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  1. Danger liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in CHP Chevrolet InterOp ICV Tahoe Mobile Command   
    Calf. purchased 9 at 2 million each. No wonder the state is broke. Could have spared a few layoffs with 18 million. If communications are that important, pick up a few cans and a lot of string. Could have saved 17,999,991.
  2. Danger liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in CHP Chevrolet InterOp ICV Tahoe Mobile Command   
    Calf. purchased 9 at 2 million each. No wonder the state is broke. Could have spared a few layoffs with 18 million. If communications are that important, pick up a few cans and a lot of string. Could have saved 17,999,991.
  3. Danger liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in CHP Chevrolet InterOp ICV Tahoe Mobile Command   
    Calf. purchased 9 at 2 million each. No wonder the state is broke. Could have spared a few layoffs with 18 million. If communications are that important, pick up a few cans and a lot of string. Could have saved 17,999,991.
  4. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Fight at Playland Injures 4 Park Rangers
    Four park rangers and two concession stand workers were injured at Rye Playland Thursday night, one suffering a broken arm, when they tried to subdue a Bronx man who turned violent, county police said.
    Many years ago, Playland had "specials" to patrol the park. I was one of them, we were uniformed seasonal peace/ police officers that were armed and carried night sticks. Many of us used this experience to transition into full time careers in law enforcement. In reading the postings it appears the that "specials" have been replaced by park rangers. One of the disturbing facts in both incidents at Playland is that rangers were injured and there was no report of the perps being pepper sprayed. I am not implying that there should be retribution but do these rangers carry any devices to protect themselves? Or is thier role to observe and report and hope help shows up in time? if this is the case It seems like it may be time to go back to the "specials".
  5. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    The sad fact is If nothing happens then they will claim that they were picked on only because of their religious dress. The problem is you have two amusement parks. One is a modern park that was constructed to the latest safety standards and may or may not need the restrictions that Playland has in place. Playland was built in the twentys were the only real standards were in the mind of the architect. There has been some modernization over the years but the Dragon Coaster was one of the original rides.
  6. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Fight at Playland Injures 4 Park Rangers
    Four park rangers and two concession stand workers were injured at Rye Playland Thursday night, one suffering a broken arm, when they tried to subdue a Bronx man who turned violent, county police said.
    Many years ago, Playland had "specials" to patrol the park. I was one of them, we were uniformed seasonal peace/ police officers that were armed and carried night sticks. Many of us used this experience to transition into full time careers in law enforcement. In reading the postings it appears the that "specials" have been replaced by park rangers. One of the disturbing facts in both incidents at Playland is that rangers were injured and there was no report of the perps being pepper sprayed. I am not implying that there should be retribution but do these rangers carry any devices to protect themselves? Or is thier role to observe and report and hope help shows up in time? if this is the case It seems like it may be time to go back to the "specials".
  7. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Fight at Playland Injures 4 Park Rangers   
    The County tried having a contractor run the park a while ago. Marriott (I believe was the operator) changed the character of the park by taking away the free admission and putting up fences every ware. I don't recall the particulars but there was a big uproar of the way the park was being run and the County took control back.
    the park runs at a loss and I believe that this factors into the reason for the rangers vrs police patrols.
    And you are correct about the parking lot. The County used to have EVOC classes there. I don't know if they still do.
  8. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in September 11   
    With the approaching 10th year anniversary, I hope we turn our attention to those who perished on that day and also those who have died since. We lost a lot of good people. We should remember them as the focus of the day. A tribute was posted on the web . It became so popular that they had trouble finding a host that could handle it. I found it recently. I'm sure many of us remember this one.
    Please say a prayer for those who were murdered and those who suffer the effects even today.
  9. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by IzzyEng4 in Extrication Tactics - Person pinned under car   
    1 - We decided to temporarily close the topic for a few minutes as the FD vs. PD debate was getting outta hand. From this point forward if that debate is going to take place, this topic will be closed for good and if anyone complains about it, then I'll take action and start handing out detention slips (aka warnings). Or better yet, I'll show up at your front door and discuss it with you. Either way, the BS is gonna stop here (aka anti-cop / anti-fd / anti-any agency sentiment)
    2 - Stay on topic, we saw what happened, like I said in my previous post this could have happened to anyone and I was also quoted on that.
    3 - We can be adults here and discuss training and the events surrounding the incident. Just because some guys is wearing a different uniform than another does not matter.
    4 - No slamming each other, self explanatory. If you need to PM each other with different points of view then fine, don't do it here.
    5 - Strong points of view are okay to be discussed but civilly.
    6 - Current posts will stay up, I'm not going to make any of them invisible. Anything that is out of line, will be removed.
    This is final. I have one good arm right now but the other is fine enough if I got to knock heads here.
  10. xfirefighter484x liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    This incident made the papers in the UK. They tend to put a different slant on the reporting. There are over a hundred responces from both the US and UK. They are worth reading. Two of the responces posted are:
    My Orthodox Jewish friend was there and was told he had to remove his headcovering (yarmulka) if he wanted to go on specific rides. He did not scream anti-semitism - he understood that if he wanted to go on the ride he had to remove it. At that point it was his choice whether to do so or not. This was not an anti-muslim or anti-religious decision. It was made for safety purposes. I also cover my hair - with a scarf and I can understand that a ride might be dangerous if the scarf were to get tangled. People need to grow up and understand that while we might have freedom of religion in this country it doesn't mean that everybody has to cater to your specific whim. While Orthodox Jews don't eat pork - we don't freak out or riot if other people do or if pictures of pigs appear in our sight. Get over it.
    - Calm Down , New York, USA, 31/8/2011 9:58
    You know, Catholic nuns wear these types of scarves for religious reasons, but I have a hard time imagining a group of nuns breaking out into a brawl over having to remove their scarves if they wanted to ride one of these rides. We all know they'd do it peacefully and respectfully, and adapt ... or they'd just choose not to ride the ride. The difference between Islam and all others is that it places itself above the laws of a nation, above ALL nations -- and so it's headed for trouble wherever it settles. Contract that to the Christian religion which encourages its members to respect the laws and render onto Ceasar what is his .
    JD, Fairfax, VA , 31/8/2011 7:43
    Read more:
    With regard to any possible lawsuits, I hope the County stands thier ground. There is legal president on thier side. The Supreme Court has ruled against a Muslim woman that was denied a drivers license because she refused to remove her headgear for a license photo. The Court ruled that Florida's requirement for an uncovered head shot on the drivers license was proper for public safety.
  11. 99subi liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Reporters are getting worse!   
    One only has to look at the LO HUD article about the "incident" at Playland. Enough said
  12. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Well this is truly amazing. According to lohud, over 60 police units had to respond from as far south as Tuckahoe to deal with this unreasonable and unruly crowd. Why? Because their "muslim sensibilities" were insulted? Give me a freakin' break. The rules are posted and for certain rides, there is to be NO WEARING OF ANY TYPE OF HEADGEAR period.
    Why do these people think they are exempt from the rules, the laws? I know what they would like; Sharia Law. Their own version of a justice system implemented in the countries they emigrate to. I think that is a disgusting disgrace, as were the actions of these supposedly "religious" people at the Playland park.
    Look, you people want to assimilate in this country, fine. I guess we have to let some of you in. But if you don't like the system, the rules in place... TOO F'IN BAD, go back to the place you came from.
    The difference between these people and the ancestors of many of us here in this forum is our great-grandparents had a huge desire to assimilate into the American culture. That's why on my mother's side, they came from Italy, moved into the south Bronx and gave up teaching their native language to their children, my mother, and therefore I don't know Italian today as a result. I wish that part were different, but the point being these people were so anxious to "fit in" they even gave up their language. Italian was forbidden to be spoken in the house by my great-grandparents, as a result their great-grandchildren only speak English.
    Now these muslims with their headgear, the hijab, they can't even get on the Dragon Coaster without starting a ruckus? Like Playland OWES them something, like WE owe them anything? They should kiss the ground of freedom they walk upon, shut their damn mouths, follow the rules, or else.
    What a waste of PD resources to have to direct half the cars on patrol up to Playland because these freaking people were "insulted"! Enough! Fit in or GET OUT!|head
  13. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by abaduck in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Just one thing Cap... plenty of Muslims born here these days... Nation of Islam and their ilk? So that don't always apply.
    I have to say, I've never heard about Jews rioting at Playland because they can't get on certain rides with their hats & skullcaps.
    As for immigrants, I'm one of them. I still get my balls busted at times for the Scottish accent. But I'll tell you this, I'm American now. Not Scottish-American or some other damned hyphenated thing. American. I came here for a reason, maybe some others need to remember why they came here. And if I don't like the rules or system I'll do what any American does; b**** about it, and get involved in the political process and try to change it to how I think it should be.
  14. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by LTNRFD in Another reason gear shouldn't be in your sleeping quarters   
    It doesn't have to be an abandon building to pick up hitchhikers !!! Everyone has been to "that type of house" even in the best neighborhoods. That is why I can't understand how you can go on an EMS call wearing shorts. If you choose to wear shorts while on duty, you have to wear your bunker pants on any and all calls.
    When I worked EMS I never had work pants that had cuffed legs. That was an invitation to bring hitchhikers back home with you. I also always wore boots. That added protection to your ankles not only to help prevent a twisted/sprained ankle, but from getting bit from rodents or insects on the floor. And in one incident an escaped snake that bit the owner..........
  15. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Mt Pleasant cop shoots bicyclist while euthanizing raccoon   
    Never use a club, axe or even a pike pole on a suspected sick animal for two reasons. First you don't want to get that close (it may turn may bite you). Second you dont want any suspected rabid or any blood to splatter on you or your partner. Most police don't carry bio hazard suits.
  16. xfirefighter484x liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in New Haven firefighters get $2 million in bias case   
    The sad thing is that the guys who were denied promotion received 2 million and the lawyers got 3 million. Whats wrong with this picture?
  17. Just a guy liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Mt Pleasant cop shoots bicyclist while euthanizing raccoon   
    Actually the headline is misleading, and the rider may have hit a branch or some other object and may have not been struck by an object not related to the shot. For some reason the article failed to mention if the slug was found in the animal, in the dirt or was never located.
  18. helicopper liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Three Seattle police officers suspended over use of 'gutter language'   
    There are several things "disturbing" about this recording:
    1) It is a recording and not a video. We have been told that the guy was just walking down the street. We have no way of knowing any of his actions prior to the officer spotting him.
    2) We also do not have any indication were the officer was other than in close proximity to the subject. Did the officer have cover or was it a naked confrontation? If the officer is caught in the open with no cover, then unless the guy is in uniform, he’s going to the ground.
    3) Regardless if the guy has a permit or not if the officer gives instructions for his safety or that of others, follow his instructions Period!
    4) The subject was recording this incident. He was able to quote rules. It seemed like he was looking for a confrontation.
    5) The officer involved identified himself a sergeant. A sergeant in a City police department is not a kid out of rookie school. His instructions were clear, concise and he maintained control. There was no panic in his voice.
    The subject tried to manipulate the confrontation to seem like he was a victim being picked on by the police. As we cannot see what is going on, it’s hard to know what’s actually occurring. I don’t know the area or the people involved. I don’t know how much the above contributed to the instructions that were given. But the fact is, if a police officer with a gun pointed at you gives you a command, obey it, period, end of story. As you can see by my profile, I am a retired police officer. I worked in a city and was involved in a shooting and several almost shootings. On one occasion, almost shot a detective in my own department who jumped a gun call. I responded to a man with a gun call and was the first uniform on the scene. I saw a guy standing over a man on the side walk with a shotgun in his hand. I instructed him to drop the gun several times and he failed to follow my directions. As he turned toward me with the gun still in his hand, I started to squeeze the trigger and continued to yell for him to drop the gun. At the last second, I saw a portable radio in the other hand and it gave me enough to pause. He then yelled he was a cop. A second later he later he would have been dead and I would have had to live with the fact that killed a good guy. Later, asked him why he did not do as I commanded. He told me that I should have recognized him and known he was a police officer. He had sun glasses on and just gotten his hair cut and I didn’t recognize him. It happened a long time ago and I still have bad memories about it.

  19. helicopper liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Three Seattle police officers suspended over use of 'gutter language'   
    There are several things "disturbing" about this recording:
    1) It is a recording and not a video. We have been told that the guy was just walking down the street. We have no way of knowing any of his actions prior to the officer spotting him.
    2) We also do not have any indication were the officer was other than in close proximity to the subject. Did the officer have cover or was it a naked confrontation? If the officer is caught in the open with no cover, then unless the guy is in uniform, he’s going to the ground.
    3) Regardless if the guy has a permit or not if the officer gives instructions for his safety or that of others, follow his instructions Period!
    4) The subject was recording this incident. He was able to quote rules. It seemed like he was looking for a confrontation.
    5) The officer involved identified himself a sergeant. A sergeant in a City police department is not a kid out of rookie school. His instructions were clear, concise and he maintained control. There was no panic in his voice.
    The subject tried to manipulate the confrontation to seem like he was a victim being picked on by the police. As we cannot see what is going on, it’s hard to know what’s actually occurring. I don’t know the area or the people involved. I don’t know how much the above contributed to the instructions that were given. But the fact is, if a police officer with a gun pointed at you gives you a command, obey it, period, end of story. As you can see by my profile, I am a retired police officer. I worked in a city and was involved in a shooting and several almost shootings. On one occasion, almost shot a detective in my own department who jumped a gun call. I responded to a man with a gun call and was the first uniform on the scene. I saw a guy standing over a man on the side walk with a shotgun in his hand. I instructed him to drop the gun several times and he failed to follow my directions. As he turned toward me with the gun still in his hand, I started to squeeze the trigger and continued to yell for him to drop the gun. At the last second, I saw a portable radio in the other hand and it gave me enough to pause. He then yelled he was a cop. A second later he later he would have been dead and I would have had to live with the fact that killed a good guy. Later, asked him why he did not do as I commanded. He told me that I should have recognized him and known he was a police officer. He had sun glasses on and just gotten his hair cut and I didn’t recognize him. It happened a long time ago and I still have bad memories about it.

  20. firedude liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in How many Secret Service Agents does it take to push the beast?   
    How many Secret Service Agents does it take to push the beast?

    Looks like they missed a slight detail!
  21. helicopper liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in NYS Tax Cap?   
    If the laws were changed to require that all entitlements or madates had to paid for by the body that approves it, You would see programs more in line with other states. State and Federal legislators can approve what ever would get them elected as they don't have to figure out how to pay for it. Its called pandering for votes. In NY the government has the perfect storm for taxes. The state legslators pass a law to help out a group of people. they dont have to fund it so they can campaign on a platform that shows they care about their constituents. The County legislators campaign on the fact that "we had no choice to raise taxes, its those dam unfunded mandates".
    In states without county government the state legislators have no one to mandate. Towns cant raise the kind of money required for social programs so the state has to fund all the programs. No legislator wants to be known as the guy who raises taxes.
    Maybe its time for the Local and County officials stand up to the State and say enough. Your generosity is bankrupting us. You want us to limit our taxing ability yet you keep jamming costs down our throats. Yea right. who am I kidding.
    I do believe the cap is coming, our beloved legislator had better have a plan or it will get mighty interesting.
  22. x635 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Greenburgh rakes in cash from years-old traffic tickets   
    I know this wont help in your wife’s case, but a summons should either be returned in person or sent by UPS, FEDEX or Certified Mail (Use certified mail only if the court uses a PO Box.) .This provides proof that you sent a document and that it was received and the dates for both. mark the summons number in the notes box. You can track the package on line for UPS or FEDEX. The Post Office returns a card in the mail with the date and who received the envelope. If you dont have notification that the envelope was received, you have a place to start and can call the court clerk.
    Good luck on her pending citizenship!

  23. OnTheWheel liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    I don't find this comment funny. You have opened up a can of worms and I expect you to apologize to every police officer. This type of "Humor" is unacceptable. If you have a God complex because you have a set of turnout gear and face smoke and flames then keep it to yourself.
    I have spent 20 years on "the streets" in a city police department. During that time I have been shot at, had to face near riots and been injured several times dealing with violent and drunk people. I have had to search for bombs and people with guns.. Funny, I can't ever recall the room entry I had to make being determined too dangerous and we will just wait for the guy to come out. When was the last time you had to tell people that their friends (or worse their child) had died?

    Still think you are a hero champ, I never did I did my job and waited for the next call.

    It is not my intention to demean the fire service, blow my own horn, or to say one department is braver or better than the other, we all have our jobs to do and we all take risks every time we answer the call, but I am replying to one particular comment. We should take pride in our functions whatever we do and not demean the other services.
  24. OnTheWheel liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    I don't find this comment funny. You have opened up a can of worms and I expect you to apologize to every police officer. This type of "Humor" is unacceptable. If you have a God complex because you have a set of turnout gear and face smoke and flames then keep it to yourself.
    I have spent 20 years on "the streets" in a city police department. During that time I have been shot at, had to face near riots and been injured several times dealing with violent and drunk people. I have had to search for bombs and people with guns.. Funny, I can't ever recall the room entry I had to make being determined too dangerous and we will just wait for the guy to come out. When was the last time you had to tell people that their friends (or worse their child) had died?

    Still think you are a hero champ, I never did I did my job and waited for the next call.

    It is not my intention to demean the fire service, blow my own horn, or to say one department is braver or better than the other, we all have our jobs to do and we all take risks every time we answer the call, but I am replying to one particular comment. We should take pride in our functions whatever we do and not demean the other services.
  25. OnTheWheel liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    I don't find this comment funny. You have opened up a can of worms and I expect you to apologize to every police officer. This type of "Humor" is unacceptable. If you have a God complex because you have a set of turnout gear and face smoke and flames then keep it to yourself.
    I have spent 20 years on "the streets" in a city police department. During that time I have been shot at, had to face near riots and been injured several times dealing with violent and drunk people. I have had to search for bombs and people with guns.. Funny, I can't ever recall the room entry I had to make being determined too dangerous and we will just wait for the guy to come out. When was the last time you had to tell people that their friends (or worse their child) had died?

    Still think you are a hero champ, I never did I did my job and waited for the next call.

    It is not my intention to demean the fire service, blow my own horn, or to say one department is braver or better than the other, we all have our jobs to do and we all take risks every time we answer the call, but I am replying to one particular comment. We should take pride in our functions whatever we do and not demean the other services.