addresses 589 and 591 3rd Ave
    05:56 hours
    FC: Progress report for 5th Alarm Box 753, address 200 East 39 st, at 3rd Ave, AC Tobin, Car 13A reports: They are swapping out tower ladders. Still extinguishing pockets of fire. They're operating outside the collapse area. Conditions remain unchanged, this will be a prolonged operation. It will be Probably Will Hold still, and we will need 3 engines, 2 trucks, and 3 Battalion Chiefs for relief purposes.
    Engs. 35, 4 15 S/C
    TL1, TL22 S/C
    Battalions 16, 3, 17 S/C
    06:13 hours
    FC: If you have one of those engines, have it come down 3rd Ave from above 40th st, and they will take the hydrant on 39th st and supply the Tower Ladder.
    06:25 hours
    FC: If you could raise the chiefs coming in on the 5th Alarm, just have them come into the Command Post.
    06:59 hours
    Tactical Support 2 is responding to relieve Tactical Support 1
    07:05 hours - Duration 6 hours 35 minutes
    FC: 5th Alarm Box 753, the address 200 East 39 st, AC Tobin, Car 13A, reports: still operating with 2 tower ladders, 2 handlines, and 2 multi-versatiles. There's a complete collapse of the roof area. Still trying to get to pockets of fire with some difficulty due to the complete roof collapse. Still an exterior operation, conditions remain unchanged, still Probably Will Hold.
    07:20 hours
    E23 reports a verbal for a manhole pushing black smoke at E 41 st and 3rd Ave
    07:50 hours - Duration 7 hours 18 minutes
    FC: Progress report for your 5th Alarm Box 753, the address 200 East 39 st off of 3rd Ave, at this time AC Tobin, Car 13A places this fire Under Control. Also reports this is an extensive hydraulic overhaul, he's going to need the use of an All-Hands assignment. We will look for that assignment for relief at 0900 hours.
    Engines: 239/3, 292/14, 91/16, 47/21, 291/23, 237/26, 224/28, 73/44, 221/65
    Ladders: 8/4, 110/5, 101/3, 31/13, 28/20, 26/24
    Battalions: 57/1, 35/6, 46/7, 12/8
  21. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by ryang in Staten Island - 5th Alarm/Brush - 9/9/10   
    Date: 9/9/10
    Time: 09:45 hours (continuation of operations from previous 6th Alarm)
    Location: Great Kills Park
    Frequency: FDNY Staten Island
    Weather Conditions: overcast, windy
    Description Of Incident: rekindle of brush driven by high winds
    Reporters/Writer: ryang
    Additional Info:
    Great Kills, Staten Island, NY, 9/9/10
    Location: Great Kills Park @ Buffalo St and Hylan Blvd
    Engs. 161, 162, L83, Battalion 21 operating watchline
    09:43 hours
    Battalion 21: At the scene of the 6th Alarm Box 8480, can you special call 2 engines, 2 trucks, and BFU, we have an area of smoldering that's being taken up with the wind. E162 is stretching a line out to attack it.
    Engs. 165, 155 acting 167 S/C
    E164 w/ BFU1
    L82, TL85 S/C
    7-5-8480 - 09:48 hours
    BC21: We have a small area of smoldering going. We'll go with All-Hands. We don't need any special units, we'll operate with what we have on arrival, k.
    10:38 hours
    Battalion 21 requests the Division 8 messenger vehicle to rotate night and day tour members for E161, L83.
    10:43 hours
    Division 8 is responding
    10:53 hours
    DC8: Box 8480 we're continuing to use All-Hands, Division 8 is on-scene.
    11:06 hours
    DC8: By orders of Division 8, special call 2 engine companies due to the wind picking up and starting up pockets. They can drive down into the park and we'll direct them where to go.
    Engs. 160, 163 S/C
    11:18 hours
    DC8: Box 8480, FD's going to be here for an extended operation. We're in contact with Parks, and they're in the process of getting additional resources in to clear the park.
    11:27 hours
    DC8: At the continuing operations at Gateway Park, we will need RAC unit and a FAST Truck, k.
    L84 (FAST Truck)
    RAC 5
    11:34 hours
    Receiving a call for Tarlton St and Cedar Grove Ave reporting fire approaching the sewage treatment plant.
    E201 acting 165 S/C to Tarlton St and Cedar Grove Ave to investigate
    11:35 hours
    DC8: Just be advised we have multiple fires that are springing up as the wind gusts through this area, k.
    2-2-8480 -11:36 hours
    E154 w/ BFU 4
    E152 w/ Satellite 5
    Battalion 42 (All-Hands Chief)
    Battalion 22 (Safety Officer)
    Battalion 43 (Resource Unit Leader)
    Rescue, Safety Battalions
    Rescue 5
    Tactical Support 2
    Squad 252
    FieldCom 1

    11:37 hours
    DC8: Re-direct E201, have him come right into me, I have visible fire in the area heading towards the houses.
    E201 acting 165 re-directed
    11:40 hours
    DC8: Advise those units on the 2nd alarm to come to Hylan Blvd and come down Chesterton, that's the block before Buffalo. I need them to meet me at Grayson and Chesterson. We have some homes that are exposed, k.
    11:42 hours
    E159 available replacing E152

    11:45 hours
    DC8: Have all 2nd Alarm units respond to Chesterton and Grayson.
    11:48 hours
    DC8: Have FieldCom and the Satellite respond to the park off Buffalo.
    11:48 hours
    Receiving a call for Dugdale and Riga Sts
    11:50 hours
    E159 will respond to Hylan Blvd and Buffalo St and set up on the water main to supply companies.
    11:52 hours
    Now receiving the addresses 518 Merkle Pl and 48 Fox Beach Ave
    11:57 hours
    DC8: Special call a tower ladder, have them respond to Chesterton and Grayson.
    TL86 S/C
    11:59 hours
    Marine 8 S/C to respond to Fox Beach
    3-3-8480 - 12:04 hours
    DC8: Transmit a 3rd Alarm, have the companies respond to the sewage treatment plant
    Engs. 152, 168, 156, 153
    TL79, TL76
    Battalion 57
    Batatlion 40 (Staging Manager)
    Battalion 39 (Air-Recon Chief)
    Car 8 (DAC Michael Marrone, Staten Island Borough Commander)

    12:05 hours
    TL149 acting ?? is available in the area replacing TL76
    12:07 hours
    Rescue 5: We're at Riga and Dugdale, we need a couple of engines here right away, it's approaching the houses.
    12:08 hours
    Battalion 40 re-directed to Riga and Dugdale
    Battalion 43 re-directed to the sewage plant.
    12:09 hours
    DC8: All third alarm units, have them come to Riga and Dugdale. Have them turn down to Guyon Ave, head down Riga, then turn right at Dugdale, we need those engines here right away
    12:13 hours
    Receiving a call for Delwitt Ave reporting fire 100 feet from the houses
    12:14 hours
    Fallback Step III has been implemented in Staten Island.
    4-4-8480 - 12:26 hours
    DC8: Transmit a 4th Alarm, and have those units respond to the sewage treatment plant. Have Battalion 39 go in the air.
    Engs. 157, 253, 241, 282
    E262 w/ IMT Unit
    L168, L148
    Battalion 4 (Planning Sections Chief)
    Marine 6
    12:28 hours - Clarification for FieldCom
    2nd Alarm are operating inside the park w/ Division 8
    3rd Alarm companies are operating at Riga St and Delwitt Ave w/ Battalion 40
    4th Alarm companies are responding to the Sewage Treatment Plant
    12:31 hours - Clarification of the Command Post location
    FieldCom: We are with Division 8 at Mill Rd and Delwiit
    12:35 hours
    DC8: I have E153 at Delwit and Mill Rd, and I need the next available, the next closest engine available.
    E241 re-directed
    12:36 hours
    FC: Switch their handy talkies to the command channel.
    12:37 hours
    Battalion 57 is re-directed to the Sewage Treatment Plant
    12:44 hours - Duration 2 hours
    Marine 8: We're just south of the sewage treatment plant, from our viewpoint we've got some smoldering going on, possibly in the vicinity of Great Kills Lane, it's out of our reach. Just a suggestion, if you can get some units down there and set up a tower ladder, the embers are starting to kick up. They had companies there yesterday, maybe special call an extra engine and truck to prevent this large area from going up again.
    12:44 hours
    Bronx frequency is now operating on Citywide to avoid interference.
    12:48 hours - Duration 2 hours 3 minutes
    FC: Progress report for Box 8480, Car 8, DAC Marrone reports: 3 tower ladders set up in operation, 5 deck guns in operation, numerous handlines in operation. All exposed houses are protected. At this time we have 4 sectors operating: Chesterson and Grayson, Riga and Dugdale, Delwitt and Mill, and the sewage treatment plant Mill Rd. Fire is Doubtful. Special call 1 tower ladder to respond to the sewage treatment plant.
    13:04 hours - Duration 2 hours 20 minutes
    FC: Progress report for your 4th Alarm Box 8480, Gateway National Park, In the Great Kills Zon, Car 8, DAC Marrone reports heavy fire conditions in the brush. At this time conditions remain the same. Still operating with 3 tower ladders, 5 deck guns, numerous handlines, all exposed homes are still protected and the fire is sitll Doubtful Will Hold, k.
    13:23 hours - Duration 2 hours 37 minutes
    FC: Progress report for your 4th Alarm Box 8480, Gateway National Park, in the Great Kills Zone, for a large brush fire, at this time Car 8, DAC Marrone reports: continuing to operate with the previous set up of 3 tower ladders, 5 deck guns, numerous handlines, all exposed houses are still protected. In addition to FD units we are operating with 2 Parks Dept brush fire units. Areas of fire have been knocked down, units are maintaining their positions, still have a large fire in the center of the park. Still Doubtful Will Hold.
    14:00 hours - Duration 3 hours 16 minutes
    FC: Progress report for your 4th Alarm Box 8480, Gateway National Park, in the Great Kills Zone, Car 8, DAC Marrone reports: all visible fire has been knocked down. Units continuing to wet down the area, fire Probably Will Hold.
    5-5-8480 - 14:20 hours - Duration 3 hours 30 minutes
    FC: Progress report for your 4th Alarm Box 8480, Gateway National Park, in the Great Kills Zone, Car 8, DAC Marrone places the fire Under Control. With that Under Control he would like to transmit the 5th Alarm for relief. That 5th alarm is to be as follows: 6 engines, 4 tower ladders, and 2 Battalion Chiefs. They are to be assigned as follows: 4 engines, 2 tower ladders, and Battalion Chief to Buffalo into the park. 1 engine, 1 tower ladder, 1 Battalion Chief to Delwitt and Mill. 1 engine, 1 tower ladder to Chesterton and Grayson.
    Engs 281, 228, 202, 205, TL114, TL105, Battalion 23 to the park via Buffalo St entrance
    E158, TL153, Battalion 58 to Delwitt Ave and Mill Rd
    E321, TL131 to Chesterton Ave and Grayson St
  22. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by ryang in Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 8/22/10   
    Date: 8/22/10
    Time: 10:50 hours
    Location: Vermilyea Ave x Academy St
    Frequency: FDNY Manhattan
    Weather Conditions: rain
    Description Of Incident: heavy fire on the 1st floor of a 5 story MD with minor extension to the 2nd floor and multiple 10-45s and rescues
    Reporters/Writer: ryang
    Inwood, Manhattan, NY, 8/22/10
    Address: 53 Vermilyea Ave @ Academy St
    Verbal 10-75-1796 - 10:50 hours
    E95: Transmit a 10-75 for 53 Vermilyea Ave, 1st floor, 6 story occupied multiple dwelling!
    Engs. 95, 93, 81, 43
    L36, TL45
    TL46 (FAST Truck)
    Battalions 13, 19
    Division 7
    Rescue 3
    Squad 41
    10:55 hours
    Report of people trapped on the 2nd and 3rd floor fire escapes.
    2-2-1796 - 10:56 hours
    Engs. 75, 67, 48, 84
    E72 w/ Satellite 2
    L59, TL33
    Battalion 27 (Safety Officer)
    Battalion 16 (Resource Unite Leader)
    Rescue, Safety Battalions
    Tactical Support 1
    FieldCom 1
    10:58 hours
    Battalion 27 is an Acting Battalion Chief. Battalion 27 is now designated the Resource Unit Leader, Battalion 16 is designated the Safety Officer.
    11:00 hours
    Receiving report of people trapped, apartment 2E.
    11:03 hours - Duration 14 minutes
    Division 7: Box 1796, we have water on the fire, trucks are conducting searches, we have numerous people being rescued from the fire escapes. Trucks are opening up, fire is Doubtful.
    11:03 hours
    The Staging area is Academy St and Broadway
    11:11 hours
    DC7: At the 2nd Alarm, primary searches of the fire floor and floor above are negative, fire has been extinguished on the fire floor, minor extension to the floor above, we're still Doubtful.
    11:11 hours - Duration 22 minutes
    DC7: 1 10-45 code 4 (Green Tag, Minor) at this time.
    11:12 hours
    L49, T40 acting 36 S/C
    11:16 hours
    DC7: 1796, at this time we have one 10-45 code 3 (Yellow Tag, Delayed) and we have three 10-45 code 4s.
    11:19 hours - Duration 30 minutes
    Fire Building Height/Size-up:
    Multiple Dwelling 5 story 100x75
    Exposures are:
    1 - street
    2 - 25x50 OMD
    3 - rear yard
    4 - street
    11:20 hours
    DC7: 1796, secondaries complete and negative above the fire floor, still waiting on searches in the fire apartment, Probably Will Hold.
    11:26 hours - Duration 36 minutes
    DC7: 1796, change in the 10-45s, there is now one 10-45 code 3, two 10-45s code 4s; one of the victims walked away. We'll makes this a 10-41 code 1 (Suspicious fire, occupied structure) for heavy volume of fire with no apparent cause, and can you notify ConEd we shut the gas and electric to apartment 1D.
    11:39 hours - Duration 50 minutes
    FieldCom: Progress report 6 on the 2nd alarm 1796, the address 53 Vermilya Ave at Academy St, building is a 6 brick 100x100 multiple dwelling, fire located on the 1 floor. Division 7, DC Warner reports fire Under Control.
    11:41 hours
    DC7: 1796, another change on the 10-45s: we still have one 10-45 code 3, and we now have four 10-45 code 4s.
    11:59 hours
    DC7: Have an additional engine company respond to the scene of the 2nd alarm, ConEd is on scene, they're getting readings from a transformer outside, request an engine company to stand by.
    E48 re-assigned
    12:10 hours
    DC7: 1796, we have an update from EMS on the 10-45s: we have two 10-45 code 3s, one fire related, one not fire related, and we have eight 10-45 code 4s, all non-life threatening.
    Engines: 91/67, 59/95
    Ladders: 40/36, 22/36
    Battalions: 11/13
  23. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in No Such Thing as Routine - Dumpster Fire w/ LODD   
    This incident really concerns me. I cannot recall ever hearing or reading of an incident of this type; an exploding dumpster that killed a firefighter. We've all seen BLEVEs in our time. I also recall one incident where firefighters were cutting open the side of a Silo with a partner saw, hosing down the blade to prevent sparks when the particulate matter inside the silo exploded, blowing the cut section out and killing a firefighter.
    But this incident is unique. Naturally with hindsight it's easy to say the department involved should have been aware of the occupancy; an aluminum sand casting plant, that should have raised red flags with regard to the contents of the dumpster.
    Do you know the industrial sites within your response area; what they manufacture, and what they would be disposing of as a biproduct of their manufacturing? Sure if you have a furniture plant in your district you would be aware of the fire load and chemical hazards within the plant, but how many of us have the awareness to think that the disposal areas outside the plant could be time-bombs just waiting for water to be added to create an explosion hazard?
    In my time, the thing that most concerned me was auto-exposure from a dumpster to the structure itself. I mostly thought if the contents contained something dangerous it would be latex paint cans, or possibly spray paint. We had numerous dumpster fires, and pulled the engine close enough to extinguish the fire with a 100' trash line. But now, after this, I think I wouldn't do it anymore.
    What about a gasoline can in the dumpster, like Bill pointed out? Or a discarded propane tank, that somebody just dropped in the garbage in the dark of night?
    I really think this incident should be given GREAT attention by all fire departments. The NIOSH report should be poured over by everyone. And immediately, ALL dumpster fires should be approached as if they are ALL capable of exploding, and causing death or injury to firefighters.
    How about this; if there is no exposure issue with a burning dumpster, why not just automatically create a hot-zone, and do not attempt to extinguish it? I mean, what are we actually "saving" anyway? A dumpster? Certainly not the contents. IMHO, let it burn out, and stay away.
    This fatal incident should be given high priority and put all departments on notice to NOT continue business as usual. Dumpsters have become EXTREMELY hazardous, and ALL dumpster fires should be treated as haz-mat incidents from now on. For God sake, this thing went off like an IED!
  24. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by GAW6 in Somers takes next step to upgrade EMS for it's residents   
    That was a totally uncalled for statement. There are still many volunteers out there who are extremely dedicated. Unfortunately, due to larger call volumes, those "handfuls" of volunteers who are willing to drop anything and run to a call cannot do it all themselves. Whether you are a volunteer or not, you still have work, family, and personal committments.
    Yes, a true volunteer does it from the heart and does not expect anything in return. You totally missed the point here and just used it as a chance to criticize volunteers.
  25. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by ryang in Brooklyn - 3rd alarm/Fatal - 3/23/10   
    Date: 3/23/10
    Time: 01:22 hours
    Location: 322 56 st between 3rd and 4th Aves
    Frequency: FDNY Brooklyn
    Weather Conditions: rain
    Description Of Incident: fire in a 3 story frame MD extended into the cockloft and exposures
    Reporters/Writer: ryang
    Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NY, 3/23/10
    Address: 322 56 st between 3rd and 4th Aves
    01:23 hours
    Phone Box 2661 - Report of a fire in a MD
    Engs. 201, 241, 228
    TL114, L109
    Battalion 40

    10-75-2661 - 01:25 hours
    Battalion 240: 10-75 2661, row frame, looks like the 1st floor.
    L148 (FAST Truck)
    Battalion 48
    Squad 1
    Rescue 2
    Division 8
    01:26 hours
    BC40: A quick size-up, it's a 3 story frame, and it's a top floor fire. We have 1 line stretched so far. The address is 322 56 st.
    Exposures are:
    1 - street
    2 - similar attached
    3 - yard
    4 - similar attached
    7-5-2661 - 01:30 hours
    BC40: We're using All-Hands, we've got 1 line stretched in operation, we've got fire in the rear, dimensions of the building are 20x60
    E247, TL149 S/C
    2-2-2661 - 01:35 hours - Duration 13 minutes
    BC40: 2661, we've got 2 lines stretched now and 2 in operation, we've got fire in the cockloft possibly going to exposure 2, start a 2nd alarm, k.
    Engs. 242, 240, 279
    E284 w/ Satellite 3
    Battalion 42 (Safety Officer)
    Battalion 32 (Resource Unit Leader)
    Rescue, Safety Battalions
    Tactical Support Unit 2
    FieldCom, Command Tactical Unit
    01:37 hours
    Division 8: Have the additional truck (TL149) respond in off of 4th Ave
    3-3-2661 - 01:39 hours
    Engs. 250, 220, 239, 243
    L122, L168
    Battalion 41
    Battalion 33 (Staging Manager)
    Mask Service Unit
    (Air-Recon Battalion not available due to weather)
    01:41 hours
    Staging area is 56 st and 4th Ave
    01:49 hours
    Car 17 is responding
    01:52 hours
    Car 9 (DAC John Sudnik, Queens Borough Commander) is responding
    01:56 hours - Duration 33 minutes
    DC8: At Box 2661, DC Howe reports: 5 lines stretched, 5 in operation. Fire in the fire building has been knocked down, still have fire in exposures 2 and 4, fire's still Doubtful. Fire is in an occupied 3 story attached.
    02:00 hours
    DC8: Transmit a 10-45 no code, found in the exterior rear of the fire building.
    02:10 hours - Duration 48 minutes
    FieldCom: Progress report on 3rd alarm Box 2661, the address 322 56 st at 3rd Ave, fire in a 3 frame 20x60 MD with extension to exposures 2 and 4, Division 8, DC Howe, reports: primary search throughout the fire building is complete and negative. Secondary search delayed due to the amount of debris. Primary search complete and negative in exposures 2 and 4, secondary search in progress. Previously reported 10-45 no code is a 10-45 code 1 (Black Tag, Deceased) in the rear yard of the fire building. Probably Will Hold.
    02:19 hours
    Rescue 2 is 10-8
    02:20 hours - Duration 57 minutes
    FC: Box 2661, 10-41 code 1, large volume of fire on arrival and no determinable cause.
    02:24 hours
    Rescue Battalion is 10-8 back to Citywide
    02:25 hours - Duration 1 hour 2 minutes
    FC: Progress report on 3rd alarm Box 2661, the address 322 56 st at 3rd Ave, fire in a 3 frame 20x60 MD with extension to the cockloft and exposures 2 and 4, Car 9, DAC Sudnik, reports: secondary search in the fire building will be delayed due to debris. Fire Under Control.
    Engines: 202/201, 309/247, 227/279, 245/282, 10/284
    Ladders: 105/114, 15/122, 156/149
    Battalions: 1/42, 37/48